C&P#130: CBD for rare conditions + cannabis for Crohn’s & Parkinson’s

C&P#130: CBD for rare conditions + cannabis for Crohn’s & Parkinson’s

[As always, for the best formatting, see the edition on Substack:


This week…

  • Cannabis for Crohn's & Parkinson's
  • PEA for pain & dental implants
  • Some breathtaking case reports of CBD for severe disorders
  • Adult-use cannabis laws linked to lower opioid deaths
  • 3 on the eyes & the endocannabinoids
  • THC enhanced working memory in aged rats
  • For all the BDSM vegans in the back…?

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the 130th edition of Cannabinoids & the People, Lex Pelger’s free weekly digest of all the new cannabinoid science + assorted canna-news & psychedelic updates. Upgrade to a paid subscription here to support my work sharing canna-science.


Sponsor: The Cannabis & Health Research Initiative


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Johns Hopkins University, with support from Realm of Caring, is spearheading the groundbreaking National Cannabis Study to evaluate the benefits, risks & overall outcomes of using cannabis for conditions like pain, insomnia, anxiety & more. If you are an adult in the U.S. considering starting cannabis for health reasons, this is your chance to help shape the future of cannabis research — and get compensated for your time. Join now to share your experience & contribute valuable data that could revolutionize healthcare for many patients nationwide. To learn more & sign up, visit:



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  • Work with my company White Whale Creations to produce content for cannabis & psychedelic companies: writing, science archives, social media content, newsletters & podcasts: my portfolio
  • My canna-graphic novels based on Moby Dick: On Amazon, buy ‘SUNset’, my Queer cannabis history graphic novel or ‘The CROWN’, the story of the hunt for the structure of CBN. To see more about this continuing series, see lexpelger.com
  • Listen to the first 2 seasons of my podcast ‘The Lex Files’ on cannabinoids, psychedelics & spirituality


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Canna-Edu Vids for CV Sciences:

(on YT @CVSciencesInc & TT @pluscbd)


My Vids:

(on TT @lexpelgerandhisbooks or on YouTube)

  • The End of TikTok Book Speed Run: art books by my bed: part 1 + part 2


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Best Of Cannabinoid Science...


An evidence map for medical cannabis covers 194 studies

Charting the therapeutic landscape: a comprehensive evidence map on medical cannabis for health outcomes


“Seventy-one distinct health outcomes were identified in the systematic reviews, with the most reported outcomes being related to various types of pain and patient safety. Other frequently studied outcomes included appetite regulation, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and muscle spasticity. Notably, 278 out of 489 descriptions of treatment effects for these health outcomes reported either “Positive” or “Potentially Positive” effects. When considering only high-quality systematic reviews, as evaluated by the AMSTAR 2 tool, 42 out of 67 descriptions of treatment effects for up to 20 health outcomes were classified as “Positive” or “Potentially Positive.” These outcomes included pain, insomnia, seizures, anxiety, muscle spasticity, multiple sclerosis, urinary incontinence, anorexia, and patient safety.


A new book on the clinical cannabis science

Cannabis Science and Therapeutics: The Essential Guide for Clinicians





For chronic pain & PEA, a meta-analysis including eighteen studies & ~1200 patients found that PEA reduced pain and & enhanced quality of life

Meta-Analysis of Palmitoylethanolamide in Pain Management: Addressing Literature Gaps and Enhancing Understanding



In people getting dental implant surgery, taking 1200 milligrams of ultra-micronized PEA for a month after the surgery led to significantly reduced postoperative swelling, pain & trismus (overly tightened jaw muscles)

Efficacy of Ultra-Micronized Palmitoylethanolamide 600 MG (UM-PEA) for Sub-Lingual Use on Postoperative Course after Dental Implant Surgery: Multicentric Randomized Trial



In Crohn's disease, a meta-analysis found cannabis users had higher remission rates & improved quality of life

Cannabis use in Crohn’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs)



In children with drug-resistant encephalopathies (brain swelling that causes developmental & epileptic symptoms), their CBD exposure increased when taken with food

Population pharmacokinetics of cannabidiol and the impact of food and formulation on systemic exposure in children with drug-resistant developmental and epileptic encephalopathies



From public health data, adult-use cannabis laws linked to lower levels of opioid overdose deaths of approximately 3.5 deaths per 100,000 individuals

Because I Got High? Recreational Marijuana Legalization's Impact on Opioid Overdose Deaths


And in a study of cannabis laws & opioid use, medical & adult-use laws did not change opioid outcomes for the general population but among cannabis users, medical cannabis laws were linked to decreased opioid outcomes

The relationship of medical and recreational cannabis laws with opioid misuse and opioid use disorder in the USA: Does it depend on prior history of cannabis use?



In older adult cannabis users, there was no evidence that cannabis increased their risk of high blood pressure or hypertension

Blood pressure and hypertension in older adults with a history of regular cannabis use: findings from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis



For pharmacists, on creating personalized cannabis formulations

Optimization and Evaluation of Cannabis-Based Magistral Formulations: A Path to Personalized Therapy



In people with cannabis use disorder, transcranial magnetic stimulation to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex reduced cue-induced cravings

A Secondary Analysis Suggests That Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Applied to the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Reduces Cue-Induced-Craving in Treatment Seeking Participants with Cannabis Use Disorder



For the human emotional response to social touch, higher anandamide levels were associated with reduced preference for touch

Endocannabinoid contributions to the perception of socially relevant, affective touch in humans



In brain scans of cannabis users, they had increased EEG signal complexity

Cortical Complexity Alterations in Methamphetamine, Cannabis, and Opioid Users: An EEG-Based Analysis



In dogs with epilepsy, 30 days of CBD reduced inflammatory cytokines & provided benefits when combined with antiepileptic drugs

Cytotoxicity and Immunomodulatory Effects of Cannabidiol on Canine PBMCs: A Study in LPS-Stimulated and Epileptic Dogs



In horses, there were no adverse effects from CBD or CBDA (1 mg/kg)

Chronic oral dosing of cannabidiol and cannabidiolic acid full-spectrum hemp oil extracts has no adverse effects in horses: a pharmacokinetic and safety study



Case Reports (the good & bads)


For Parkinson's disease, a case report on cannabis oil restoring mobility, appetite & mood

Cannabis oil in treating Parkinson’s disease: improvement of motor and non-motor symptoms: a case report



In a person with White Sutton Syndrome (a genetic mutation of intellectual disabilities, developmental delays & epilepsy), after the failure of many conventional antiseizure medications, the off-label use of CBD caused complete remission from seizures

White Sutton Syndrome and cannabidiol: an update on a reported patient with a successful response to off-label therapy



