CQRS Pattern — Architecture Patterns
CQRS Sample Implementation

CQRS Pattern — Architecture Patterns

The Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern is a software architecture pattern that separates the responsibility of commands(write operations) and queries(read operations) into two separate models. It emphasizes the idea that the operations to retrieve data (queries) should be treated differently from the operations that modify data (commands).

By separating the read and write responsibilities, CQRS enables more flexibility and scalability in system design. It allows the read-and-write models to be scaled independently, as they often have different performance characteristics. Let’s understand this with an example!

CQRS Pattern

Let’s assume we’re building an e-commerce application. The e-commerce application has two main types of operations:

  • Commands: These are operations that change the state of the data, such as placing an order or adding a product to a shopping cart.
  • Queries: These are operations that retrieve data from the system, such as displaying a list of products or showing the order history for a customer.

The CQRS pattern can be used to separate these two types of operations into two separate models:

  • The write model: This model stores the current state of the data. It is used to execute commands and to ensure that the data is always consistent.
  • The read model: This model is used to retrieve data from the system. It is optimized for speed and performance, and it may not always be up-to-date with the write model.

In this example, the write model would be stored in a relational database, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. The read model could be stored in a NoSQL database, such as MongoDB or Cassandra. This architecture would allow the e-commerce application to improve its performance and scalability, both from a read & write perspective.

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CQRS Sample Implementation

Advantages of CQRS Pattern

  1. Scalability: CQRS pattern allows you to scale the read and write sides of your application independently. By separating the read and write models, you can optimize each model for its specific use case. This can result in significant performance improvements, especially for applications that require high read or write throughput.
  2. Maintainability: Separating the read and write models makes it easier to understand and maintain the application code. The codebase becomes more organized, and changes can be made without affecting other parts of the application.
  3. Flexibility: With the CQRS pattern, you can implement different models for read and write sides. This allows you to choose the right technology stack for each model, based on its requirements. For example, you may use a NoSQL database for the read side, while using a SQL database for the write side.
  4. Security: Separating the read and write models allows you to control access to sensitive data. For example, you may allow read-only access to certain parts of the application, while only allowing authorized users to modify data.

Disadvantages of CQRS

  1. Complexity: CQRS can add complexity to a system. This is because it requires two separate models for data: a read model and a write model.
  2. Cost: CQRS can also increase the cost of a system. This is because it requires two separate data stores and two separate sets of code.
  3. Eventually Consistent:?Because there are separate read and write models, where the read model might not be up-to-date with the write model, it makes for an eventually consistent system(which might not be suitable for all use cases).

This brings us to the end of this article. By separating the read and write responsibilities, CQRS enables more flexibility and scalability in system design. It allows the read-and-write models to be scaled independently, as they often have different performance characteristics. CQRS can be implemented using various architectural patterns, such as event sourcing, where the state of the system is derived from a sequence of events, or using traditional databases with separate read-and-write models. It is best suited for systems with complex domain logic, high scalability requirements, and a need for efficient read operations. Careful consideration should be given to the trade-offs and implications of using CQRS before implementing it in a project.

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Pratik Pandey What does CDC stand for ? the one on the arrow from Order DB to a Message Bus And, couldn't the Order Service send events to message bus directly instead of the Order DB sending the events. What the difference between the two approaches? Thanks

Pratik Pandey

Senior Software Engineer at Booking.com | AWS Serverless Community Builder | pratikpandey.substack.com

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