C&P#61: high CBD edibles for sleep + cannabinoids for Parkinson’s, fibromyalgia & endometriosis
Lex Pelger
'Cannabinoids & the People' newsletter on Substack + canna-edu vids on YT @cannabinoidsandthepeople + the Moby Dick pot books (graphic novels on cannabis)
[as always, for the best formatting see the edition on Substack:
Hello everyone,
Welcome to the 61st edition of Cannabinoids & the People, a weekly newsletter where I collect all the new cannabinoid science. You can check out last week’s issue here & if you haven’t subscribed yet, please do. Paid subscriptions are here. There’s no extra content with a paid subscription, but as I balance contract work, kid time & creating free content for the community, your support allows me to produce more educational content for you.
I also give one-on-one Cannabinoid Education Sessions with advice about using the cannabinoids for your health. Read my free How-To Guides, watch my One-Minute Cannabinoid Science videos or book a session with me here.
As always, here’s the Living Glossary of Cannabinoid Terms & at the bottom is the album of the week.
This a free offering from my company White Whale Creations. I produce educational content for cannabis & psychedelic companies: writing, science archives, social media content, newsletters & podcasts. Here’s my portfolio. Reach out about working together.
This week…
?- amazing amount of new research on cannabinoids for cancer
A request to spread the word
This newsletter only spreads by word of mouth – so please forward to colleagues & tell your friends & relatives.
Sponsor: PlusCBD for healthcare practitioners
For any healthcare practitioners out there who want to use CBD products, you can’t beat the ProCBD line from PlusCBD.
Formulated specifically for healthcare practitioners, these extra-strength products allow you to easily administer higher levels of CBD-rich hemp extracts to your patients. With softgels that contain 100 mg of CBD in each capsule, oils with 25 mg per spray & strong topicals for intense pain, the ProCBD line allows your patients to harness the higher levels of cannabinoids for their health.
Reach out here for free samples.
My work this week:
My 1 Minute Cannabinoid Science series:
My European Cannabis Report for Pro Cannabis Media: Thanks to Germany, Czech Republic casts doubts on their legalization plan & Luxembourg scales back their plan + France bans HHC
My platforms: Linktree
YouTube for educational videos, lectures & shorts on new cannabinoid science
Anandamide; or, the People: my graphic novel series on cannabis, the endocannabinoid system & the War on Drugs based on Moby-Dick
Ways to support this work:
Venmo: @Lex-Pelger
Zelle: [email protected]
PayPal: donate here
Best Of Cannabinoid Science...
Join Dr. Peter Grinspoon’s Substack!
One of the best cannabinoid educationalists out there & from a fine family pedigree. He’s also active & entertaining on LinkedIn.
In people with anxiety who use cannabis, a survey finds that on the days they use cannabis, they reported better sleep quality that night, with the strongest effects among those who use high CBD edibles
Daily associations with cannabis use and sleep quality in anxious cannabis users
In children with fragile X syndrome (a genetic developmental disorder that causes intellectual disability) & children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (the second most common chromosomal disorder after Down syndrome), Zynerba Pharma’s transdermal CBD gel caused a host of clinical improvements
Long-term Safety and Sustained Efficacy of ZYN002 Cannabidiol Transdermal Gel in the Treatment of Behavioral Symptoms in Children and Adolescents with Fragile X Syndrome (ZYN2-CL-017)
An Open-Label Trial Assessing Short- and Long-Term Tolerability and Efficacy of ZYN002 (Cannabidiol) Administered as a Transdermal Gel to Children and Adolescents with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (INSPIRE)
A comparison of cognitive test performance in those who use cannabis flower, cannabis concentrates & non users
Cognitive test performance in chronic cannabis flower users, concentrate users, and non-users
“Significant group differences were detected on tests of verbal free recall and episodic prospective memory, with both the flower users and concentrate users demonstrating significantly worse performance than non-users. Concentrate (but not flower) users performed worse than non-users on a measure of source memory, but contrary to our hypothesis, there were no significant differences between flower and concentrate users on any of the cognitive tests. Results indicate that, under sober conditions, individuals who regularly use concentrates are no more cognitively impacted than those who exclusively use flower. These null findings may reflect the tendency for concentrate users to self-titrate and use significantly lower quantities of concentrates than flower.”
In adults receiving CBD-dominant cannabis oil, females had significantly greater metabolites in their plasma
Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Cannabidiol and Metabolites Following Oral Administration of a Cannabidiol-Dominant Cannabis Oil in Healthy Adults
In middle-aged adults (which now apparently includes me), the long term use of cannabis caused many genes to be methylated (turned off)
Genome-wide DNA methylation association study of recent and cumulative marijuana use in middle aged adults
“Differentially methylated genes were statistically overrepresented in pathways relating to cellular proliferation, hormone signaling, and infections as well as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and substance-related disorders.”