In a case report someone with both Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome (the severe childhood epilepsy) & Alpha-1,3-Mannosyltransferase-Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation (ALG3-CDG: a rare genetic disorder of early neurological abnormalities, abnormal facial features & eye problems), CBD & changes to diet led to seizure freedoms for over 13 months, significant improvements to EEG scans & enhanced developmental outcomes

First case report of effective and safe application of cannabidiol to treat concurrent ALG3-CDG and Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome



Three case reports of cannabis allergies in the Mediterranean region

Cannabis sativa as a clinically relevant nsLTP allergen in the Mediterranean region: a case series exemplifying different possible routes of sensitization



A case report of an adolescent with catatonia & their first psychosis episode after THC use

A Case of First-Episode Psychosis with Catatonic Features in an Adolescent Following THC Use



For psychosis from delta-8 THC, a systematic review of 6 case reports involving 9 patients

Evaluating Delta-8-THC–Induced Psychosis: A Systematic Review



In two case reports, the synthetic cannabinoid HHC-C8 caused coma, recurring seizures & pronounced sedation

Prolonged sedation and unconsciousness after intoxication with the novel semisynthetic cannabinoid hexahydrocannabioctyl (HHC-C8): Two case descriptions



In a ketamine & cannabis user, a case report of sudden death from the bridging of a descending artery

The role of myocardial bridge of the left anterior descending artery in a sudden death of a ketamine and cannabis user. Addressing the uncertainties on the cause of death in a forensic pathologist’s casework



In Colombia's Aburrá Valley, an analysis of 113 cases of dogs with cannabis poisoning

Marijuana Poisoning in Canines in the Aburrá Valley (Antioquia‐Colombia), 2023‐2024





For cannabis & the heart, a meta-analysis covering 1.9 million people found a significant association with any adverse cardiovascular event but not specifically for heart attacks or strokes

Cannabis use and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease outcomes: A meta-analysis of multinational cohort data


And on cannabis & the heart, a systematic review of 110 cases linked to heart attacks & arteritis (inflamed arteries)

Associations Of Cannabis Use With Cardiovascular And Cerebrovascular Diseases: A Systematic Review



For oral health, THC users had a higher level of decayed, missing & filled teeth

Frontiers | Comparative Effects of Methamphetamine, Cannabis, and Polysubstance Use on Oral Health



On prenatal cannabis exposure, a review of later adverse neuropsychiatric outcomes

Maternal Cannabis Use During Pregnancy and Neuropsychiatric Adverse Outcomes During Childhood and Early Adult Life


“Currently available research suggests that prenatal cannabis exposure is associated with increased risks of ASD, ADHD, psychosis proneness, psychotic like experiences, internalizing problems, externalizing problems, attention problems, thought-related problems, social problems, impaired executive function, and observed aggression. There is insufficient study of prenatal cannabis exposure and offspring IQ.”

And for prenatal cannabinoid exposure in rats, as young adults they had negative effects on their cardiorespiratory regulation with gendered differences

Prenatal cannabinoid exposure affects central cardiorespiratory control in young male and female rats



In Nigeria, a one hour session with three doctors on treating cannabis use disorder

ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (24th Session): Cannabis Use Disorder - Changing Trends and Treatment Approaches



For cannabis smoking & neurological abnormalities, immunity & changes to the oral microbiome, a thesis project reviewing the evidence

Cannabis use, oral dysbiosis, and neurological disorders



For the dual vaping of cannabis & nicotine, a review of who's doing it & their higher susceptibility to respiratory & systemic symptoms

Exploring the Practice of Dual Vaping: Health Risks and Behavioral Patterns in Nicotine and Cannabis E-Cigarette Users



A book focusing on the negatives of cannabis

The Other Side of Cannabis: Impact on Mental and Physical Health



In human lung cells, cannabis vaping & smoking upregulated genetic transcription related to inflammation, cancer & cellular stress & downregulated transcription of pathways related to lipid synthesis & metabolism “suggesting potential impairment of lung epithelial cell repair and function”

Cannabis vaping elicits transcriptomic and metabolomic changes in inflammatory, oxidative stress and cancer pathways in human bronchial epithelial cells



In zebrafish embryos, a brief THC exposure not only shortened length & altered hatching, response times & survival but some of these effects lasted into the next generation

Brief exposure to (-) THC affects zebrafish embryonic locomotion with effects that persist into the next generation



In a roundworm model of pesticide exposure, 55 pesticides were tested against 95 genes & showed the greatest effect on lowered dopamine synthesis

Regulatory Trends of Organophosphate and Pyrethroid Pesticides in Cannabis and Applications of the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database and Caenorhabditis elegans





For neuropsychiatric disorders, a review of how CBD's ability to bind to many receptors powers its efficacy (great chart!)

Therapeutic potential of cannabidiol polypharmacology in neuropsychiatric disorders


And for neurological disorders, a review of 47 clinical trials found the most evidence for multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia & Parkinson's disease

Therapeutic Potential of Cannabinoids in Neurological Conditions: A systematic Review of Clinical Trials



For autism, a review of CBD-rich extracts covering 350+ people noted improvements “in behavioral symptoms, social responsiveness, and communication, but cognitive benefits were less consistent”

The Evolving Role of Cannabidiol-Rich Cannabis in People with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review



For CBD's antidepressant effects, this review implicates the possible involvement of the 5-HT1A (serotonin), CB1, GPR55 & PPARγ (nuclear) receptors

novel insight into the antidepressant effect of cannabidiol: possible involvement of the 5-HT1A, CB1, GPR55, and PPARγ receptors



For pediatric health conditions, a review of 10 studies of cannabis products for autism, cancer, treatment-resistant epilepsy & Sturge-Weber syndrome

Use of Cannabis-Based Medical Products for Pediatric Health Conditions: A Systematic Review of the Recent Literature



For migraines, a review of the efficacy & mechanisms of cannabinoids

Endocannabinoids, Phytocannabinoids, and Migraine



In epilepsy, a review on the neuroprotective effects of CBD & THC

Assessing the neuroprotective benefits of Cannabis sativa in epilepsy management



For post-organ transplant care, a review of using CBD for its anti-inflammatory effects

Utilization of Cannabidiol in Post-Organ-Transplant Care



For energy balance & obesity, a review of the intersection between endocannabinoids, exercise & leptin (a hormone of appetite suppression)

The interplay of leptin and the peripheral endocannabinoid system in energy homeostasis and obesity; modulation by linoleic acid and exercise



For ophthalmology, a review of targeting the endocannabinoid system & a description of its involvement in the eyes

The Endocannabinoid System and Ophthalmic Pathologies: A Review of Molecular Mechanisms and Its Implications for Clinical Practice


And on the CB1 receptor in the retina, a thesis project on their widespread distribution across retinal cell types, their varied effects & their gendered response to stress

Roles of the CB1 receptor and the endocannabinoid system in the retina


And in the eye of a cow, the neuroprotective actions of 2-AG & methanandamide (a stable cousin of anandamide) involved hydrogen sulfide

Neuroprotective Actions of Cannabinoids in the Bovine Isolated Retina: Role of Hydrogen Sulfide



For chronic pain, a review on using the cannabinoids

Cannabis for Chronic Pain: Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Challenges



For CBG, a review of its molecular actions & therapeutic effects (great charts!)

