Cow<T> in Rust

In Rust, the Cow<T> type (short for "clone on write") is a smart pointer that provides a flexible way of working with borrowed and owned data. It allows you to seamlessly switch between borrowed and owned representations of data, depending on your needs. The Cow<T> type is defined in the standard library's std::borrow module and is commonly used in scenarios where you want to minimize unnecessary cloning of data.

It's worth mentioning that if you require reference-counting pointers, Rust provides Rc::make_mut and Arc::make_mut functions, which can provide similar clone-on-write functionality. These functions allow you to mutate the value behind the reference-counted pointer only when necessary, cloning the data if it is shared by multiple references.


When working with data, you may often encounter situations where you need to operate on borrowed data when it's available, but also be able to switch to an owned version if modifications are required. For example, you may want to avoid cloning data if it's already mutable, but clone it when mutations are necessary. The Cow<T> type provides a solution to this problem by allowing you to work with borrowed or cloned data through a unified interface.

Understanding Cow<T>

The Cow<T> type is an enum with two variants:

  • Borrowed(T): Represents borrowed data of type T, where T implements the ToOwned trait.
  • Owned(T): Represents owned data of type T.

The ToOwned trait allows for converting borrowed data into owned data. It is automatically implemented for types that implement the Clone trait. This trait provides the necessary mechanism for cloning the borrowed data when needed.

pub enum Cow<'a, B>
    B: 'a + ToOwned + ?Sized,
    Borrowed(&'a B),
    Owned(<B as ToOwned>::Owned),

  • 'a represents the lifetime parameter and is used to indicate the lifetime of the borrowed data in the Borrowed variant.
  • B: 'a + ToOwned + ?Sized is a trait bound specifying the requirements for the type B used in the Cow<T> enum. It states that B must implement the ToOwned trait and be unsized (?Sized). The ToOwned trait allows converting a borrowed value into an owned value.
  • Borrowed(&'a B) is the first variant of the enum, representing a borrowed reference to data of type B. It stores a reference to the borrowed data.
  • Owned(<B as ToOwned>::Owned) is the second variant, representing an owned value of type B. It stores the owned value.

As said earlier Cow<T> is a smart pointer that provides clone-on-write functionality. It allows you to work with borrowed data while lazily cloning it when mutation or ownership is required. It is designed to work with general borrowed data types through the Borrow trait.

One of the advantages of Cow<T> is that it implements Deref, which allows you to call non-mutating methods directly on the data it contains. This means you can use Cow<T> as if it were the underlying borrowed type, accessing its methods and properties seamlessly.

If you need mutation, you can use the to_mut() method provided by Cow<T> to obtain a mutable reference (&mut T) to an owned value. If the Cow<T> is in the borrowed variant, to_mut() will clone the data into an owned variant before returning the mutable reference.

The Cow<T> enum is commonly used in situations where you want to avoid unnecessary cloning of data. You can work with data as borrowed (&T) as long as it's sufficient, but if you need to mutate or own the data, you can clone it into the Owned variant.

The Cow<T> enum provides convenient methods like to_mut(), which allows converting a borrowed variant to the owned variant if necessary, and into_owned(), which unconditionally converts the value to the owned variant. This flexibility enables efficient and ergonomic handling of data that may need to be cloned or owned based on runtime conditions.

What is ToOwned ?

ToOwned is a trait in Rust that provides a method for creating an owned version of a type from a borrowed version. It is commonly used in situations where you have a borrowed reference to a type and need to convert it into an owned version.

The ToOwned trait is defined as follows:

pub trait ToOwned {
? ? type Owned: Borrow<Self>;

? ? fn to_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned;

The trait has one associated type Owned, which represents the owned version of the type implementing ToOwned. The to_owned() method is used to create the owned version.

By implementing the ToOwned trait for a type, you provide a way to convert borrowed references of that type into owned versions. This is useful in scenarios where you want to work with borrowed data most of the time, but occasionally need to take ownership and mutate the data.

The standard library provides several implementations of ToOwned for common types. For example, String implements ToOwned, allowing you to create an owned String from a borrowed str. Similarly, Vec<T> implements ToOwned, enabling you to create an owned Vec<T> from a borrowed slice [T].

Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of ToOwned:

use std::borrow::ToOwned;

fn main() {
? ? let borrowed_str: &str = "Jai Shree Ram!";
? ? let mut owned_string: String = borrowed_str.to_owned();
	owned_string.push_str("Jai Bajrang bali");

	println!("Barrowed string: {}",borrowed_str);
? ? println!("Owned string: {}", owned_string);

amit@DESKTOP-9LTOFUP:~/OmPracticeRust$ ./To_Owned_demo
Barrowed string: Jai Shree Ram!
Owned string: Jai Shree Ram!Jai Bajrang bali

In this example, we have a borrowed string slice borrowed_str. By calling to_owned() on borrowed_str, we create an owned String called owned_string that contains a copy of the original data. This allows us to take ownership of the data and use it as an owned string.

The ToOwned trait provides a convenient and generic way to convert borrowed references to owned versions of types, making it easier to work with borrowed and owned data interchangeably in Rust.