And for all you papas, a review of the epigenetic effects of THC on male reproduction
Cannabis and Paternal Epigenetic Inheritance
For Parkinson's disease, a review of 13 studies says that you're crazy not to be using THC & CBD
Cannabinoids in Treating Parkinson's Disease Symptoms: A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies
And this clinical study found medical cannabis to be safe for Parkinson’s disease patients
Long-term safety of medical cannabis in Parkinson's disease: A retrospective case-control study
Listen, this one is so close to my heart. I lost my grandmother to Parkinson's just as I was realizing how much CBD & low levels of THC could have helped.
If you know of anyone with Parkinson's disease, please please please encourage them to start using cannabinoids. My advice is here:
For fibromyalgia, a review of nine studies find support for using cannabis for pain reduction
Cannabis for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Review
A review of using cannabinoids for endometriosis
Potential of Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Endometriosis
“Our results showed that ESC is closely related to the pathogenesis of endometriosis itself and is responsible for exacerbating pain perception. Indeed, there is a considerable amount of evidence demonstrating that cannabinoids can prevent the evolution of endometriosis by mechanisms that involve reducing lesion expansion, modulating and improving pain, decreasing tissue inflammation, and blocking cell migration and apoptosis. In addition, the use of CBD together with other analgesics makes it possible to reduce the dose of these compounds, which are less tolerated, and the abuse behavior”
An analysis of potential CBD drug-drug interactions
Cannabidiol and pharmacokinetics drug-drug interactions: Pharmacological toolbox
Several tests of CBD found no genetic toxicity
Genotoxicity evaluation of cannabidiol
In a mouse model of autism, CBD & cannabis terpene blends caused prosocial behaviors
Cannabidiol and cannabis-inspired terpene blends have acute prosocial effects in the BTBR mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
In a rat model of Parkinson's disease, exercise on a treadmill increased CB1 levels in the hippocampus & substantia nigra with a suggested beneficial effect on pain
Treadmill exercise modulates nigral and hippocampal cannabinoid receptor type 1 in the 6-OHDA model of Parkinson's disease
In non-human primates, the distribution patterns of the CB1 receptor across their prefrontal cortex
Laminar Distribution of Cannabinoid Receptor 1 in the Prefrontal Cortex of Nonhuman Primates
A cool network map of cannabis genes & their therapeutic relationship network
The Cannabis sativa genetics and therapeutics relationship network: automatically associating cannabis-related genes to therapeutic properties through chemicals from cannabis literature
An evergreen note on reading restricted papers:
First stop for seeing if there’s a free version of a paper, use the Google Scholar Chrome extension (Mac version), Google Scholar itself or try ResearchGate.
Three other helpful browser extensions are: Unpaywall, Open Access Button & PaperPanda
For the infamous backdoor, use Sci-Hub – the pirated papers repository (Chrome extension here). This works better for older paper than the stuff that just came out.
For Twitter users, send a Tweet of the paper’s title with the hashtag #icanhazpdf. It works because people are beautiful(ish).
Finally, email the author. They’re almost always happy to oblige because, thanks to the predatory academic publishing system, they don’t make a dollar off of their papers.
the Headlines & Fav Articles
US health officials aim to finish cannabis scheduling review this year
An NCAA panel recommends removing cannabis from the banned substances list for college athletes
And NFL to fund research on CBD for concussions
United Airlines workers allegedly ‘made $10K a week stealing pot from luggage’
A tear down of the public health effects of Germany’s new cannabis policy
Will Germany’s new cannabis policy reform plans serve public health?
A patient in the UK becomes the first even to have the cost of their cannabis flower to be reimbursed by the National Health Service
Albania approves a draft bill for medical cannabis use
In Europe, cannabis is the most widely consumed drug according to the new EMCDDA report
A list of the most cannabis-friendly travel locations
The War on Drugs & Prohibition
Surprise: The head of the UN’s Narcotics Board argues that legalizing cannabis trivializes its dangers
Business & Law
Whitney Economics finds that only 24.4% of U.S. cannabis companies currently turn a profit, down 42% from the year before
On using metabolomics & Big Data to authenticate cannabis to meet ISO standards
A Metabolomics and Big Data Approach to Cannabis Authenticity (Authentomics)
Psychedelics, Plant Medicines & Other Psychoactives
A rundown of the new FDA guidance on psychedelic trials
‘What's behind the European crackdown on ayahuasca religions?’ by Jules Evans
A good history of ayahuasca churches, a depressing read of France & a strong ending on what makes a cult.