Cannabigerol (CBG): A Comprehensive Review of Its Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potential



For beta-caryophyllene (one of the most common terpenes in cannabis), a review of its wide-ranging effects & its ability to activate the CB2 receptor

A Systemic Review of Beta-Caryophyllene





In a rat model of working memory, THC enhanced memory in aged rats while having no effect in young adults

Cannabis smoke and oral Δ9THC enhance working memory in aged but not young adult subjects


As an aged rat myself, I find this research hopeful.


In a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, CBD boosted acetylcholine signaling, improved cognitive function & reduced senile plaques

Boosting Acetylcholine Signaling by Cannabidiol in a Murine Model of Alzheimer's Disease


And in a computer & mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease, CBDA & CBGA improved cognitive deficits via AChE/BuChE, BACE-1 & TRPM7s

Identification of Cannabidiolic and Cannabigerolic Acids as MTDL AChE, BuChE, and BACE-1 Inhibitors Against Alzheimer's Disease by In Silico, In Vitro, and In Vivo Studies



In a mouse model of pain from colitis, CBD, CBG, CBC & CBDV reduced visceral hypersensitive pain

Entourage effects of non-psychotropic cannabinoids (npCBs) on visceral sensitivity in experimental colitis



In a mouse model of kidney damage from chemotherapy treatment, cannabis extract improved urinary parameters, restored migratory capacity & prevented apoptosis (programmed cellular suicide)

Lebanese Cannabis sativa L. extract protects from cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice by inhibiting podocytes apoptosis



In a mouse model of muscular dystrophy, full-spectrum CBD oil decreased inflammation, reduced scarring & improved muscle parameters

Treatment With Full‐Spectrum Cannabidiol Oil Improved the Pathological Findings of Dystrophic Mutant Mice



In an elderly rat model of intestinal ischemia (loss of blood flow), CBD significantly reduced intestinal injury & increased absorptive function

Cannabidiol as prophylactic treatment for intestinal ischaemia reperfusion injury in elderly rats



In a mouse & tissue model of atopic dermatitis (eczema, dry itchy inflamed skin), CBG downregulated inflammatory markers via the JAK/STAT/NFκB pathway

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Cannabigerol In Vitro and In Vivo Are Mediated Through the JAK/STAT/NFκB Signaling Pathway



In a mouse model of toxicity from cadmium, CBD reversed oxidative stress markers, reduced proinflammatory cytokines & protected the liver & kidney from damage

Investigation of Cannabidiol's Protective Effects on Cadmium‐Induced Toxicity in Mice



In a rat model of anxiety, CBD reduced avoidance behavior via changes to the lipid network in the nucleus accumbens shell (a region of neural interface between motivation & action)

Cannabidiol abrogates cue-induced anxiety associated with normalization of mitochondria-specific transcripts and linoleic acid in the nucleus accumbens shell



In a rat model of morphine use disorder, treatment with CBD only lessened withdrawal behavior in male rats

Morphine-induced side effects can be differentially modulated by ...



In a mouse model of vaporized cannabis, the highest doses caused painkilling, locomotor suppression, & hypothermic effects with gendered differences in plasma THC levels

Influence of solvent, sex, and age on pharmacokinetic and acute behavioral effects of vaporized cannabis extract in mice


And for cannabis ethanol extracts, an analysis of their cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory & anticancer potential




In lung cells exposed to radiation (similar to a cancer treatment), CBD reduced oxidative stress, proinflammatory cytokines & apoptosis (program cellular suicide)

Cannabidiol (CBD) Protects Lung Endothelial Cells from Irradiation-Induced Oxidative Stress and Inflammation In Vitro and In Vivo



In human intestinal cells, CBD reduced oxidation, upregulated signaling of the mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell) & supported the intestinal barrier

Cannabidiol Enhances Mitochondrial Metabolism and Antioxidant Defenses in Human Intestinal Epithelial Caco-2 Cells



In a neuronal model of pain, CBD, CBG & CBN inhibited the voltage-gated sodium channels for less excitability of pain signals, with CBG being the strongest

Nav1.8, an analgesic target for nonpsychotomimetic phytocannabinoids



In fat stem cells, THC decreased their proliferation but increased their metabolic activity & differentiation

?9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Increases Growth Factor Release by Cultured Adipose Stem Cells and Adipose Tissue in vivo



Against human pathogenic bacteria, cannabis ethanol extracts (from a Thai cultivar) had antibacterial properties

Evaluation of the Antibacterial Potential of Ethanolic Cannabis sativa L. (Hang Kra Rog Phu Phan ST1) Extracts Against Human Pathogenic Bacteria



Novel Studies

(my new grab bag section for stuff I haven’t quite seen before)


In a cannabis consumption lounge, an analysis of the fine & ultrafine particle concentrations

Fine and Ultrafine Particle Concentrations in a Cannabis Consumption Lounge



For cannabis leaves as leftover biomass, an analysis of their anti-inflammatory effects

Enhancing Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa) Leaf By-Products: Bioactive Compounds, Anti-Inflammatory Properties, and Potential Health Applications


There's a long human history with hemp leaves as a medicine that has fallen off in the last century or two.


The minor cannabinoid CBL increases activity at the serotonin 5-HT1A receptor (positive allosteric modulation)

An Unexpected Activity of a Minor Cannabinoid: Cannabicyclol (CBL) Is a Potent Positive Allosteric Modulator of Serotonin 5-HT1A Receptor



On inhibiting a viral enzyme complex from the COVID virus using the cannabinoid-inspired inhibitor chromenephenylmethanone-1 (CPM-1)

Cannabinoid-Inspired Inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus 2'- O-Methyltransferase (2'- O-MTase) Non-Structural Protein (Nsp10-16)



The essential oils from lavender & hops inhibited the MAGL enzyme (which synthesizes 2-AG)

Lavender and hops essential oils inhibit monoacylglycerol lipase through an uncompetitive kinetic mechanism



In the roots of Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow), endocannabinoid components were found that inhibited the FAAH & MAGL enzymes

Bioassay-Guided Isolation and Analysis of Phytochemicals with Endocannabinoid Activity in Achillea millefolium L.



