CPU Cycles versus Network Bandwidth
As I blandly stare at the screen, waiting for my already-front-end-minimized Outlook/Office/Skype to sync with the cloud, (while running the latest Intel and 16GB RAM,) I suddenly realize that, technically, CPUs, memory and storage have historically evolved much faster than bandwidth. If the trend continues, what is the future of cloud-based apps , other than users starring at graphics-depleted minimal front ends for even longer time-spans? And, having each and every key-stroke "stored" in the cloud for years albeit you right to privacy expires after six months? As in the case of electronic and networked cash-registers, end-users pay for the new technology bill in time and invaded privacy units. In the old days, you slammed your $20 on the counter, got you $5.35 back, and a receipt, in 20 seconds or less. These days you must wait for the electronic cash register to "synch", otherwise you dont get your change. Some entity is glad to log that on such day you've bought condoms from a gas station on Man, albeit you live on Central. Geez Louise, what has this world come up to?