CPC+ ready for Primary Care First?
Kris Gates
Accessible, Affordable, and High-Quality Healthcare | Adapt VBC Strategy for Success
Practices currently participating in the CPC+ model are not eligible to participate in the first performance year (calendar year 2021) of the Primary Care First (PCF) Model. CPC+ practices participating in CPC+ may be eligible to participate in the model in the second cohort, beginning in the second performance year (calendar year 2022) for a five-year performance period.
Primary differences in the payment models from CPC+ to PCF are set forth in CMS diagram below. Total Primary Care Payment (TPCP) is the big jump from CPC+ to PCF.
Unlike Medicare ACOs, CPC+ clinics have not had access to beneficiary-level all encounter claims data. While beneficiary-level data-sharing is contemplated in PCF, it may not be immediate.
Independent Medicare data-sharing sources are available such as Medicare Blue Button 2.0 FHIR and soon DPC bulk FHIR. However, most CPC+ clinics have not taken advantage of such independent data sources.
Join us February 19th to explore the options!
Kris Gates 480.659.8130 [email protected] datapointofcare.com