For navelina oranges (Citrus sinensis), their anti-inflammatory & anti-fibrotic (scarring) effects seemed to be mediated by the CB2 receptor

Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Fibrotic Effects of a Mixture of Polyphenols Extracted from “Navelina” Orange in Human Hepa-RG and LX-2 Cells Mediated by Cannabinoid Receptor 2


And in the traditional Chinese medicine Schisandra chinensis used for treating stress, it caused an antidepressant effect & improved the disrupted levels of endocannabinoids via the CB2 receptors of the microglia (guardian immune cells of the brain) & the PERK-eIF2α pathway

Schisandra chinensis lignans exerts endocannabinoids-like antidepressive effect: The phagocytotic relationship of activated CB2R-mediated M2 microglia and “stressed-but-viable” neuron


Two more for our long list of plants/old medicines whose benefits work via the ECS.


the Headlines & Fav Articles


A new memo grants immigration enforcement powers to the DEA



Acting DEA head Derek Maltz claimed that cannabis is a "gateway drug" that's "actually causing psychosis, schizophrenia, depression [and] anxiety,"


Many in the canna-mediasphere are up in arms about this, but I’d say it’s all moderately true.


On Bluesky, two lists of cannabis policy starter packs


I’m there, but not posting much yet because…

a. They have a 1-minute limit on video

b. I’m not sure if I have another social media platform in me


In Mexico, public health data showed that higher levels of municipal education were linked to a higher prevalence of recreational cannabis use

Municipal socioeconomic environment and recreational cannabis use in Mexico: Analysis of two nationally representative surveys



A feminist Chicanx history of cannabis history & resistance

Chicanx Cannabis Relationships: Cultural and Political Histories of Cannabis Resistance



In the NHL, booze is out & weed gummies are in


And Champ Bailey of the NFL Hall of Fame on how cannabis helped him during his football career



Paul Rubens (Pee-wee Herman) "spent my entire adult life hiding I was a huge weed head" (from his final interview)



History Corner: In a 2nd century BCE Egyptian vase, traces of Syrian rue & Egyptian lotus (both of which get you high)

Multianalytical investigation reveals psychotropic substances in a ptolemaic Egyptian vase





Prohibition Partners released their Global Cannabis Report



Spain reportedly on the brink of legalizing medical cannabis (though it took forever & critics say it's far too limited)



In Germany, of the 444 cannabis club applications, only 83 have been approved so far



In Poland, medical cannabis prescriptions are way down after telemedicine restrictions put into place + a crackdown on vaped or smokeable CBD moves forward



Uruguay's legal cannabis market continues to grow



Saint Lucia releases draft law to map the way for hemp & cannabis legalization this year



In Australia, the Legal Cannabis Party calls out Meta’s hypocrisy on free speech & cannabis content suppression



Malaysia opens Hemp Science Center



In China, a thesis project comparing the legal policies & personal experiences of Chinese university students abroad versus in China

Chinese university students attitudes towards cannabis and related policies : a comparison of studying abroad and in China



In Thailand, the evolving mythology of cannabis using Barthes’ theory of myth & cultural institutions based on 24 interviews

Cannabis mythology: the process of shaping from experience in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand



The Laws, The War on Drugs & Driving


A report on the effects of rescheduling cannabis from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Cannabis Use, Public Health, and Traffic Safety: Outcomes from the Scientific Literature and Expert Opinion on the Potential Impacts of Rescheduling



For legalization, a call to jointly assess both health & crime-related indicators

Cannabis legalization: a call for the integration of main health and crime indicator domains towards comprehensive policy impact assessments


“While many key health-related indicators show increases in adverse outcomes, improvements are shown for main crime-related outcomes associated with legalization.”


In this natural experiment, the opening of retail cannabis stores was not linked to increased ED visits for cannabis, alcohol or opioids

The impact of recreational cannabis retailer allocation on emergency department visits: A natural experiment utilizing lottery design



In the marketing of cannabis edibles, on how trademark parody can lead to children accidentally ingesting cannabis products

Joke or counterfeit? Balancing trademark parody and consumer safety in the edibles market



An essay reviewing a book focused on the international drug control system & the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs: ‘Legalising the Drug Wars’ by John Collins

Review Essay: The flexible or inflexible nature of the international drug control system: drug prohibition regime or drug regulatory regime? A review of John Collins Legalising the Drug Wars: A Regulatory History of UN Drug Control (CUP, 2022)


If anyone was looking to get me a late Christmas present, here it is.


In Argentina, an analysis of the raids on growers & producers of cannabis derivatives

Procedimientos policiales a personas que cultivan y producen derivados de cannabis en Argentina (2010-2020)



For driving, an analysis of the per se limits of blood levels (such as (1, 2 & 5 ng/mL) & why there is not good data to back up their efficacy

Evaluation of Cannabis Per Se Laws: A Semi-Mechanistic Pharmacometrics Model for Quantitative Characterization of THC and Metabolites in Oral Users



In Australia, the level of THC detected in injured drivers rose since 2010 & along with meth, was the most common drug in fatal crashes

Trends in alcohol, MDMA, methylamphetamine and THC in injured and deceased motor vehicle drivers and motorcyclists over a decade (2010–2019) in Victoria, Australia



Business, Economics & Education


European cannabis seeds quietly took over the US market



In Australia, analyzing the advertising and breaches and promoting medical cannabis such as listing health conditions

Research Letter: Unveiling the boundaries: Analysing advertising breaches in the promotion of medicinal cannabis in Australia



A proposed framework for ensuring honest cannabis laboratories called “the Peer-review Blinded Assay Test”

Peer-review Blinded Assay Test (P-BAT): a framework for trustless laboratory quality assurance for state-regulated cannabis markets



Psychedelics, Plant Medicines & Other Psychoactives


The FDA approved a ketamine nasal spray for treatment-resistant depression



The Psychoactive Research


People with an emergency department visit involving hallucinogens had a higher risk of developing a schizophrenia spectrum disorder

Emergency Department Visits Involving Hallucinogen Use and Risk of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder



In people with bipolar disorder, psychedelics reduced depressive symptoms & increased the number of days without mental health symptoms

Psychedelic use and bipolar disorder – An investigation of recreational use and its impact on mental health



For people with a terminal illness, a meta-analysis of 9 studies including 606 participants found psychedelics to have promising effects on depression & anxiety

Psychedelics as an intervention for psychological, existential distress in terminally ill patients: A systematic review and network meta-analysis



For psilocybin & depression, a meta-analysis of six trials found positive results that were superior to the typical interventions

Randomized Controlled Trials of Psilocybin‐Assisted Therapy in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis



In the antidepressant use of psilocybin, there appeared to also be benefits for sleep disturbances

Preliminary Evidence of Sleep Improvements Following Psilocybin Administration, and their Involvement in Antidepressant Therapeutic Action



For alcohol use disorder, a review of using psychedelics

Psychedelic Research for Alcohol Use Disorder with Comorbid Major Depressive Disorder: An Unmet Need