Alexander Shulgin's Greatest Psychedelic Hits
Weird fucking study: to get around how hard it is to blind psychedelic studies, after the trip, they erased their memories with midazolam
The Psychoactive Research
[This isn’t a deep dive into all of the science of psychedelics & other psychoactives like I do for the cannabinoids. If a newsletter with all that new science would be of interest to your company or organization, reach out to me]
In humans, the acute effects of candy flipping (MDMA + LSD)
Acute effects of MDMA and LSD co-administration in a double-blind placebo-controlled study in healthy participants
This is the driest report I’ve ever seen on one of the most hallowed drug combinations of the underground.
On the use of psilocybin by the bereaved
A Phenomenological Investigation of Psilocybin Use Among the Bereaved
In a mouse model of obsessive compulsive behavior, they were helped by LSD, 25CN-NBOH & psilocybin, but only the LSD showed lasting effects
Breaking the chains of compulsion : - A preclinical study of the effects of LSD, Psilocybin and 25CN-NBOH on compulsive-like behavior in mice
The Plant & the History
Growing & Farming
Treatment of hemp with a certain level of the plant growth retardant diniconazole caused a decreased height but an enhanced production of buds & major cannabinoids
Diniconazole Promotes the Yield of Female Hemp (Cannabis sativa) Inflorescence and Cannabinoids in a Vertical Farming Syste
On the variables around tray drying your cannabis buds
Tray drying of medical cannabis inflorescences at industrial scale: Kinetics measurement and modeling towards the implementation of statistical process control
Croatia's first charcoal rot on hemp
First Report of Charcoal Rot Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina on Hemp in Croatia
Ingestion Methods & Extraction Techniques
A review of the commonly used supercritical carbon dioxide technology for extracting cannabinoids
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology for Recovering Valuable Phytochemicals from Cannabis sativa L. and Valorization of Its Biomass for Food Applications
An analysis of cannabis extraction techniques
Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Medical Cannabis Extracts Prepared by Artisanal and Laboratory Techniques
Characterization of three cannabis oils & two extraction techniques
Study of Cannabis Oils Obtained from Three Varieties of C. sativa and by Two Different Extraction Methods: Phytochemical Characterization and Biological Activities
On creating CBD oral films
Harnessing the Synergistic Potential of 3D Printed Buccal Films and Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLCs) For Personalised Cannabidiol Delivery
Nutrition & Animal Feed
In laying hens, feeding them hemp seeds significantly increased the polyunsaturated fatty acid levels & tocopherol content of the egg yolk
The Effect of Feeding Laying Hens with Nonindustrial Hemp Seed on the Fatty Acid Profile, Cholesterol Level, and Tocopherol Composition of Egg Yolk
And in the most incongruous sentence for ending an abstract:
“Finally, in the context of warfare, these seeds might be used as a feed additive for laying hens to produce higher nutritive value eggs with affordable prices.”
These are Moroccan researchers. The last major conflict of Morocco was the Rif Revolt of 1959. I cannot quite fathom why they're considering the warfare angles of hemp seeds for hens.
In grazing goats, supplementation with hemp buds caused increases in fatty acids in their milk
Diet Supplementation with Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Inflorescences: Effects on Quanti-Qualitative Milk Yield and Fatty Acid Profile in Grazing Goats
Industrial Use
For enhancing the breakdown of hemp hurds, soaking them in dilute acid & pretreating them with steam
Enhancing enzymatic hydrolysis of industrial hemp hurds (Cannabis sativa L.) by combination of soaking in dilute acid and steam pretreatment
Also an excellent way to start your weekend.
On using yeast to ferment hemp hurds into useful sugars
Hemp Biomass Pretreatment and Fermentation with nonSaccharomyces Yeasts: Xylose Valorization to Xylitol
And using E coli bacteria to turn hemp waste into useful sugars
Poly(3-hydroxybuyrate) production from industrial hemp waste pretreated with a chemical-free hydrothermal process
On reinforcing concrete with hemp fiber
Hemp Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Concrete (HRLWC) with Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM)
A review of cannabinoid research in China
Research Progress on Cannabinoids in Cannabis ( Cannabis sativa L.) in China
Thesis Time!
