COVID Vaccine: So That My Children Can Live In Peace
Webster defines a vaccine as, "a preparation that is administered to stimulate the body's?immune response?against a specific infectious agent or disease. An antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated pathogenic agent or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin)."
The CDC has a rigorous process for the development of vaccines, This process includes: Initial Development, Exploratory stage, Pre-clinical stage, Clinical development, Regulatory review and approval, Manufacturing, and Quality control. The Clinical Development Stage is a three phase process. Phase1tests a small group of people. Phase 2 increases the amount of people but subject selection for this phase focuses on people with specific health needs such as people with health conditions or symptoms of the targeted disease or virus. Phase 3 increases the number of test subjects and tests specifically for efficacy and safety.
- "Phase 1?trials are small, involving only 20 to 100 volunteers, and last only a few months. The purpose of phase one trials is to evaluate basic safety and identify very common reactions."(CDC)
- "Phase 2?trials are larger and involve several hundred participants. These studies last anywhere from several months to two years and collect additional information on safety and efficacy. Data gained from phase two trials can be used to determine the composition of the vaccine, how many doses are necessary, and a profile of common reactions."(CDC)
- "Phase 3?trials are the next step, unless the vaccine is ineffective or causes health problems, and are expanded to involve several hundred to several thousand volunteers. Typically, these trials last several years. Because the vaccinated group can be compared to those who have not received the vaccine, researchers are able to identify true reactions."(CDC)
- "Phase 4?safety monitoring and research begins after a vaccine is licensed and recommended for public use."(CDC)
- "While clinical trials provide important information on vaccine safety, the data are somewhat limited because of the relatively small number (hundreds to thousands) of study participants. Rare side effects and delayed reactions might not be evident until the vaccine is administered to millions of people."(CDC)
The CDC is not the approving agency for vaccinations. The CDC also advises, "Due to the relative speed with which these vaccines were developed, patients’ concerns about long-term side effects are reasonable and to be expected. For other vaccines routinely used in the United States, the phases of clinical trials are performed one at a time. During the development of COVID-19 vaccines, these phases have overlapped to speed up the process.) (CDC) "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) is responsible for regulating vaccines in the United States."(
The process used for approval by the FDA includes FDA Pre-licensure vaccine clinical trials, a Biologics License Application (BLA), inspection of the manufacturing facility, a presentation of findings to FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), and a usability testing of product labeling. The current vaccination schedule consists of vaccines for several diseases. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox, and Influenza.
Unlike medications, COVID-19 vaccine dosage does not vary by patient weight but by age on the day of vaccination. ( The immune system has two main parts and each develops throughout life. This means the passage of time and the various stages of development need to be experienced and studied before a vaccine or drug should be added to the schedule and force injected into the American people. According to the Oxford Vaccine Group, "a vaccine is a type of medicine that trains the body’s immune system so that it can fight a disease." Like all medications, medical procedures, and treatments of any kind, there is a possibility and even probability of long-term effects on the body and its many different systems. Subjecting our children to these risks without taking the proper precautions and time to observe and study developments and data is reckless and dangerous. It is also bordering on cruel. Placing parents in positions where they are forced to vaccinate themselves is criminal but forcing them to vaccinate their children is cruel. A parent should never be forced to subject their child to anything they are not completely comfortable with and doing completely voluntarily. I wish to clarify, the reckless, criminal, and cruel actions are those taken by vaccine developers, advertisers, regulators, information outlets, and government agencies forcing these poorly vetted products into our bodies while holding people under duress, threat of criminal charges, jail, fines, exclusion from society, and suspension of citizen's constitutionally protected rights.
The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine injects a mRNA and a piece of a COVID related virus into the subject. Also contained is a protein unique to COVID. The mRNA provides the body with instructions on how to attack the related virus and in the course of attacking the virus, the body encounters the protein and learns how to attack it as well. This allows the body to form a defense from COVID because the body will attack that unique protein when it is encountered. By attacking the protein the body destroys the COVID virus because that protein is essential to the virus's existence.