And for tobacco use disorder, a systematic review of using psychedelics

Psychedelics as a potential treatment for tobacco use disorder: a systematic review



For adolescent depression & trauma, a review on the potential of MDMA & psychedelics

Therapeutic Potential of MDMA- and Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy for Adolescent Depression and Trauma



For psychedelics, introducing a condensed version of the Awe Experience Scale

Developing a short form of the Awe Experience Scale (AWE-SF) in psychedelic samples



The Plant & the History


On Ukrainian hemp growing terms




Growing & Processing


On the effects of air temperature & light cycles on yield

High air temperature reduces plant specialized metabolite yield in medical cannabis, and has genotype-specific effects on inflorescence dry matter production



The bacterium Bacillus velezensis S141 increased plant growth

Mechanisms of Cannabis Growth Promotion by Bacillus velezensis S141



Root-zone phosphorus did not improve yield

Elevated root-zone P and nutrient concentration do not increase yield or cannabinoids in medical cannabis



On the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum & how it spreads

Virulence and dissemination enhancement of a mycoherbicide



On the biology of the different aphids that feed on industrial hemp

Life table analyses and feeding behaviors of cannabis aphid, cotton aphid, and green peach aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on industrial hemp



For an industrial hemp harvester & dryer, analysis of the optimal operational parameters

Research on the Operational Parameters and Performance of Key Components of an Industrial Hemp Harvester and Drier



On the robotic manipulation of hemp plants & a new visual feedback system

Visual Feedback System Supporting Robotic Manipulation of Hemp Plants



On hemp seed germination & maturation rates

Determination of Germination and Emergence Performance of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Seeds at Different Maturity Stages



For cannabis seeds, how different durations of hot water exposure altered germination




For cannabis trichomes, an analysis of their epigenome

Characterization of the Cannabis sativa glandular trichome epigenome



On the trichomes & the molecular machinery underpinning their production of cannabinoids & terpenes

Characterisation of Cannabis glandular trichome development reveals distinct features of cannabinoid biosynthesis



A thesis project on how the cultivation & extraction conditions of cannabis altered the yield & bioactivity




In Iranian cannabis, a genetic study of the single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with their sex, yield & traits

Population genomics of a natural Cannabis sativa L. collection from Iran identifies novel genetic loci for flowering time, morphology, sex and chemotyping



For new US farmers, surveys on their motivations to grow hemp

First-year hemp farmers’ motives and resources to cultivate hemp



In Turkey, a survey of farmers on their motivations & experiences around hemp cultivation




On growing hemp in Serbia

Agroecological conditions for optimal cultivation of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in the territory of the Republic of Serbia



On optimizing extraction processes for CBD from hemp & an analysis of its biological activity

Optimization of Extraction and Enrichment Process of Cannabidiol from Industrial Hemp and Evaluation of Its Bioactivity



On extracting using a green & selective supercritical fluid method

Green and selective supercritical fluid extraction of essential oil and cannabidiol from Cannabis sativa L.



Formulating & Analyzing


On creating an inhalable CBD powder

Cannabidiol and Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin for the Development of Deflated Spherical-Shaped Inhalable Powder



A review on quantifying cannabinoids with chromatographic & spectroscopic analyses

Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Analyses of Cannabinoids: A Narrative Review Focused on Cannabis Herbs and Oily Products



Analyzing cannabinoid levels with AI & Raman microscopy

Analysis of Major Cannabinoids using Raman Microscopy, Chemometrics, and a Novel Artificial Intelligence Approach



On measuring CBD levels in a nanoemulsion of hemp oil with a HPLC-DAD

Novel Intravenous Nanoemulsions Based on Cannabidiol-Enriched Hemp Oil—Development and Validation of an HPLC-DAD Method for Cannabidiol Determination



For cannabis leaves from Himachal Pradesh, forensically characterizing them using a GC-MS

A review on quantifying cannabinoids with chromatographic & spectroscopic analyses Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Analyses of Cannabinoids: A Narrative Review Focused on Cannabis Herbs and Oily Products



Food & Nutrition


In beer production, incorporating hemp to improve drinkability & increase bitterness

Addition of Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Dry Inflorescence in Beer Production



In hemp milk, an analysis of cannabinoid levels before & after fermentation

Exploring the Presence of Cannabinoids in Hemp-Infused Fermented Milk Drinks: An Analysis of Pre- and Post-Fermentation Levels



For hemp seed oil, a review of nutritional value & industrial applications

Nutritional and Industrial Insights into Hemp Seed Oil: A Value-Added Product of Cannabis sativa L.



For hemp seed oil, an analysis of extraction methods & temperature influence

Influence of extraction methods and temperature on hemp seed oil stability: A comprehensive quality assessment



For hemp seed oil, the effects of different cooking temperatures & times

Effect of cooking temperature and time on the quality and safety of hemp seed oil



A review of the nutritional & elemental attributes of the cannabis plant & seeds

An overview of physicochemical, nutritional and elemental attributes of Cannabis (Cannabaceae)



In laying hens, adding hemp to their diet increased egg mass, reduced saturated fatty acid content, improved fatty acid ratio, lowered cholesterol levels & increased antioxidant activity

Effects of dietary hemp co-product inclusion on laying hens performances and on egg nutritional and



In dairy cows, a large analysis of their endocannabinoid system & how supplementing their endocannabinoid system may be modulated by their reproductive stage

International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology: The involvement of the endocannabinoid system in metabolic and inflammatory responses in dairy cows during negative energy balance



For hemp seed protein complexes with gallic acids, their antioxidant properties

Characterization of physical, structural and antioxidant properties of hemp seed and seed meal protein-gallic acid conjugates



The effects of fermentation times on hemp seed protein gels

Impact of Probiotic Fermentation on the Physicochemical Properties of Hemp Seed Protein Gels



Analyzing the best methods for preparing hemp protein isolates

Investigating the preparation of hemp-protein isolate (HPI)



On the polysaccharides from hemp kernels

Characteristics of Polysaccharides from Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Kernels



Industrial Uses & Fiber


On the interest of young people on wearing hemp-based clothing

An Investigation of Young Consumers’ Acceptance of Hemp Fashion Products Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling Analysis



On making biodegradable leather from hemp fiber with natural rubber

Hemp fibre reinforced natural rubber bio-macromolecule based biodegradable engineered leather


For all the BDSM vegans in the back…


For antimicrobial food packaging, a review of using the cannabinoids

Mechanisms and strategic prospects of cannabinoids use: Potential applications in antimicrobial food packaging—A review



On the separation of hemp fast fibers, a thesis on a chemical treatment

Chemical treatment for the separation of hemp bast fibers



On the energy consumption of creating biocomposites with hemp shives

Evaluation of Mechanical Energy Consumption in WPC Production from Pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) with ABS Thermoplastic Additions





A review on the gaps in cannabis research

Where are you heading to, Cannabis research?



