Coworking spaces managers vs COVID-19: what to do when coworking is closed? (English version)
Bespoke, a coworking space at Westfield's shopping center in SF.

Coworking spaces managers vs COVID-19: what to do when coworking is closed? (English version)

In December 2019 I defended my doctoral thesis on Knowledge Sharing in coworking spaces. The study is based on the creation of a knowledge sharing model to be applied by managers of coworking spaces, and its background is the understanding that these work environments are not just physical spaces, but that they can be constituted in environments of generating, disseminating, preserving and sharing knowledge, through the values provided by coworking spaces (flexibility, sharing, collaboration, open innovation and interaction).

With COVID-19 and the restrictions on human contact, the need for isolation and the closure of coworking spaces, managers of these work environments are concerned with the safety of their coworkers, but are also concerned with the sustainability of their business in the short and mid-term.

The research presented some learnings that can be applied by managers of coworking spaces at this time where these work environments are closed.

- That the manager is considered a connector, which allows interaction between coworkers.

- That the physical environment is only a possibility of interaction environment.

- That physical colocalization in the work environment does not represent effective interaction of coworkers;

- That virtual environments are effective interaction environments for rapid knowledge sharing;

- That the modalities of physical spaces interfere with face-to-face interaction, but do not interfere with online interaction; and;

- That shared knowledge based on random interactions can generate new knowledge, which can solve problems or generate new opportunities.

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Thus, if you are a manager of coworking spaces, in our view you must follow some measures to minimize the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis:

- Follow the official information about the security measures and prevention of the spread of Corona Virus and COVID-19;

- Keep your employees and coworkers safe, based on distance and social isolation;

- If your coworking participates in a network of coworking spaces create a plan with drivers for all units and as spaces for the drivers and official local determinations;

- Create a remote work governance with your employees. So that they can continue their activities at home with coworkers and ecosystems;

- Create strategies for the performance of community managers. They will be fundamental in this moment where everyone worked on a home office model.

Be close while away.

Strategies such as:

- Creation of online dialog groups (whatsapp, messenger; telegram, etc.);

- Transfer face-to-face events to online events (in this moment of isolation, contact between cowokers is important even if on line)

- Create Virtual Communities of Practices so that coworkers can exchange experiences of how they are facing the crisis, and thus, observe that everyone has difficulties and solutions to current problems;

- Keep in touch with coworkers daily (like a daily newsletter) giving positive information about what is happening in your city and your actions to collaborate with the ecosystem and with your coworker's company;

- Online activities calendar, because who is not used to working at home at this moment will feel lost in their routine;

- Activate your mentors and business partners to offer online mentoring to develop strategies for your coworkers to face the crisis;

- Talk about financial organization and resource constraints. this will be important when it comes to social isolation and distance;

- Keep your purpose. That speech you give when presenting your coworking spaces when someone visits you, should be stronger than ever.

If you talk about sharing, collaboration, happy, welcoming work environments, innovation, knowledge sharing, networking, generating new business, now is the time to continue doing this online and demonstrate to your coworkers that even the distance you maintain your position.

Be close while away.

I am at your disposal to talk. Make contact by or by whatsapp +55 48 9138-9951 or by email [email protected]

By Prof. Dr. Geraldo Campos

* The research and doctorate was developed in the Graduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management, at the Federal University of Santa Cartaria, supervised by Prof. Dr. Jo?o Artur de Souza and Profa. Dr. Gertrudes Dandolini, in the Media and Knowledge research line.


