COVID19 Impact Study
Confederation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME) and Centre of Excellence for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CEIIE) is unit of International Council of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering and a registered corporation in Delaware USA International Council of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering Inc. Confederation is a national business network of 5,238+ leading entrepreneurs. Founded in recent past by a group of young entrepreneurs, Confederation enables business owners to learn from each other, leading to greater business success and an enriched personal life.
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We educate, we transform, we inspire and we offer invaluable resources in the form of national events, leadership-development programs, an online entrepreneur forum and executive education opportunities, among other offerings designed for personal and professional growth.
The objectives of the "Surveys, Studies and Policy Research" are:
- To regularly/periodically collect, from primary, secondary and other sources, relevant and reliable data on various aspects and features of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) engaged in manufacturing and services (whether in the category of micro/small enterprises, khadi, village industries or coir) as a composite group or specific segments thereof.
- To study and analyse, on the basis of empirical data or otherwise, the constraints and challenges faced by the MSME as well as the opportunities available to them, in the context of liberalisation and globalisation of the economy.
- To use the results of these surveys and analytical studies for policy research and designing appropriate strategies and measures of intervention by the Government, by itself or in public private partnership mode, to assist and enable these enterprises in facing the challenges and availing of the opportunities with a view to enhancing their efficiency and competitiveness and also expanding generation of sustainable employment by them.
The scope of the Research includes, but is not limited to, the following areas of interest:
- Sector-wide issues like criteria for classification of enterprises, international standards and norms for such classification, statutory and other forms of regulation of enterprises consistent with the objectives of (a) quick entry and smooth exit, (b) operational ease and reduction of transaction costs of compliance, (c) simplification and harmonisation of regulatory processes and procedures, etc.
- Concurrent/periodical evaluation/assessment of impact of the existing policies, programmes and schemes of assistance on the target segments of MSME with reference to the objectives of such policies, etc., and designing remedial measures for improvement of impact.
- Issues like credit flow, sickness, technological upgradation, infrastructure support, marketing (including exports), enterprise management practices, intellectual property rights, etc., in the context of specific segments or whole of MSME and with a view to enhancing competitiveness in the global context.
- Measures for capacity building of enterprises/associations of enterprises and their empowerment, with particular emphasis on micro enterprises and enterprises owned/operated by women and/or the scheduled castes/tribes and promotion and development of enterprises in less developed regions/Sates of the country.
- Entrepreneurship development and problems of first-generation entrepreneurs.
- Role and efficacy of the existing institutions of the Government in delivering the services that they are mandated to and measures for improvement of their human resources and operative practices.
- Any other matter within the purview of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
Research Questionnaires
- Our online questionnaires are divided into 4 segment with open and close end questions
- 1st segment to understand the company details from its constitution, turnover, manpower strength, product and services, statutory compliance, expectation from state and central government etc
- 2nd segment to understand IT and Digital Infrastructure
- 3rd segment to understand the Covid19 impact
- 4th segment is acknowledgment and requirements
Sample Size
- 2400 Entrepreneurs to be interviewed from each state
- Research will be conducted across 10-17 States
Data Collection Methods
- Online survey will be conducted
- Responded must be founder/ co-founder/ CEO/ Director/ Proprietor/ Partner etc
- Responded should not be professional working in company
- Responded must be Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises not a large company
Benefits of participating in the survey
- Maximum 30 Minutes required for quality survey submission
- Contributing in the research. Outcome of the research will be useful for policy designs and implementation
- Will help confederation to voice the issues to state and central government department and institutions
- Each Responded will be issued 3 Years free membership of Confederation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
- Each one will be allowed to participate in our Free Trainings, Seminar, Workshop and Exhibitions etc
- Get discounts and priority services for domestic trade expo, vendor development program etc
- Free Digital Media Marketing, Project Management, Salesforce Training Videos