In a mouse model of colitis, a mixture of CBD, CBG, CBC & CBDV helped with visceral pain
Non-Psychotropic cannabinoids attenuate visceral pain in colitis
The pharmacology of CBDV
The In Vitro Pharmacology of Cannabidivarin (CBDV)
In a mouse model of epilepsy, both the cannabinoids & the terpenes helped to reduce seizures
How CBD modulates ion channels & the excitability of neurons
Cannabidiol modulation of ion channels and neuronal excitability
In a roundworm model of Alzheimer's disease, CBD modulated the cellular stress response via SKN-1 (a regulator of innate immunity)
Clinical Use
Adolescents & Pediatric
On using positive psychology to lower young adult cannabis use
Results of a pilot study examining the effect of positive psychology interventions on cannabis use and related consequences
In young adults, taking a cannabis tolerance break led to increased hazardous cannabis use & cannabis use disorder severity at six months
Cannabis use breaks in young adults: The highs and lows of tolerance breaks
In adolescents with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, a comparison of the efficacy of traditional & nontraditional anti-emetics (anti-nausea medication)
Comparison of Antiemetics in the Management of Pediatric Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
In adolescent rats, chronic THC caused changes that differed between the genders
The long-term effects of adolescent Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on brain structure and function assessed through neuroimaging techniques in male and female rats
“THC-exposed rats exhibited volumetric and microstructural alterations in the striatum, globus pallidus, lateral ventricles, thalamus, and septal nuclei in a sex-specific manner. THC administration also reduced fractional anisotropy in several white matter tracts, prominently in rostral sections, while in vivo MRS identified lower levels of cortical choline compounds. THC-treated males had increased metabolism in the cerebellum and olfactory bulb and decreased metabolism in the cingulate cortex. By contrast, THC-treated females showed hypermetabolism in a cluster of voxels comprising the entorhinal piriform cortices and in the cingulate cortex. These results indicate that mild THC exposure during adolescence leaves a lingering mark on brain structure and function in a sex-dependant manner.”
In rats, being exposed to CBC before puberty inhibited their synthesis of steroid hormones, increased semen abnormalities, lowered sperm levels, downregulated hormone receptor genes & caused lesions in both the testes & ovaries
Pre-puberty cannabichromene exposure modulates reproductive function via alteration of spermatogenesis, steroidogenesis, and eNOS pathway metabolites
Neurology & Brain Diseases
In a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, they had significantly higher levels of the CB2 & GPR55 receptors, especially in the microglia & astrocytes surrounding the Aβ plaques
The Expression of the Endocannabinoid Receptors CB2 and GPR55 Is Highly Increased during the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease in AppNL-G-F Knock-In Mice
In rat’s spinal cords, the anandamide precursor 20:4-NAPE inhibited synaptic transmission under inflammatory conditions via the CB1 & TRPV1 receptors, suggesting a help for pain
Inhibition of synaptic transmission by anandamide precursor 20:4-NAPE is mediated by TRPV1 receptors under inflammatory conditions
The ability of endocannabinoids to travel back across the synaptic cleft seems to be mediated by synucleins
Postsynaptic synucleins mediate endocannabinoid signaling
Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders
In people with social anxiety disorder, weekly cannabis use (but not cannabis use disorder) was related to their anxiety severity in the past year as well as greater odds for seeking treatment & attempting suicide
Prevalence and correlates of cannabis use among individuals with DSM-5 social anxiety disorder: Findings from a nationally representative sample
In veterans with cannabis use disorder, they also had higher levels of bipolar disorders, psychotic disorders, suicidality, pain & other substance use disorders
Mental and Physical Health Conditions Among U.S. Veterans with Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use Disorders
Of course, the question always is, causation or correlation? You can imagine that many of these veterans are using cannabis to help treat these other disorders. That being said, heavy use of cannabis in some people can most certainly exacerbate these mental health conditions when they're already present.
In children with autism, the power of their placebo response to cannabinoid treatment was associated with their comprehension of what the treatment entailed but parental expectations regarding the treatment was not associated with the placebo response
Mediators of Placebo Response to Cannabinoid Treatment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
A case report of a young woman's bipolar disorder being exacerbated by cannabis & psychedelic use
A Nepalese female student in trap of cannabis: a case report
For substance use disorders, a review of 10 trials on using cannabinoids to treat them
Cannabinoids for Substance Use Disorder Treatment: What Does the Current Evidence Say?
In adolescent rats, chronic THC caused less exploratory behavior & altered CB1 levels in the brain while having no effect on mu-opioid receptor levels
Chronic Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol treatment has dose-dependent effects on open field exploratory behavior and [3H] SR141716A receptor binding in the rat brain
“Autoradiography analyses showed that HD [high dose] Δ9-THC significantly decreased CB1R binding relative to LD Δ9-THC in the cingulate (33%), primary motor (42%), secondary motor (33%) somatosensory (38%), rhinal (38%), and auditory (50%) cortices; LD [low dose] Δ9-THC rats displayed elevated binding in the primary motor (33% increase) and hypothalamic (33% increase) regions compared with controls.”
