Covide19 impact on Education !

Covide19 impact on Education !

Hello friends. Does covide-19 was good for student .....hmm? surely no . But when you ask students for exam point of view they may say "yes" ...I also feel same when I saw my PG result of Risk analysis .I try to analysis our class marks and compared offline exam marks to online exam . You may get some learning ....Enjoy it !

My learning.

1) Marks of 1st offline assessment and roll number are randomly spread . There is no pattern , also no dependency of each others . It means of marks of 1st assessment are randomly spread .

2) Marks of 2nd online assessment and roll number are spread along straight line . There is pattern , also dependency of each others . It means of marks of 2nd assessment of 80 % students are same exactly .

similar in 3rd .

It means there should be biasness in offline mode and online mode marks .

Lets us some test in next post ..... until envoy it !