Usage Examples

Let's explore some usage examples of Cow<T> to better understand its capabilities.

Example 1: Borrowed Data

use std::borrow::Cow;

fn process_data(data: Cow<str>) {
? ? let processed_data = data.to_uppercase();
? ? println!("Processed data: {}", processed_data);

fn main() {
? ? let borrowed_data: Cow<str> = Cow::Borrowed("Jai Shree Ram!");
? ? process_data(borrowed_data);

? ? let owned_data: Cow<str> = Cow::Owned(String::from("Jai Bajarang Bali!"));
? ? process_data(owned_data);
amit@DESKTOP-9LTOFUP:~/OmPracticeRust/SP/Cow$ ./Cow
Processed data: JAI SHREE RAM!
Processed data: JAI BAJARANG BALI!

In the above example, we have a process_data function that takes a Cow<str> as a parameter. The function converts the data to uppercase and then prints the processed data.

In the main function, we create two instances of Cow<str> with different variants: borrowed_data is created using the Borrowed variant, and owned_data is created using the Owned variant.

When we call process_data with borrowed_data, it passes the borrowed reference to the function. Since the data is already borrowed, no cloning occurs, and the function works directly with the borrowed reference.

When we call process_data with owned_data, it converts the data to the Owned variant. The function then clones the owned value when performing the uppercase conversion.

Please note below :

In the Cow<T> enum, the Borrowed variant typically takes a borrowed reference to a type T, while the Owned variant stores an owned value of type T::Owned.

For Cow<str>, the borrowed variant Borrowed will take a &str (string slice) representing borrowed data, and the owned variant Owned will store a String representing owned data.

The choice of using &str for borrowed data and String for owned data in the context of Cow<str> is consistent with Rust's convention. &str represents an immutable borrowed string slice, and String represents an owned, mutable string. This aligns with the common use cases where you may want to borrow an existing string slice or own a string that can be modified.

This usage of Cow<T> allows us to work with both borrowed and owned data seamlessly. It avoids unnecessary cloning when the data is already borrowed and clones the data only when necessary. This flexibility can be particularly useful when dealing with functions or operations that accept both borrowed and owned data types.

Example 2: Cloned Data

use std::borrow::Cow;

fn process_data(data: Cow<str>) {
? ? println!("Data: {}", data);

fn main() {
? ? let owned_data: Cow<str> = Cow::Owned(String::from("Hello, Rust!"));? 
    // Above is owned data

? ? process_data(owned_data);

In this example, we create a Cow<str> with an owned String using Cow::Owned. The owned data is then passed to the process_data function. Since the data is already owned, no cloning occurs.

Example 3: Conditional Cloning

use std::borrow::Cow;

fn process_data(data: Cow<str>) {
? ? let modified_data = data.replace("Rust", "World");
? ? println!("Modified Data: {}", modified_data);

fn main() {
? ? let borrowed_data: Cow<str> = Cow::Borrowed("Hello, Rust!");? 
   // Above is borrowed data

? ? process_data(borrowed_data);

In this example, we start with borrowed data and pass it to the process_data function. Inside the function, we modify the data by replacing "Rust" with "World". Since the data is borrowed, Cow<T> will automatically clone the data and convert it into an owned String before performing the modification.

APIs provided by Cow<T>

The Cow<T> enum in Rust provides several methods for working with its variants. Here are some of the commonly used methods provided by Cow<T>:

1. from(value: T) -> Cow<T>:

  • This is an associated function of Cow<T> that creates a new Cow<T> instance from a value of type T.
  • If the value is already owned (e.g., String), it will be stored in the Owned variant.
  • If the value is borrowed (e.g., &str), it will be stored in the Borrowed variant.

Example to demonstrate the usage of the from(value: T) -> Cow<T> associated function to create Cow<str> instances.

use std::borrow::Cow;

fn main() {
? ? let borrowed_data: Cow<str> = Cow::from("Jai Shree Ram!");
? ? let owned_data: Cow<str> = Cow::from(String::from("Jai Bajarang bali!"));

? ? println!("Borrowed data: {:?}", borrowed_data);
? ? println!("Owned data: {:?}", owned_data);
amit@DESKTOP-9LTOFUP:~/OmPracticeRust/SP/Cow$ ./Cow_from
Borrowed data: "Jai Shree Ram!"
Owned data: "Jai Bajarang bali!"

The Cow::from function allows us to create a Cow<str> from either a borrowed string slice (&str) or an owned String. The Cow<T> type automatically selects the appropriate variant based on the input.

2. as_ref() -> Cow<'_, T>:

  • This method returns a new Cow<T> with a borrowed reference to the data, regardless of the original variant.
  • If the original variant is already borrowed, the method returns a new Cow<T> with the same borrowed reference.
  • If the original variant is owned, the method borrows the owned value and returns a new Cow<T> with a borrowed reference to it.

