CPU Driven Leadership and Education
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
In Remembering the Ranger, I offered up on Honor. It inspired me to share almost immediately on Honor and Love.
That said, my study, practice, work and Service is about Character,?Purpose?and?Unity... and exploring their countenance and gait. Recently, I have shared on Patience and Trustworthiness... on Commitment and on Joyfulness and Zeal. I have shared on where the real work begins and ends... on Emotions and Character... and on Idealism. And, I have shared on Assertiveness and Dignity, and on Candor and Decisiveness.... and on finding and claiming your Middle and High Ground.
I have explored these within the last month. It is my study, practice, work and Service. It guides the fun and content driven conversations we have on TUGtv. It guides my focus. As a life long student, I am fascinated with the application of Character to leadership and making decisions and moving forward and having Accountability... in business and teaching and the work of Caring.... and in leaving your mark. The examination of the Congruence of Character, Purpose and Unity soulfully intrigues me in a world that needs it more than ever.
Character, Purpose and Unity stand in the face of the forces of division and ego. They form the bulwark to resist the storm of apathy, estrangement, contention and strife. I say and offer all of this, as that aforementioned intrigue continues and will continue. If the path forward, locally and globally, is a matter of interest and concern for you at home, school, work, business and community, I will continue to be sharing my own work and thoughts around Character, Purpose and Unity in meeting the global goals and building a better world.
I am not political. I personally believe and contend that ideologies constrain us and ideas truly free us. We need purposeful and helpful Creativity going forward. I am all about helping to advance conversation and capacity around Character, Purpose and Unity driven Leadership and Education ... for a better world at school, work, business and community. CPU driven Leadership and Education. It is my chosen practice of Dominion. Lead. Inspire. Educate. Unite. Humans together, strong. Let's go build that better world.
Peace, passion, purpose and prosperity...