Does the COVID-19 vaccine stimulate the production of antibodies? In short, yes it does. "The COVID vaccine is no different in that it creates antibodies, but it uses a different set of tricks than traditional vaccines to create?Coronavirus Immunity" "Antibodies are small proteins in the blood that recognize and attach to viruses, bacteria, and other organisms that cause disease.?"Neutralizing antibodies are those that bind to a virus and interfere with its ability to infect a cell." (NCI) ( Antibodies help us to form immunity. Immunity is defined as the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells. The immune system has two systems. The Active Immunity System and Passive Immunity System. The Active Immune System is triggered when the body is infected naturally by a virus and it will create antibodies to combat the infection. The passive Immune System is activated when a portion of dead virus is introduced to a host and then antibodies are formed to combat the virus. The COVID-19 vaccine does not provide immunity from the virus. It does minimize symptoms in some people infected. According to the CDC, "The risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated as long as there is continued community transmission of the virus."
If you have COVID and form natural immunities and antibodies, do you still need to be vaccinated? "We are now starting to see evidence that the immunity you get after having COVID-19 can be strong. However, the type of immunity that's developed after infection varies from person to person, making it less predictable than immunity after vaccination." ( According to the National Cancer Institute, "nearly all participants who recovered from COVID-19 had?memory B Cell targeted to SARS -CoV2. Memory B cells are?immune cells?that can remain in our bodies for years and can rapidly produce more antibodies if we encounter the virus again. So this finding suggests that most people have a lasting immune response to COVID-19". Additionally, the WHO plainly states the vaccine does not prevent you from being infected or passing on the virus. They still recommend observing quarantine and social distancing standard regardless of vaccination status. According to information obtained from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), SeroNet studies revealed most people who have recovered from COVID-19 or who have been vaccinated did develop neutralizing antibodies against the COVID virus.
Let's address quarantine guidelines. Despite many government officials making contradictory claims, recommendations and even mandates to businesses and schools, the CDC states, "Although the risk that?fully vaccinated people could become infected with COVID-19 is low, any?fully vaccinated?person who experiences?symptoms consistent with COVID-19?should?isolate themselves from others, be clinically evaluated for COVID-19, and test for SARS-CoV-2 if indicated." ( Social distancing is a second term and course of action we are hearing about. We are advised to follow a six foot distance rule as our standard for protection. The Wall Street Journal looked into this and this was their finding. "Old studies suggest that larger respiratory droplets are unlikely to travel more than 6 feet, and therefore close contact with an infected person is the primary mode of exposure. This research was hardly conclusive, but by most accounts it formed the basis for the initial Covid recommendations." ( Their findings were not surprising because if a virus is airborne it makes little sense to assume it will not travel six feet. Even considering "large" droplets of saliva are less likely to be projected through the air at long distances, where is the "science" we keep hearing about? Will these droplets be projected six feet straight ahead and fall immediately? Will they fly six feet and then as they decelerate, and continue to travel, fall at an arc until they hit the ground? Can these larger droplets disperse into smaller droplets and then remain suspended in the air for a longer period of time and travel further? "The old standard of 6 feet has been replaced by a 3-foot minimum, which will make it much more feasible for many schools to reopen for full-time instruction in person. The adjustment applies only to schools, not society more broadly." ( It should be both revealing and concerning this precaution has been decreased as it has been in our kids schools but not in the rest of society. So, is it an appropriate science driven action and worthy of being mandated and enforceable by law or a flexible and non-scientific preference recommended to the public?
Let's talk about masks. Cloth masks assist in preventing an infected person from spreading the virus to a non-infected person. Only certain masks are effective in preventing infection. The lowest level of protective masks advertised by government agencies don't even create an airtight seal on the face. Some of these masks have a filter on them. These filters, however, are actually not what you want. The KN-95 and N-95 filters on these masks actually allow germs and particles to be exhaled out of the mask. These masks actually increase likelihood of transmission of the virus but do protect the wearer to a certain level. It is important to stress, only masks that form an air tight seal on the face an allow no air to enter except through the filtered mask material are truly effective. (
These facts are often ignored by officials putting out their own recommendations because their concern is not our health. Their concern is how to enact as much control as possible before the people stand up and say "enough is enough". The best way to prevent passing COVID to the uninfected is to quarantine if you feel sick or have a suspected encounter or confirmed case of COVID. Further research has also found that asymptomatic carriers of COVID are just as likely to pass the virus as those showing symptoms. The media and government agencies heavily pushed scrubbing surfaces but dedicated almost no time to decontamination processes and recommendations for sanitizing environments, air filtration, and ventilation. The virus is an airborne virus. This last point would seem to be a given but it is also expensive and labor intensive. The government and big media would have had to spend millions on this measure and therefore conveniently kept it quiet.