In a rat model of depression, a drug that inhibits the FAAH enzyme (hence raising the levels of anandamide) lowered anhedonia (lack of pleasure) while decreasing the levels of inflammatory cytokines & restoring levels in females of BDNF (a key nerve growth factor)
Fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor URB597 shows antidepressant effects through reduction of neuroinflammation and restoration of BDNF levels in mPFC of chronically stressed rats
78th Annual Biological Psychiatry Meeting
(while there’s a lot of intriguing looking research from this conference, they cut off the abstracts??. So I frequently can’t quite get the gist of the findings)
In those at clinical high risk for psychosis, moderate use is associated with better neurocognitive performance functioning
Frequency of Cannabis-Use, Neurocognitive Performance and Functioning in Clinical High-Risk Participants From the NAPLS-3 Cohort: Moderate Use is Associated With Better Performance and Functioning
In people with psychosis, cannabis use is associated with low plasma levels of anandamide
Cannabis Use is Associated With Low Plasma Endocannabinoid Anandamide in Individuals With Psychosis
A look at the effects of gender on how cannabis use alters stress & neuroendocrine responses
Interactions Between Cannabis Use and Biological Sex on Acute Neuroendocrine, Sympathetic, and Affective Stress Responses
In pediatric epilepsy patients, a study of CBD's effect on anxiety, seizures & endocannabinoid levels
Effects of Cannabidiol Treatment on Anxiety, Seizure Frequency, and Plasma Endocannabinoid Concentrations in Pediatric Epilepsy Patients: A Pilot Study
On the effect of your genetic variant of the FAAH enzyme on fear generalization & anxiety behaviors
Role of FAAH C385A and BDNF Val66Met Genetic Polymorphisms in Fear Generalization and Anxiety Like-Behaviors
In people with bipolar disorder, how their cannabis use patterns affect their risky decision making
Cannabis Use Patterns and Their Effects on Risky Decision-Making in Bipolar Disorder
A Canadian analysis of the changes in cannabis use patterns before & after legalization differentiated by gender
An Analysis of Gender Differences in Cannabis Use Patterns in People With Mental Health Disorders Pre- And Post-Recreational Cannabis Use Legalization: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Survey
Prenatal cannabis exposure increases the mental health burden through early adolescence but is not mediated by the brain’s gray matter or resting state
Increased Mental Health Burden Associated With Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Persists From Childhood to Early Adolescence, but is Not Mediated by Brain Gray Matter or Resting State Correlations
In people with schizophrenia, cravings for cannabis predict increases in cigarette use
Cannabis Cravings Predict Compensatory Increases in Cigarette Use in Schizophrenia: Findings From Cannabis Abstinence Studies
In people with bipolar disorder, the effects of cannabis use & insomnia on risky decision making behavior
Insomnia Symptoms, Cannabis Use, and Risky Decision-Making in Bipolar Disorder
In adolescents, how the genetic variants of the FAAH enzyme alter stress, threat & reward processing
Genetic Variation in Endocannabinoid Signaling: Anxiety, Depression, and Threat- and Reward-Related Brain Functioning During the Transition Into Adolescence
In young adults, the effects of moderate exercise, stretching & meditation on anxiety & endocannabinoid levels
Effects of Acute Moderate-Intensity Exercise, Stretching, and Meditation on Anxiety and Endocannabinoid Levels in Youth
To investigate the correlation between social anxiety disorder & alcohol use disorder, a brain scan study of how inhibiting the FAAH enzyme may help with alcohol use in individuals with anxiety
Endocannabinoid Metabolism Linked With Alcohol Use in Individuals With Social Anxiety Disorder: A Positron Emission Tomography Study With [11C]CURB
In adolescents, the molecular pathways of how cannabis alters cortical thickness
Molecular Pathways Underpinning Cannabis-Related Variations in Cortical Thickness During Adolescence
A brain scan study of whether lower FAAH enzyme levels in people with cannabis use disorder are associated with more impulsiveness (a characteristic related to substance use disorders)
Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase is Associated With Impulsiveness: A Pet Study in Overnight Abstinent Chronic Cannabis Users