A review on using machine learning for cannabis research

Applications of Machine Learning in Cannabis Research: A Scoping Review



Public Health


On CBD usage in the US, over 10% reported using CBD in the last 30 days & this number was significantly higher among cannabis users

Patterns of cannabidiol use among marijuana users in the United States



From the Leafwell patient database, a descriptive analysis of their usage

Towards a comprehensive understanding of medical conditions among medical cannabis patients in a large database: A descriptive analysis



A proposal to standardize the cannabis dose-response with the Index of Cannabis Equivalence (ICE)

The Index of Cannabis Equivalence (ICE): A User-Centered Approach to Standardization of Cannabis Dose–Response


“The Index of Cannabis Equivalence (ICE) identified the following low-dose cannabis equivalencies: two puffs on a joint, pipe, herbal or concentrate vaporizer is equivalent to one hit on a bong, a 5?mg/THC edible, and ? dab of a concentrate.”


Cannabinoids may bioaccumulate more than currently suspected

Is the potential for bioaccumulation of cannabinoids underestimated? Insights from biomimetic chromatography in cannabinoid exposure evaluation



In British Columbia, a sociological analysis of how low-threshold medical cannabis access points influenced individual’s use

“Becoming a Medical Cannabis User” Revisited: Understanding the Role of Low-Threshold Access Points in British Columbia, Canada



In cannabis use patterns of US adults, a comparison of medically recommended versus non-medical cannabis use patterns

Medically Recommended vs Nonmedical Cannabis Use Among US Adults


And a study of the prevalence of usage between those two different populations

Prevalence of cannabis consumption methods among people with medically recommended and nonmedical cannabis use in the United States



In Queer & straight adults, positive affect was associated with subsequent cannabis use & negative affect was negatively related to cannabis use

Positive and negative affect differentially relate to alcohol and cannabis use in LGBTQ+ and cisgender–straight heavy-drinking adults: Results of an ambulatory assessment study



On reducing medical cannabis use by veterans (though I think we should be working to increase it)

Reducing medical cannabis use risk among Veterans: A descriptive study



How you describe the simultaneous use of cannabis & alcohol is associated with how much you use them

Descriptive norms for simultaneous cannabis and alcohol use predict simultaneous use patterns assessed via daily surveys.



A review of self-medicating with cannabis

"Self-Medication with Cannabis"



Adolescents & Young Adults


For young people, a systematic review on how their earlier age of cannabis use onset is associated with later cannabis use disorder

Age of onset of cannabis use and substance use problems: A systematic review of prospective studies



In young adults, those with cannabis use disorder also had higher levels of synthetic cannabinoid polysubstance use

The Association Between Past 12-Month Synthetic Cannabinoid Polysubstance Use and Cannabis Use Disorder in a Nationally Representative US Sample



Among adolescents, cannabis dependency was linked to higher school absenteeism rates & worse performance on executive function tasks

The Impact of Cannabis Dependency on Executive Functions and Their Link to School Dropout Among Adolescents



In young gender diverse adolescents, they were more likely to experiment with cannabis, nicotine & alcohol

Association between gender diversity and substance use experimentation in early adolescents



In college students, adverse childhood experiences predicted more cannabis use

Do Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depressive Symptoms Predict Cannabis Use among College Students of Color



In college men who experienced cyber dating abuse, they were more likely to use cannabis the next day

Does cyber dating abuse victimization predict next-day alcohol and cannabis use among college students?



In adolescents with a genetic risk for adult cannabis use disorder, they tended to use more substances, have higher levels of impulsivity, risk-taking, sensation seeking & novelty seeking as well as alterations to their white matter structure

Impulsivity behaviors and white matter mediate the relationship between genetic risk for cannabis use disorder and early cannabis use in adolescents



In college students, impulsivity & delay discounting showed a moderate correlation to alcohol use & lifetime cannabis use

Associations Between Personality and Neurocognitive Risk Factors for Substance Misuse with Alcohol and Cannabis Use in College Students



In young adults, an analysis of their cannabis use, associated problematic outcomes & factors around quitting

Cannabis use characteristics and associations with problematic use outcomes, quitting-related factors, and mental health among US young adults



In young adults, on a type of survey for estimating their total quantities of THC & CBD ingested

Using ecological momentary assessment to quantify Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol use across different forms of cannabis: Feasibility in a sample of Canadian young adults reporting frequent cannabis use



In schools near Fort Worth, Texas, the retail availability of delta-8 THC in 2021

Retail Availability of Delta-8 THC Near Schools, Fort Worth, Texas, 2021



For young adult cannabis use, a model of how social dynamics alter their usage

Model Building with Youth: Applying a System Science Approach to Examine the Dynamic Social Context of Adolescent and Young Adult Marijuana Use



For youth, a model for predicting the risk of developing alcohol use disorder & cannabis use disorder

A Bayesian Learning Model for Joint Risk Prediction of Alcohol and Cannabis Use Disorders



For cannabis use disorder in young people, AI to predict their susceptibility

Absolute Risk Prediction for Cannabis Use Disorder Using Bayesian Machine Learning



Validation of the Serbian questionnaire on cannabis effects for adolescents

Validation and adaptation of the Serbian adaptation of the Marijuana Effect Expectancies Questionnaire among adolescents



The Brain & Neurological Disorders


In brain scans of people with cannabis use disorder, their brain volume scores were within normal ranges for both sexes while females had greater cortical thickness than males in 14 different regions

Sex differences in normative modeling of cortical thickness in cannabis use disorder



In older adults, on the relationship of their circulating endocannabinoid & fatty acid levels to cognitive performance

Circulating Endocannabinoids and Cognitive Function in Older Adults



For Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome (a rare genetic disorder of albinism & bleeding problems), anandamide could serve as a blood biomarker for pulmonary fibrosis (lung scarring)

Anandamide Is a Potential Blood Biomarker of Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Pulmonary Fibrosis



In a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, inhibiting the FAAH enzyme (which degrades anandamide) “fully reverted neurocognitive decline”, lessened neuroinflammation & promoted neuroprotection

Fatty‐acid amide hydrolase inhibition mitigates Alzheimer's disease progression in mouse models of amyloidosis



In a mouse model of Parkinson's disease, activation of the CB2 receptor not only decreased inflammation but also formed receptor heteromers (joined receptor units) with NMDA glutamate receptors to lessen their detrimental increased signaling

The interplay between CB2 and NMDA receptors in Parkinson’s disease



In female rats, inhibiting the diacylglycerol lipase α enzyme (DAGLα – which synthesizes 2-AG) reduced the integrity of the blood-brain barrier & increased vascular reactivity

Inhibition of diacylglycerol lipase α induced blood–brain barrier breach in female Sprague–Dawley rats



