A group discussion is a discussion on a given topic. It is highly used to select a candidate for a job or by institutions to select the right candidate for higher studies. A survey confirms that the chance of a candidate getting selected in a group discussion is 67%. It is an easy way to select as they get many applications for limited seats. Now, that we know what is group discussion and have understood its importance, let's look into how to crack one.
- Initiating: The first step is to start the group discussion. The candidate who grabs this opportunity gets added points. Try to be the Initatier only if you are confident about the topic. Examples of starting statements can be Like... I would like to start the discussion on the given topic...
- Agree: When we agree on someone's point is called agreeing. Example sentences... I agree with Mr. X and here are my opinions about it...
- Disagree: When we don't agree with someone's point it is called disagreeing. We have to remember it's a discussion, not an argument so we can politely say I disagree. Example sentences... I think differently.../ I don't support Mr. X's points...
- Partially agree: There will be some points that will be discussed and which you will partially agree to it. Here we have to justify or give facts to support our point of view. Example sentences... I agree with you to some extent.../ You are right but these ideas can be added to them...
- Adding points: When we like someone's ideas and would like to add our views to them we can add points. Example sentences... I would like to add to Mr.X's point or Ms.Y's ideas are good and adding on to her views...
- Interrupting: We generally don't interrupt in a discussion, but if the member of the group is getting deviated from the topic then we can politely interrupt. Example sentence... Sorry, to interrupt but...
- Conclusion: Like initiating a person who concludes the discussion gets an added point. To conclude the discussion you should list down everyone's ideas and conclude with your idea. Example sentences... I would like to take the opportunity to conclude this discussion by sharing the points discussed...
- Unknown topic: It's not possible to know all the topics, in case you get a topic you are unsure of then don't panic or be nervous. Every situation can be handled. Now what you have to do is observe everyone's points, listen carefully, and whenever you think you know about someone's idea you can add on there. Or if you are completely unsure then you can rephrase one of the points discussed in your own words, but ensure to speak in the discussion.
These are a few tricks to crack a group discussion.