The year 2021 is coming to an end with COVID – 19 infections on the rise again due to the new variant, Omicron that has led to new travel requirements that are likely to restrict movement of people.

Of course, generally people have accepted that the pandemic will be with us for some protracted time thus necessitating pandemic - proof planning and coping mechanisms. It is beyond doubt that the pandemic, like any other obstacles that confront us as people in the quest of pursuing our dreams, must be navigated around as time is moving. That way, one avoids regrets as no time is wasted, and the best possible results are salvaged under the circumstances.

To have a balanced life in 2022 and beyond, one must have plans that ensure efficiency and stability in terms of;


Meaning, self-worth, and satisfaction are by – products of a productive life. Naturally, we have all been created and wired to be productive hence the yearning to see tangible results in our personal lives. Travel and interaction restrictions at times pose a serious threat to productivity depending on one’s vocation.

There are times whereby restrictions may constrain access to markets. One key consideration to sustain productivity is to have digital structures for access to raw materials and markets. This is a factor of a dependable supply chain management arrangement, please note it is not about sophistication but reliability and affordability. To what extent are you collaborating with like – minded individuals and companies in accessing raw materials and distributing products?

Outsourcing distribution platforms is also a good route particularly where you will not have capacity to distribute on your own. There are entities that have built distribution capabilities who can shoulder this burden at affordable rates. It is important to ensure business continuity regardless of the restrictions.

2.??????Knowledge and Skills acquisition

The pandemic generally compelled organizations to review their competitive capabilities in terms of skills with some attracting talent from all over the globe through remote working platforms. This has created wider opportunities for service-oriented vocations that can be rendered online. At individual level, the question to ask is how versatile is your skills set? Beyond the current function you hold, if you lose your job, what other services can you provide competently? For some companies, business models have been or need to be revisited so that business does not collapse.

A pronounced development pushed by the pandemic was more subscription to webinars (Some of which are free) among other skills development platforms that were launched across the globe thus eliminating the previous bottlenecks that were hampering skills acquisition. Many networking platforms were also launched thus improving networking of professionals, students, and entrepreneurs from different parts of the world.

There are people who used to be inaccessible for various reasons who suddenly can now be accessed via various online platforms. Learning from their experiences, current initiatives, and future aspirations in now a lot easier. Who have you always wanted to meet and learn from? What online platforms can you participate in to interact with them? I marvel at the numerous educational programmes that are done via Zoom, Teams, and other platforms, most of which are posted on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and other platforms while participation is free!

You Tube channels have also become very popular learning platforms. In effect the learning platforms have become so numerous that it is not justifiable for any of us not to be learning, especially when you have access to gadgets and internet data! There is no better time to be part of value creating networks and communities. You will find your perspectives being transformed thus improving your execution and contribution efficiency.

Most people with access to data and technology gadgets have improved their networking skills and established new and meaningful relationships. The online interactions allow sharing of knowledge in a cost-effective fashion. Opportunities are also announced on the various online interaction platforms. What skills gaps have you observed you need to address as you look at year 2022? From what platforms do you think you can learn these skills? What investment do you require to put in place? Imagine the serious and transformational learning that is taking place on the various platforms, you cannot be left out! You need to keep identifying how to continuously renew yourself to match the current, emerging, and future opportunities.

3.??????Financial Security

While the pandemic has continually disrupted financial generation capacity and momentum, the obligations that most of us have remained and will remain constant and keep growing. Of course some have adjusted their lifestyles as they seek to live within their means, a commendable stance as individuals, families and organizations remodel their recovery path. Moving forward, it becomes important to revisit revenue streams so one creates multiple income streams. Revenue streams are a function of exploitation of one’s skills by rendering services, identifying gaps that can be serviced, broadening product offering or venturing into new projects.

What gaps do you think you can serve and monetize? For how long can you exploit the identified gaps? What differentiation can you bring to attract value? What relationships do you have that can aid revenue generation?

4.??????Physical and mental health

There have been reports of increased cases of mental health challenges due to pandemic – induced stress. The stress levels were exacerbated by alienation given the interaction restrictions. Many people found and still find themselves lonely and isolated at a very critical time where a support system is a must – have. This being the case, one should have a clear plan on stress coping mechanisms, particularly how they will interact with their significant - others. With whom will you share your troubles? Who are the key support pillars who stand by you regardless of situations? Do you have a budget dedicated to supporting online interaction? Do you have scheduled interaction meetings that you diligently take part in? Do you also have people that you support all the way through? It is important to be a support system for others (Other – mindedness) so you also have a support system. You cannot be remembered when you forget others and neglect interaction.

The pandemic has ignited health consciousness with regular exercising, healthy eating, physical interaction management protocols being continually being taught. This aspect can never be overemphasized. Play your part and have a clear plan on how you are going to safeguard your health.

5.??????Spiritual growth

Human beings are spiritual beings who struggle if this aspect of their life is not tended to. One of the effects of the pandemic was depriving people of congregating opportunities in their spiritual persuasion platforms. This had a contributory effect to mental health cases as some people felt isolated for long periods.

Of course religious outfits introduced online fellowship platforms which helped meet spiritual needs as much as was possible. Have a clear plan on how you will keep the spirit man fed and well kept as his health has a bearing on balance of all the other areas that have been discussed earlier on. Have a set budget to support nourishment and development of the spirit man for your well-being. Do not neglect spiritual wellness!

I urge you to come up with simple and actionable plans to tend to the discussed issues. Remember simplicity is the key to practicality. Best wishes in your 2022 endeavours.

About the Author

?Mufaro Makarudze is a Freelance Human Resources Consultant based in Harare, Zimbabwe.?


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