In neuronal cells, various types of lysophosphatidylinositol (an endocannabinoid that activates the GPR55 receptor) caused different changes to neuroinflammation

Effect of Fatty Acyl Composition for Lysophosphatidylinositol on Neuroinflammatory Responses in Primary Neuronal Cultures



In brain cells, the interactions of the cannabinoid & muscarinic acetylcholine receptors for synaptic plasticity In the hippocampus (memory center of the brain)

Muscarinic cannabinoid suppression of excitation, a novel form of coincidence detection



Mental Health, Addiction & Cannabis Use Disorder


On how cannabis can induce depersonalization & derealization

Depersonalisation and Weed



In cannabis users seeking treatment for opioid use disorder, buprenorphine was associated with reduced cannabis use while extended-release naltrexone wasn't

Effects of randomization to buprenorphine or naltrexone for OUD on cannabis use outcomes: A secondary analysis of the X:BOT trial



In people with trauma history, a survey found that cannabis potency was significantly correlated with cannabis dependence & anxiety levels, but only when assessed via THC proportion and not THC:CBD ratio

The roles of cannabis potency and gender in cannabis dependence and anxiety in recent cannabis users with trauma exposure histories



In humans with PTSD, the gendered differences in their endocannabinoid & inflammatory markers

Sex Differences in Endocannabinoid and Inflammatory Markers Associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


“Male PTSD patients showed a significant decrease in AEA, AA [arachidonic acid] and OEA [oleoylethanolamide] levels compared to male controls … and to female subgroups.”


In people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders & cannabis use disorder, treatment with partial dopamine agonists (aripiprazole or brexpiprazole) improved negative symptoms, craving & general psychopathology

Partial Dopamine D2/3 Agonists and Dual Disorders: A Retrospective-Cohort Study in a Real-World Clinical Setting on Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Cannabis Use Disorder



For the dual use of cannabis smoking & vaping, people were more likely to experience severe externalizing symptoms

Examining the Relationship of Cannabis use Patterns, Mental Health, and Sociodemographic Factors: A Focus on Cannabis Vaping, Smoking and Dual-Use



For substance use disorders, a review of using cannabinoids

Cannabinoid-based Pharmacology for the Management of Substance Use Disorders


And for alcohol use disorder, a review of using cannabinoids

Cannabinoid for alcohol use disorder



For sleep, a review on a bidirectional model of medicating with cannabis leading to worse sleep problems

Sleep Health, Self-Medication, and Cannabis Risk: A Bidirectional Model and Research Agenda



For anxiety, a thesis project reviewing the evidence for the involvement of anandamide

Anandamide and anxiety



In a rat model of cannabis withdrawal, they had reduced brain activity in their rostromedial tegmental nucleus (a center of averse stimuli & behavioral inhibition) & lateral habenula (a center of learning, motivation & addiction)

Functional Adaptation in the Brain Habenulo-Mesencephalic Pathway During Cannabinoid Withdrawal



In a rat model of anxiety, blocking the CB1 receptor reduced their social deficits from empathic pain in witnessing the pain of other rats

The Modulatory Effects of CB1 Receptors on Social Behavior and Anxiety in Rats: Insights from an Empathic Pain Paradigm



In a mouse model of threat reactivity, cannabinoids increased activity in the amygdala & altered the dynamics of the somatostatin neurons

Cannabinoid Modulation of Central Amygdala Population Dynamics During Threat Investigation



Pain, Musculoskeletal & Surgeries


In people who had spinal fusion surgery, those with a history of cannabis use were less likely to be using opioids postoperatively & had lower rates of high-dose opioid utilization

Effect of cannabis use history on postoperative opioid utilization in lumbar fusion patients: an American retrospective study



For musculoskeletal pain, a survey found that orthopedic patients are highly interested in cannabis-based products

Orthopedic Patients Are Highly Amenable to Cannabis-Based Products for the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pain



For chronic pain, a review of 22 trials on using the cannabinoids

Exploring Natural Analgesics for Chronic Pain Management: Cannabinoids and Other Phytoconstituents



In a mouse model of arthritis, activating the CB2 receptor reduced paw swelling, lowered spleen index, reduced inflammatory cell migration & bone erosion & preserved joint integrity via the Th17/Treg balance

Cannabinoid receptor 2 selective agonist ameliorates adjuvant-induced arthritis by modulating the balance between Treg and Th17 cells



In a mouse model of spinal cord injury, dysfunctions in anandamide & the CB1 & TRPV1 vanilloid receptors led to a maladaptive hyperactive pain state

Maladaptive changes in the homeostasis of AEA-TRPV1/CB1R induces pain-related hyperactivity of nociceptors after spinal cord injury



In a mouse model of pain, a thesis project on how activating the CB2 receptor alleviated pain without producing tolerance & also prevented the development of tolerance to morphine

Examination of CB2 Cannabinoid Receptor Agonist LY2828360 in Reducing Mechanistically Distinct Forms of Pain in Rodents



For neuropathic pain, a biodegradable CBD

Biodegradable cannabidiol: a potential nanotherapeutic for neuropathic pain



Guts, Metabolism & Oral Health


For people with nausea and/or vomiting, nabilone (a THC derivative) was prescribed after everything else had failed

Characterization of Nabilone for the Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced and Refractory Nausea and Vomiting



In the intestinal tissue of Crohn's disease patients, increased expression of the NAAA enzyme (and hence, the reduced levels of its substrates oleoylethanolamide & PEA) reduced intestinal scarring

P0181 Modulating macrophage activity via NAAA pharmacological inhibition: a therapeutic strategy for intestinal fibrosis



Immune System & Microbial


In a tissue model of tuberculosis, activating the CB2 receptor reduced proinflammatory cytokine release, the transcription of proinflammatory genes & the activation of macrophages (guardian immune cells of the brain)

Cannabinoid Receptor type 2 agonist GP1a attenuates macrophage activation induced by M. bovis-BCG by inhibiting NF-?B signaling



Reproduction & Hormones


During human lactation, cannabis consumption caused greater protein levels & lower fat levels in their milk

The Effect of Cannabis Consumption During Lactation on the Macronutrient Concentrations in Breast Milk



In Quebec, a survey of how healthcare professionals communicate to pregnant people about the effects of cannabis

Talking with pregnant women exposed to cannabis use after cannabis legalization: Experiences of professionals working in Québec's social and healthcare system



In young Queer people who recently delivered a baby, on why they were more likely to use cannabis

Exploring Peripartum Cannabis Use Among Young Sexual Minority People: A Qualitative Study



In African-American women, interviews on their perceived neighborhood environment & cannabis use during pregnancy

Effect of Perceived Neighborhood Environment on Cannabis Use during Pregnancy among African American Women