Example to demonstrate the usage of the as_ref() -> Cow<'_, T> method.

use std::borrow::Cow;

fn main() {
? ? let borrowed_data: Cow<str> = Cow::Borrowed("Jai Shree Ram!");
? ? let owned_data: Cow<str> = Cow::Owned(String::from("Jai Bajrang bali!"));

? ? let borrowed_ref: &str = borrowed_data.as_ref();
? ? let owned_ref: &str = owned_data.as_ref();

? ? println!("Borrowed reference: {}", borrowed_ref);
? ? println!("Owned reference: {}", owned_ref);
amit@DESKTOP-9LTOFUP:~/OmPracticeRust/SP/Cow$ ./as_ref
Borrowed reference: Jai Shree Ram!
Owned reference: Jai Bajrang bali!

We call as_ref() on both borrowed and owned Cow<str> instances to obtain a borrowed reference (&str) to the underlying data. This allows us to work with the data without taking ownership or cloning.

3. to_mut() -> &mut T:

  • This method converts the value to the Owned variant if it is currently in the Borrowed variant.
  • If the original variant is already in the Owned variant, the method returns a mutable reference to the owned value.

Example to demonstrate the usage of the to_mut() -> &mut T method.

use std::borrow::Cow;

fn main() {
? ? let mut borrowed_data: Cow<str> = Cow::Borrowed("Om Namah Shivaya!");

? ? let mut mutable_data = borrowed_data.to_mut();
? ? mutable_data.make_ascii_uppercase();

? ? println!("Mutated data: {}", mutable_data);
amit@DESKTOP-9LTOFUP:~/OmPracticeRust/SP/Cow$ ./to_mut
Mutated data: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA!

We call to_mut() on a borrowed Cow<str> instance. If the Cow<str> is in the Borrowed variant, to_mut() converts it to the Owned variant, allowing mutable access to the data. We then obtain a mutable reference (&mut str) to the underlying data and perform mutable operations on it.

4. into_owned() -> T:

  • This method unconditionally converts the value to the Owned variant, consuming the Cow<T> and returning the owned value.
  • If the original variant is already in the Owned variant, the method returns the owned value without cloning.

Eexample to demonstrate the usage of the into_owned() -> T method.

use std::borrow::Cow;

fn main() {
? ? let borrowed_data: Cow<str> = Cow::Borrowed("Krishanaya vasudevaya , 
         Hareye parmatmne!");

? ? let owned_data: String = borrowed_data.into_owned();

? ? println!("Owned data: {}", owned_data);
amit@DESKTOP-9LTOFUP:~/OmPracticeRust/SP/Cow$ ./into_owned
Owned data: Krishanaya vasudevaya , Hareye parmatmne!

We call into_owned() on a borrowed Cow<str> instance. If the Cow<str> is in the Borrowed variant, into_owned() clones the underlying data into an owned String. We obtain the owned String and can use it as needed.

These are just a few of the methods available for Cow<T>. The full list of methods can be found in the Rust documentation for Cow<T> in the std::borrow module. The methods provided by Cow<T> offer convenient ways to work with borrowed and owned data interchangeably, avoiding unnecessary cloning when possible and providing flexibility in handling data based on runtime conditions.

Advantages of Cow<T>

  • Flexible data handling: Cow<T> provides a unified interface for working with borrowed and owned data, allowing you to seamlessly switch between the two representations based on your requirements.
  • Avoid unnecessary cloning: With Cow<T>, you can avoid unnecessary cloning of data by only cloning it when modifications are needed. This can help improve performance and memory efficiency.
  • Easy interoperability: Cow<T> integrates well with other Rust types and provides convenient methods for working with borrowed and owned data.

Disadvantages of Cow<T>:

  • Runtime Overhead: The use of Cow<T> introduces a small runtime overhead due to the dynamic dispatch involved in handling both borrowed and owned variants. This overhead is usually negligible, but in performance-critical scenarios, it's worth considering.
  • Ownership Complexity: While Cow<T> provides flexibility, it also adds complexity to the ownership model. It's essential to understand when data is borrowed or owned to avoid unexpected side effects or incorrect assumptions about mutability.

In some cases, using Cow<T> may not be necessary or beneficial. If you're primarily dealing with either borrowed or owned data and not switching between them frequently, using explicit borrows (&T or &mut T) or owned types (T) directly may be simpler and more straightforward.

Suitable Scenarios for Using Cow<T>:

  • Data Transformation: When you need to transform or modify data while keeping the original unchanged, Cow<T> can be beneficial. It allows you to perform modifications on owned data and work with borrowed data when no modifications are necessary.
  • Performance Optimization: Cow<T> helps optimize performance by avoiding unnecessary cloning. If the data is already in an owned form, you can directly work with it without incurring the cost of cloning. This is particularly useful when dealing with large or expensive-to-clone data structures.

The Cow<T> type in Rust is a powerful tool for handling borrowed and owned data in a flexible manner. It allows you to avoid unnecessary cloning, optimize performance, and seamlessly switch between borrowed and owned representations. By leveraging the Cow<T> type, you can write code that is more efficient, expressive, and ergonomic.

Finally, we should remember to carefully consider our specific use cases and choose the appropriate strategy between borrowing and cloning to strike a balance between performance and convenience when working with data.


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