Smoking. Smoking in public. The government claims the unvaccinated have a responsibility to get vaccinated because not being vaccinated increases their risk of contracting COVID and taking up bed space in hospitals that are needed to treat other patience. "Smoking impairs lung function making it harder for the body to fight off coronaviruses and other respiratory diseases.?Available research suggests that smokers are at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 outcomes and death.?"( If the government is going to mandate vaccines for that reason, shouldn't. the same logic be applied to smoking? Furthermore, smoking increases the distance COVID can be transmitted and the density it stays in when the delivery system is cigarette smoke.
In many cases younger age groups seem to fight off COVID more successfully. This fact benefits society and helps with the overwhelmed hospitals. Smoking however impacts this group at a higher level. "Smoking is an independent risk for having progression of COVID-19, including mortality. The effects seem to be higher among young people." ( If you think about this logically, it makes sense. The smoker is maskless, they are inhaling deeply into their lungs, they are exhaling forcefully and producing a thicker vapor cloud. This vapor cloud is capable of carrying microscopic molecules a further and keeping them suspended in the air for longer periods of time. "Secondhand smoke has always been a killer, but COVID-19?has made exposure to tobacco smoke potentially deadlier.
Exhaled e-cigarette vapor may be even more dangerous."( We are always told the vaccine lessens effects on those who become infected with COVID-19 and this is a reason to mandate vaccines. "Smoking can increase the risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms and aggravate the condition of patients with COVID-19."( It has been noted that tobacco can aggravate conditions associated with COVID-19. The National Institute of Health has posted that "it is recommended that governments increase smoking cessation messaging as part of public health measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic." ( Has anyone seen this type of action from our government or media? Why haven't CDC officials, WHO officials, FDA official, Mayors, Governors, and the President of the United States come out with smoking bans and mandates when there is overwhelming evidence second hand smoke increases the risk of spreading COVID-19 and smoking in general increases the risk of having severe COVID symptoms that would cause higher cases of hospitalization. It seems smoking causes an increased burden on hospitals.
Is the COVID vaccine a Medical treatment or procedure? Why is this important for the general public? According to the National Institute of Health, "Vaccination is a minor medical procedure that reduces or eliminates the risk of contracting a targeted disease." Even healthcare facilities have had to force compliance among its workers. Forcing citizens to get vaccinated causes many practical and philosophical issues. "The only approach that has generated near-total compliance is mandatory vaccination consisting of an ultimatum to health care workers that they either receive a vaccine or lose their job." ( Most local, state, and federal government officials are not licensed to prescribe medication because they are not Licensed to practice medicine. Mandating medical procedures and the administration of medicine is essentially practicing medicine. Practicing medicine without a license is a criminal offense. The Oxford Vaccine Group states, "A vaccine is a type of medicine that trains the body’s immune system so that it can fight a disease." "§1271. License to practice medicine or telemedicine required A. No person shall practice medicine as defined herein until he possesses a duly recorded license issued under this Part or a permit or registration as provided for herein."( It should also be noted officials in the executive branch of government can not make laws. Our government was designed to have three branches with a separation of powers to prevent any one branch from enacting tyrannical power over the people. This form of government also ensures the people are represented in the making of laws to govern society. Executive officials making laws and calling them mandates is not legal. Enforcing these mandates using police and regulatory agencies under the executive branch is also unconstitutional. Louisiana Attorney General stated, “Our office will stand up to government abuse and bullying, and to the president and the governor, coercion is not consent."
The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) process is not the same as FDA approval, clearance, or licensing. EUA standard's provide authorization while requiring significantly less data to support the safety, effectiveness, approval, and licensing by the FDA. The FDA can authorize the emergency use of medical products meeting criteria within weeks rather than months to years.?This completely ignores the subject of long-term impact on people, especially children. The FDA claims, "FDA-approved vaccines undergo the agency’s standard process for reviewing the quality, safety and effectiveness of medical products." This is a blatant lie. The idea of having a "standard process" means things are done the same each time to eliminate causes of results and to assist in identifying effects. "On December 11, 2020, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. On December 18, 2020, the FDA issued an EUA for the use of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. And on February 27, 2021 the FDA issued an EUA for the use of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine." The fact that "EUAs are in effect until the emergency declaration ends" is concerning. This option was designed to be temporary it was not designed to advance research phases and experimentation on human subjects. The EUA process is not intended to replace the "standard process" used to achieve approval from FDA.