In pregnant & lactating dairy cows, adding omega-3 fatty acid altered their endocannabinoid system & immune responses

Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation from late pregnancy to early lactation attenuates the endocannabinoid system and immune proteome in preovulatory follicles and endometrium of Holstein dairy cows



For prenatal cannabis exposure, using preclinical models to quantify THC fetal exposure levels

Quantification and prediction of human fetal (-)-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol/(±)-11-OH-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure during pregnancy to inform fetal cannabis toxicity



The Heart & Blood


For Daphnia magna (a small plankton crustacean), a thesis project on the effect of CBD on heart rate

Impact of Cannabidol (CBD) on Daphnia magna Heart Rate



The Liver & Drug Metabolism


In liver transplant patients, therapeutic exercises increased their levels of anandamide & 2-AG

Endocannabinoid and hematological responses to pre- and post-therapeutic exercises in liver transplant patients



In non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (serious liver disease of fatty buildup & inflammation), a mixture of olive oil & far infrared-processed hemp seed oil helped with weight gain during a choline-deficient high-fat diet

Effects of Supplementation with Far Infrared-Processed Hemp Seed Oil and Olive Oil Mixture on Choline-Deficient Diet-Induced Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis in Mice



The Lungs


On combining CBD with kaempferol (a flavonoid with medical benefits) for anti-inflammatory effects in treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Kaempferol can increase aerosolization and decrease the cytotoxicity of inhaled cannabidiol



The Skin


In the skin, a review of the role of the eicosanoids (derivatives of arachidonic acid, the precursor to anandamide)

Metabolic pathways of eicosanoids—derivatives of arachidonic acid and their significance in skin



Cancer & Chemotherapy


For Australian cancer patients, a survey of their views on medical cannabis

Patients’ Perceptions of the Efficacy, Safety, and Quality of the Evidence of Medicinal Cannabis: A Survey of Australian Cancer Patients



In cancer survivors, those who co-used cannabis & alcohol were more likely to have high blood pressure but no changes to immune biomarkers

Alcohol and Cannabis Use Associated with Cardiometabolic Biomarkers among "All of Us" Cancer Survivors



In brain cancer cells, both CBD & AM 1172 (a drug that inhibits the FAAH enzyme as well as anandamide reuptake) sometimes combined well with treatment drugs & sometimes antagonized them

Isobolographic interactions of cannabidiol and AM 1172 with cisplatin in human neuroblastoma and glioblastoma cell lines: An in vitro study



In colorectal cancer cells, CBD halted proliferation, migration & invasion & induced apoptosis (programmed cellular suicide) via the CB2 receptor & stress to the endoplasmic reticulum (organelle of protein modification)

P0112 Cannabidiol (CBD) targeting of colorectal cancer cells is mutation-independent and via CB2 receptor



In leukemia cells, CBN & CBG caused anticancer effects

The Anticancer Activity of Cannabinol (CBN) and Cannabigerol (CBG) on Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells



In breast cancer cells, a thesis project on the combination of THC & CBD causing antineoplastic & antiproliferative effects

Identifying the cannabinoid effects against breast cancer in vitro



In leukemia cells, CBD altered lipid levels

Unveiling cellular changes in leukaemia cell lines after cannabidiol treatment through lipidomics



Synthetic Cannabinoids & Hemp-Derived Cannabinoids


In Scottish prisons, on measuring the levels of the synthetic cannabinoid HHC

Detection and quantitation of the semi-synthetic cannabinoid hexahydrocannabinol in seized samples from Scottish prisons



In adolescent mice, long-term exposure to the synthetic cannabinoid AB-FUBINACA made them more vulnerable to psychiatric disorders & in females, alterations to memory, increased anxiety, psychotic-like effects & the loss of dendritic spines (related to synaptic plasticity)

Long-term consequences of adolescent exposure to the synthetic cannabinoid AB-FUBINACA in male and female mice



In human lymphocytes (immune cells of the bone marrow & blood), synthetic cannabinoids increased the number of sister chromatid exchanges (DNA breaking & rejoining during replication)

Synthetic Cannabinoids are Genotoxic in Cultured Human Lymphocytes



Biochemical Discoveries & Tools


For the CB1 receptor, a review of the structure-function relationships of its many ligands

Cannabinoid receptor 1 ligands: Biased signaling mechanisms driving functionally selective drug discovery



On finding the negative allosteric binding site where CBD modulates the CB1 receptor

Determination of the Negative Allosteric Binding Site of Cannabidiol at the CB1 Receptor: A Combined Computational and Site-Directed Mutagenesis Study



For the CB1 receptor, a molecular modeling comparison of phytocannabinoids versus synthetic cannabinoids [Portuguese]

Molecular modeling of cannabinoid binding to the CB1 receptor: comparing Cannabis sativa and synthetic cannabinoids



A new fluorescent CB2 probe for imaging their location in the plasma membranes of living cells

Probing Native CB2 Receptor Mobility in Plasma Membranes of Living Cells by Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching



On inhibiting the FAAH enzyme (which breaks down anandamide) with new beta-lactams






Measuring cannabinoids in plasma using a disposable pipette extraction & UHPLC-MS/MS

A Disposable Pipette Extraction-UHPLC-MS/MS Method Based on Removal of Phospholipids to Determine Anandamide, 2-Arachidonoylglycerol, Cannabidiol, and Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabidiol in Plasma Samples



In yeast, enhancing their biosynthesis of CBC acid

Enhancing Cannabichromenic Acid Biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae



On better in silico methods for computing new cannabinoid compounds

Accurate Enthalpies of Formation for Bioactive Compounds from High-Level Ab Initio Calculations with Detailed Conformational Treatment: A Case of Cannabinoids





?- lex


PS: For today’s jazz saxophone, ‘African Voodoo’ by Manu Dibango, the Cameroonian sometimes called the greatest jazz saxophonist Africa ever produced. As a student & amalgamator of traditions from Afro-soul to jazz to funk to Latin music, Dibango & his group recorded the album in three days with no prior planning.

Musical from a young age, Dibango discovered jazz at 15 while attending school in France. He learned the piano & saxophone while conquering the Paris jazz scene of the ‘50s before moving to Brussels & taking up the vibraphone. He then helped to found the famous Congolese rhumba group African Jazz. He later started his own fusion group in Cameroon & worked as a studio musician in Paris. But his life changed completely when his 1972 single ‘Soul Makossa’ became an international sensation (and is now known as the most sampled African song in history). He collaborated with many of the world’s jazz greats & continued a prodigious output of music into his seventies. Awarded a UNESCO Artist for Peace award, he became an elder statesman to the musical youth of Africa up until his death from COVID in 2020.


This newsletter is the backbone of my work & I hope it brings you a measure of value. If so, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription & support my sharing all of the new cannabinoid science each week.



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