Cracking The Gender Code For Sales and Marketing
Dear subscriber,
Question: How many cushions will a man place on an average-sized lounge?
Answer: None!
Question: How many cushions will a woman place on an average-size lounge?
Answer: As many as will fit!
This, my friend, is just one silly example of the differences between the sexes. But mark my words, every little quirky difference between the sexes, no matter how trivial, traces back to our biological blueprint, stretching back through the ages.
Look, I'm no evolutionary psychologist, although I do own a tweed blazer, but you don't need a Ph.D. to see this stark difference in how men and women tick.
Now listen:
If I had to boil down the differences between the sexes to?one?major difference, I would say this:
Men Want Respect. Women Want Security.
Comprehend this:
Almost everything a man does is motivated by that primal desire to be "the man." Men wanna be the captain of their own ship, charting their course through life's choppy seas with their crew in tow, admiring and respecting them. It's all about that sense of leadership, that feeling of respect they get from others.
Likewise, almost everything a woman does is motivated by that primal desire to feel safe. Women want to know they've got a sturdy anchor to hold onto when the storms hit. They want that cozy nest (hence the thousand cushions on a lounge), that safe haven where they can let their guard down. By the way, these two primal differences perfectly complement each other.
Now, hopefully, your remaining (and still functioning) brain cells are starting to fire up and work out what to do with this often-ignored fact about the sexes regarding sales and marketing.
It's simple:
If you sell to the fairer sex, you better have that security blanket wrapped tight around your sales and marketing messages.
If you sell to the blokes, make sure this "thirst for respect" is the beating heart of every sales pitch and marketing message you give.
I believe it will do wonders for your sales conversion rate.
But hey, what do I know??
I'm just a guy with a newsletter.
A damn good newsletter, but a newsletter nonetheless.
Your friend,