There are different types of vaccines. These types are different in how they are developed, delivered, and in how the body responds to the presence of the materials used to create the vaccine. An mRNA vaccine contain material from the virus that causes COVID-19 that gives our cells a map to develop protein unique to the Corona virus. Cells copy the protein, and destroy genetic material from the vaccine. Our bodies recognize and remember the protein by building T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes that remember how to fight the virus that causes COVID-19 if we are infected in the future. A second type of vaccine can be classified as Protein subunit vaccines. These vaccines are designed with?pieces of viruses or proteins of the virus that causes COVID-19. Our bodies are able to recognize the pieces of virus or protein and build T-lymphocytes and?antibodies to fight the virus causing COVID-19 in the event we encounter the virus and are infected in the future.
Vector vaccines are comprised of modified version of different but similar viruses than COVID-19. The modified version contains a shell of the modified virus, material from COVID-19 is contained inside the shell. This is a “viral vector.†Introducing the viral vector to our immune system makes it possible for the genetic material to be used to create instructions for our immune system to make proteins that are unique to the COVID-19 virus. Due to this exposure, our immune system can recognize the foreign matter as an infection and our system will make copies of the protein simulating an infection. Our immune system will build T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes to combat the virus if we are infected.
Research suggests, mRNA is broken down by our body within a few days but the proteins injected into our bodies most likely stays in our body for a few weeks. ( COVID-19 webpage) This process and the vitally important data it produces is being skipped over in a rush to get something on the shelf. It is no secret the COVID vaccine doesn't work, It doesn't prevent infection or spreading of COVID. This has serious implications for our children. I strongly object to children having to go through with an experiment that has not been tested over time to determine how it will impact a changing immune system. What new technology has been used to substitute, account for, or replace the passage data and impact of the passage of time to validate the safety of the COVID vaccine?
"Traditionally, vaccine development is a complex expensive, slow, laborious undertaking that requires substantial investment. Creating a new vaccine candidate using established technologies is estimated to cost >500 million USD, with additional expenses of 50 to 700 million USD required to retrofit manufacturing facilities and equipment. Indeed, the need for dedicated production processes and facilities for each vaccine created using conventional technologies keeps validation and manufacturing costs high. Furthermore, the average development of a conventional vaccine from the preclinical phase requires >10 years and has a market entry probability of 6%. The long lead time and hundreds of potentially complex steps required for manufacturing highlight the urgent need for new approaches to expedite vaccine development." (
mRNA has not been used in human vaccines for a good reason. “RNA in general had a reputation for unbelievable instability,†says Krieg. “Everything around RNA was cloaked in caution.†That might explain why Harvard’s technology-development office elected not to patent the group’s RNA-synthesis approach.?( Further study and development was conducted by other researchers but interestingly they found it didn't effectively or reliably produce antibodies. "Early patent filings describe injecting mRNA coding for HIV proteins into mice, and observing some protection against infection, although not the production of specific immune cells or molecules; this work was never published in a peer-reviewed journal." ( Several pharmaceutical and research companies abandoned or outright refused to continue developing mRNA for use in vaccines because it was unreliable and subject to degradation over time. "Nearly every vaccine company that considered working on mRNA opted to invest its resources elsewhere. The conventional wisdom held that mRNA was too prone to degradation, and its production too expensive." ( This could be seen as a predictor to the situation we are facing now. The COVID vaccinations are not preventing infection or transmissibility and do not appear to prepare the body or help the natural immune system for mutation or future infections. The need for boosters and multiple jabs seems to support the conclusion reached long ago that mRNA might be too unstable and lack the ability to remain effective in once injected into a human being. When COVID first became a widely publicized event certain industries saw an opportunity to capitalize. "But when COVID-19 struck, Moderna was quick off the mark, creating a prototype vaccine?within days, gene sequencing becomes available online. The company then collaborated with the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to conduct mouse studies and launch human trials, all within less than ten weeks."(
The development process for the approval of traditional vaccines is well established and has been mostly standardized. The process and time used for the approval of the COVID vaccine is anything but standard. The safety trials are supposed to take five to seven years, Safety trials for COVID were reduced to approximately four months and seven days. There is currently a schedule of vaccines used by health care management and educational institutions. Items on this schedule have been created, developed, tested, monitored, studied, and regulated over decades before being placed on a the schedule of immunization required for attendance in most schools. The current schedule lists Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox, and Influenza
Diphtheria toxoid was developed in the 1920s. These toxoids weren't widely used though until the early 1930s. It wasn't until the 1940's it was routinely used and approved to be used as a regular vaccination. A frequent complications of diphtheria is myocarditis. Myocarditis can be fatal because it can lead to heart failure. A variety of neurological symptoms have been associated with Diphtheria and COVID-19 as well as secondary pneumonia and respiratory failure. The estimated overall case fatality ratio for diphtheria is 5% to 10%. This process for development, testing, observation, and approval spanned approximately 40 years. The diagram to the right helps illustrate the extreme lack of time devoted to ensuring the vaccine is safe and effective. More information including the chart above can be found at
Tetanus toxoid it was first produced in 1884 and introduced to animals. In 1889, it was discovered that the toxin responded to specific antibodies. It was demonstrated in 1897 that immunization in humans could be used to treat prophylaxis during World War I. A method for inactivating tetanus toxin was later developed in the 1920s. This led to the development of tetanus toxoid in 1924. It was first widely used during World War II. This process for development, testing, observation, and approval spanned approximately 40 years.