In cannabis users, brain scans of the functional connectivity between the cortex & cerebellum
Functional Connectivity Between the Cortex and the Cerebellum: An MRI Analysis in Cannabis Users
In people with psychosis, the role of cannabis use on cognition & metabolism
The Role of Cannabis Use on Cognition and Metabolic Factors in Individuals With Psychosis
In people with alcohol use disorder, a brain scan study of FAAH enzyme levels
Measuring Endocannabinoid Metabolism in Alcohol Use Disorder: a PET Study With the Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Radioligand [11C]CURB
In cannabis users, a brain scan study of the modulation of spontaneous gamma activity in motor control regions of the brain
Regular Cannabis Use Modulates Spontaneous Gamma Activity in Brain Regions Serving Motor Control
In cannabis use disorder & cannabis withdrawal, gender differences in their endocannabinoid tone
Sex Differences in Endocannabinoid Tone in Cannabis Use Disorder and Acute Cannabis Withdrawal
In chronic cannabis users, a study of the relationship between their neural oscillatory activity & their cognitive flexibility & suicide risk
Chronic Cannabis Use is Associated With Aberrations in Neural Task Switch Effects and Suicide Risk
In chronic cannabis users, a study of the suppression of spontaneous gamma activity in brain regions of cognitive control
Chronic Cannabis Use Suppresses Spontaneous Gamma Activity in the Ventral Attention Network
In people with PTSD, THC's effect on avoidance behaviors & corticolimbic-striatal activation
Cannabinoid Modulation of Pavlovian Fear Extinction and its Effects on Avoidance-Related Functional Connectivity in Adults With PTSD
In adolescents with childhood trauma who self-harm, a study of their endocannabinoid levels
Endocannabinoid System Alterations in Adolescents With Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behavior and Childhood Trauma
In people who experienced childhood maltreatment, a study of the biomarkers of their endocannabinoid system & neural indices of emotional regulation on their susceptibility to substance use disorders
Resilience to Substance Use Disorder Following Childhood Maltreatment: Association With Peripheral Biomarkers of Endocannabinoid Function and Neural Indices of Emotion Regulation
Immune & Autoimmune Disorders
EULAR 2023 European Congress of Rheumatology
In a survey of rheumatology patients, they reported a significant reduction ?in average pain & stiffness via cannabis
POS1573-PARE Patient-Reported Outcome Measures of Pain Alleviation With Cannabinoid Usage in Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis: a Cross-Sectional Study
“Subjects reported significant reductions in both short- and long-term pain; some patients reported total pain resolution with ongoing cannabinoid therapy. Stiffness was also reduced in a subset of RA patients. Subjects that reported adverse effects did not find these severe enough to warrant cessation.”
In patients with fibromyalgia, supplementing the treatment of pregabalin & duloxetine with PEA & acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) caused a significant improvement in scores
In two mouse models & tissue samples of osteoarthritis, THC reduced cartilage degeneration, pain response & knee inflammation
Pain, Inflammation & Surgeries
In a rat model of neuropathic pain & tolerance to morphine, a single dose of THC lowered pain transmission signals
Anti-allodynic and medullary modulatory effects of a single dose of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in neuropathic rats tolerant to morphine
In a mouse model of neuropathic pain, combining an inhibitor of the COX-2 enzyme with an inhibitor of FAAH (to raise anandamide levels) reduced pain behaviors & lowered the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines
Therapeutic Effects of Combined Treatment with the AEA Hydrolysis Inhibitor PF04457845 and the Substrate Selective COX-2 Inhibitor LM4131 in the Mouse Model of Neuropathic Pain
“Therefore, our study suggests that simultaneous blockage of endocannabinoid hydrolysis and oxygenation by using the substrate-selective COX-2 inhibitor, which avoids the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal side effects associated with the use of general COX-2 inhibitors, might be a suitable strategy for the treatment of inflammatory and neuropathic pain.”
