CQ Creates impact in multicultural environment
Cultural intelligence (CQ) is a critical part of setting yourself apart in today’s globalized world of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and innovation. It has three components—the cognitive, the physical, and the emotional/motivational. While defining it in Individual level?as:
?"One’s attitude toward diversity, characterized by unique mixtures of similarities and differences, includes thoughts, feelings, and behavior; person’s capacity for successful adaptation to new/unfamiliar settings, attributable to cultural context.?
?And on organizational level as :A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, policies, procedures, and services that enable leaders to embrace employee and customer differences and customized management-practices to various needs.
While it shares many of the properties of emotional intelligence, CQ goes one step further by equipping a person to distinguish behaviors produced by the culture in question from behaviors that are peculiar to particular individuals and those found in all human beings.
The globalization of world business and advancement in technology in the last decades has led to an era when cultural differences have become vitally important to leaders, managers and executives.? The complexities of merging corporate cultures, issues of leadership, planning, decision-making, recruitment and task assignment are all compromised by the nation-traits of the people involved.? Changing business environments have prompted businesses in every sector to create multinational and multicultural teams
Five tips for managing your professional image in a multicultural environment:
1. Understand their Local Customs and professional etiquette. 2. Adapt Your Communication Style with them. 3. Respect Time Zones and Working Hours - Acknowledge regional differences in time and work practices. 4. Be Mindful of Language Nuances - beyond words; tone, phrasing, and silence have cultural significance. 5. Celebrate Cultural Diversity- Recognize and value the diverse perspectives on your team.
One of the greatest benefits of cultural intelligence is that it provides you with a unified strategy and skill set for how to relate and work across cultural differences at home and abroad.
You will not disarm your foreign hosts simply by showing you understand their culture; your actions must prove that you have entered their world.
Thanks. ??????????
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