CPAs: Tax Season is Over, How to Find your Clients the Funding They Need

CPAs: Tax Season is Over, How to Find your Clients the Funding They Need

Now that tax season is over, more businesses are available to shift their focus to the future. Tax season brings on a variety of time-sensitive challenges that make it difficult to pay attention to much other than ensuring that your clients’ taxes get prepared and submitted correctly and on time. 

 Now that the final tax submission deadline has come and passed, it’s time to take a deep breath and sigh of relief. 

So what comes next? Many businesses are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel with regards to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. While we’ve spent the past year and a half unsure of what’s happening, we’re finally starting to see some hope of returning to what we once considered “normal.”

For some businesses, this nearing return to normalcy means taking steps to recover and grow their business. The effects of the pandemic played a toll on businesses in countless industries. As the economy begins to take gradual steps towards recovery, individual businesses are attempting to do the same. 

 As a CPA, you are a trusted financial advisor for many clients. You’re responsible for more than just filing tax returns to the IRS once a year, but obviously, we don’t need to tell you that. 

When it comes to financial decisions and funding, you’re also an excellent partner for your clients. As business owners decide that they need funding for various projects, they may likely turn to you for guidance and advice on how to secure the best funding possible. 

 Whether their various projects include real estate investing, pandemic recovery updates, business growth, and development, or anything else, knowing what resources are available is critical to ensuring you can support your clients’ needs. 

Our team at Innovative Capital Corporation serves as an excellent resource and partner in these situations. We share the same goal of wanting to find our clients the best deal possible to meet their unique current needs. We enjoy developing partnerships with professional CPAs because we know that you get it. 

Nobody knows a client’s financial situation better than their CPA … at least in most cases. We recognize that in the event that an investor or business owner lands themselves in the market for outside funding, their CPA is part of the equation as well. 

 For this reason, we often work hand in hand with our clients’ CPAs to ensure that we are facilitating their funding needs in a way that goes hand in hand with their existing processes. When a new client comes to us, we work with them to collect all necessary information including details of their unique needs. Often this information is collected more easily from a CPA or financial specialist. 

Once we have collected our clients’ information, we assess their needs and the lending capabilities of our partners. Since our founding, we have gradually developed a diverse pool of lending partners that we work with on a daily basis. Doing so has enabled us to recognize when a borrower is a good fit for a lender and vice versa without having to wait for their information to be reviewed for days, weeks, or months. 

While taking the traditional approach of going directly to their commercial bank for financing is still a great resource, our unique process opens the doors for significantly more options often on a significantly shorter timeline. Once we’ve sourced our clients’ deals to our various lending partners, we bring lending options to the table for them to accept or reject. 

We recognize that not every deal that is offered to a borrower will be the right one for them. Finding a great funding solution is about finding the middle ground where both lenders and borrowers benefit. We back this belief by bringing clients multiple deals that we think will suit their needs. We’re so confident in our ability to find our clients a great deal that if they’re not satisfied by what we bring to the table, we don’t get paid. If that’s not proof of the confidence we have in our business model, we’re not sure what is. 

As a CPA we recognize that you likely have an array of clients that may soon, if not currently, have various borrowing needs. Developing a partnership with us makes the lending process even one step easier for you and your clients. 

An established referral partnership eliminates the challenge of deciding where to start straight out of the gate. Financial lending is a time-sensitive process in most cases and doesn’t allow for slow-motion actions. Having an existing partnership with a lending firm like Innovative Capital is the equivalent of removing one more task off of your to-do list. 

 If you have clients that are in need of funding for upcoming projects or to support existing needs, Innovative Capital is here to help. We’re eager to develop new relationships with CPAs to take a load off your shoulders and support your clients’ needs. For more information or to get started today, call or contact us.


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