In mice with neuropathic nerve injuries, the painkilling of a drug that activates the CB2 receptor was enhanced with a hydrogen sulfide donor (a drug that also increases the painkilling properties of the opioids)
Hydrogen Sulfide Interacting with Cannabinoid 2 Receptors during Sciatic Nerve Injury-Induced Neuropathic Pain
Female-specific, Reproduction & Hormones
The reasons people reported for using cannabis before & after realizing they were pregnant
Reported Reasons for Cannabis Use Before and After Pregnancy Recognition
On the challenges of being pregnant & having cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome in pregnancy: Challenges and opportunities
In medaka fish, exposure to THC changed gene expression patterns in the brains of male fish as well as their testes pathways related to reproductive impairment
Transcriptional Alterations Induced by Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol in the Brain and Gonads of Adult Medaka
In zebrafish embryos, ethanol (but not cannabinoid) exposure altered their cardiac development
Embryonic Ethanol but Not Cannabinoid Exposure Affects Zebrafish Cardiac Development via Agrin and Sonic Hedgehog Interaction
The Heart
A case study of an acute coronary syndrome potentially caused by cannabis use
Cannabis-Induced ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction With Possible Coronary Artery Dissection: A Case Report
The Guts, the Microbiome & Oral Health
In people with eating disorders and/or obesity, anandamide levels were associated with emotional dysregulation, general psychopathology, food addiction & body mass index
Association of anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol concentrations with clinical features and body mass index in eating disorders and obesity
A case report of a woman with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome whose use of a heating pad for relief led to bullous erythema ab igne (a skin disorder caused by chronic exposure to heat)
Erythema Ab Igne Associated With Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
In a rat model of irritable bowel syndrome, CBD microemulsions with berberine decreased intestinal permeability, blocked inflammatory cytokines from the serum & displayed synergistic advantages & pharmacokinetics
Cannabidiol-Decorated Berberine-Loaded Microemulsions Improve IBS-D Therapy Through Ketogenic Diet-Induced Cannabidiol Receptors Overexpression
In a mouse model of diabetes, the protective effects of hemp root extracts
Protective Effects of Hemp ( Cannabis sativa) Root Extracts against Insulin-Deficient Diabetes Mellitus In Mice
In a mouse model of type 2 diabetes, THC increased their anxiety & depressive behavior while improving some clinical parameters
Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Treatment Modifies Insulin Secretion in Pancreatic Islets from Prediabetic Mice Under Hypercaloric Diet
The Liver
In rats, CBD protected the liver via anti-inflammatory & antioxidant effects
The Promising Role of the Potential Medical Benefits of Cannabidiol Derived from an Herbal Plant to Enhance the Hepatic Defense in Adult Male Rats
In a rat model of alcoholic liver disease, a drug that inhibited the MGL enzyme (which breaks down 2-AG) did not help
The Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitor ABX-1431 Does Not Improve Alcoholic Liver Disease
The Skin
Profound anti-aging benefits from a gel of CBD & eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
In vitro, ex vivo, and clinical evaluation of anti-aging gel containing EPA and CBD
Cancer & Chemotherapy
A review of using extracellular vesicles to deliver cannabinoids against cancer
Exosomal delivery of cannabinoids against cancer
And a review of the mechanisms used by CBD to cause apoptosis (cellular suicide) in tumor cells
CBD as a Physiological Modulator for Cancer
In estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer (the most diagnosed subtype), CBD combined well with the aromatase inhibitor exemestane to potentiate its pro cell death effects but the changes to the hormonal microenvironment suggest that this combination should not be applied in the early stages of the disease
Cannabidiol as a Promising Adjuvant Therapy for Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Tumors: Unveiling Its Benefits with Aromatase Inhibitors
In patients with recurrent prostate cancer, pharmaceutical CBD at 800 milligrams was safe & well tolerated
A Phase I Dose Escalation and Expansion Study of Epidiolex (Cannabidiol) in Patients with Biochemically Recurrent Prostate Cancer
In breast cancer, FAAH levels are a predictor of long-term survival because they block tumor progression & lung metastasis
Identification of fatty acid amide hydrolase as a metastasis suppressor in breast cancer
For cancer cells, creating CBD nano complexes with carbon monoxide to reduce tumor growth via excessive autophagy (cellular recycling)
Engineering cannabidiol synergistic carbon monoxide nanocomplexes to enhance cancer therapy via excessive autophagy
In colon cancer cells, CBD & CBG combined well with curcumin & piperine to cause anti-tumor effects
Cannabinoid compounds in combination with curcumin and piperine display an anti-tumorigenic effect against colon cancer cells
In non-melanoma skin cancer, the antitumor effects of activating the CB2 receptor
The Anti-Tumorigenic Role of Cannabinoid Receptor 2 in Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer
the 2023 American Society of Clinical Oncology Meeting
(I just organized this alphabetically by paper title because it’s such a damn good cache of data that it was hard to categorize them by usefulness)
According to public health data, cannabis users had a lower lifetime risk for these cancer types: esophageal, gastric, pancreatic, liver, intrahepatic bile duct, colon, rectosigmoid & rectal (with no difference for small intestinal or anal cancer)
Assessing the risk of gastrointestinal cancers among cannabis users compared to nicotine users
In public health data, patients with advanced cancer using immune checkpoint inhibition treatments who used cannabis had no differences in treatment outcomes from those who didn't
Association of cannabis use with real-world time to treatment discontinuation (rwTTD) in patients with advanced cancer initiating immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI)
There is a concern that with the general immunosuppressant properties of cannabis, it may impair the responsiveness to immune check inhibition therapies. While small clinical studies pointed to a possible signal, this analysis of over 20,000 patients found no negative effects.
For patients with nausea & vomiting from chemotherapy, nabiximols (1:1 THC:CBD sprays) helped a significant number of them to completely remove their nausea symptoms
Cannabis extract for secondary prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: Results of a phase II/III, placebo-controlled, randomised trial
A large survey of cancer patients found they tended to use cannabis for insomnia, stress, depression & pain (with 70-90% reporting symptom improvement) while the most common ingestion methods were eating, smoking & pills/tinctures
Cannabis use among recently treated cancer patients: Perceptions and experiences
From in-depth interviews with cancer survivors, many found cannabis effective for reducing pain & anxiety but reported that their providers could not or would not advise about how to use medical cannabis
Experiences with pain management for survivors of complex cancers: Focus on opioids and cannabis
In Arkansas public health data, people with cancer & a medical cannabis card are significantly less likely to experience antiemetic (anti-vomiting) overuse than those without medical cannabis cards
Exploring the association between medical marijuana cardholder status and antiemetic overuse
For the nausea & neuropathy of chemotherapy, a look at the benefits from cannabis, cryotherapy (cold therapy) & scalp cooling
Improving Quality of Life During Chemotherapy: Cannabinoids, Cryotherapy, and Scalp Cooling
For oncology doctors in training, a new curriculum for teaching them about medical cannabis
Novel curriculum for training in medical cannabis in oncologic populations for oncology trainees
In a survey of cancer patients, they tended to use it for insomnia, pain, mood, poor appetite & GI symptoms with the most common forms of ingestion being smoking, gummies, liquid, edibles & pills & as usual, the doctors barely knew a thing about any of this
Patient and clinician perspectives about cannabis use while receiving cancer treatment at a comprehensive cancer center (CCC)
In a survey of cancer patients, they reported using CBD for pain, sleep, mood, & neuropathy
Patterns, perceptions, and experience with cannabidiol (CBD) after cancer diagnosis
Only 20% of oncology fellows in this survey reported recommending medical cannabis to more than five patients in the past year
Recommendations for medical cannabis use in cancer patients by US oncology fellows and the impact of receiving prior training
And the authors had the gall to start their conclusion with “Despite limited evidence to support medical cannabis use among cancer patients…”.
To me, that kind of bullshit is irresponsible. There’s enough data just in the last year of my newsletter alone to convince any rational doctor.
In a double-blind study of patients with neuropathy from chemotherapy, 135 milligrams of CBD per day caused improved sensory function, reduced numbness & tingling but without significant pain reduction or changes in motor function
Safety and efficacy of cannabidiol in the management of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
A review of nine trials on using CBD & THC for cancer related symptoms
Use of medical cannabis in cancer-related symptons: A systematic review
In an analysis of four New York dispensaries, cancer patients reported using it the most for pain (includes a cost-benefit analysis & cannabinoid ratios)
Utilization and dispensing patterns of medical cannabis products in a state with legalized medical cannabis.
Synthetic Cannabinoids
A review of hexahydrocannabinol & its chemical cousins
Hexahydrocannabinol and closely related semi-synthetic cannabinoids: A comprehensive review
A new synthetic cannabinoid identified
Identification of synthetic cannabinoid N-(adamantan-1-yl)-2-[1-(4- fluorobenzyl)-1H-indole-3-yl]acetamide
Cool Chemistry
Using a new tool to find novel binding targets of anandamide & CBD (but in the abstract of this paywalled article, they didn't mention which ones they discovered)
Orthogonal Strategies for Profiling Potential Cellular Targets of Anandamide and Cannabidiol
A new CB2 drug activated by light that is selective for the β-arrestin2 pathway
Visible-Light Photoswitchable Benzimidazole Azo-Arenes as beta-Arrestin2-Biased Selective Cannabinoid 2 Receptor Agonists
On how to best test for cannabinoids in wastewater
Preparation of poly(methacrylic acid-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate)-functionalized magnetic polydopamine nanoparticles for the extraction of six cannabinoids in wastewater followed by UHPLC-MS/MS
Scientists love analyzing wastewater to find out how much drugs the local population is actually using. Unsurprisingly, the levels are almost always much much higher than the local police estimate.
?- lex
PS: From the great experimental singer-songwriter, educator & painter Norma Tanega, her album ‘Walkin' My Cat Named Dog’, a classic of ‘60’s folk music. From playing her music to patients at the mental health hospital where she worked to writing songs for her lover Dusty Springfield to continuing to create her own brand of music across her storied life, Tanega remains an inspiration for following your own star.
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1 年Hey Lex, We just asked 79 doctors about their opinions and experiences regarding the use of CBD.? I would like to share the full survey report with you https://mayacbd.com.mx/doctor-survey-cbd