Polio infections peaked in1952. An effective vaccines was introduced in 1955 and again in 1961 with a different delivery system. This process for development, testing, observation, and approval took place over a period of about 3 to 9 years covering both delivery systems.
Rubella virus was isolated in1962 and the first rubella vaccines were designed and licensed in 1969 followed by licensing in1971 for a combined measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine in the United States. In 2005, an updated formula to vaccinate against measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (MMRV) was licensed. This process for development, testing, observation, and approval of the initial form of the vaccine lasted approximately 7 years.
Influenza is first isolated in humans in 1933. The first attempt at making a vaccine was made by the United States Army in the 1940s. The first licensed and approved vaccine for Influenza isn't licensed and approved until 1966. The process, outside the United States Military for development, testing, observation, and approval took 30 years to be completed.
I have only included a few of the diseases we currently have vaccines for. This illustrates a clearly defined and proven methodology for developing, testing, observing, and approving medical procedures, medication, diseases, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, biological material and diverse delivery systems that are to be introduced into the bodies of human beings. In each of these cases careful respect was given to time. There is no substitute or simulation to account for the passage of time. The only truly sound method to collect data on long term consequences or benefits of a vaccine is to test it for a lengthy time span. Completing a list of tasks or experiments in a specific order and at consecutive time could yield significantly different results than running the same experiments concurrently without allowing for the passage of time and the natural aging process.
A concern that weighed heavily on my mind was that of insurance coverage. My concern was based on the fact that COVID-19 vaccines are elective procedures and could also be considered experimental. In these conditions, insurance companies could, theoretically, deny coverage. Apparently, others shared this concern because a statement was made to put those of us worrying at ease. “Life insurance policy contracts are very clear on how policies work, and what cause, if any, might lead to the denial of a benefit,†said Paul Graham, the organization’s senior vice president,?in a statement March 12. ( With this being said, each state has different laws and may vary in their insurance companies coverages. It is advised that each person check with their insurance provider to clarify any questions or concerns.
People who have concerns and objections to this vaccine have just cause. Regulatory agencies are not being completely truthful and when they mince words while ignoring and censoring people who voice concerns it further erodes the public's trust. People have legitimate concerns and they are ostracized for voicing an unpopular opinion or even thoughtful objections. These people are doing what they feel is best for their families just as those who accept the vaccine as valid. The CDC has a process for the development of vaccines and the FDA has a standard and rigorous process for approving vaccines. These processes have not been followed. We have frequently been told by regulatory agencies that there is no cause for concern because the same care has been taken to develop COVID-19 vaccines as has for past vaccines. This is simply not true. The FDA's process has traditionally taken many years of testing, observation, and developing before being released and placed on the Immunization Schedule. By allowing the phases of development to run concurrently instead of consecutively the FDA invests less time and money into development. This does not allow for the same observations and data collection that come with the passage of time to study the long term impact on a person's health and life. The mRNA provides the body with instructions on how to attack the related virus but mRNA is notorious for braking down quickly once injected into the body and requiring boosters to remain effective. This could be related to the vaccine allowing infection and spreading of COVID. I have been vaccinated. I was forced under duress to allow subject myself to an unwanted medical procedure. I am not confident in the vaccine and I am concerned about the potential for unforeseen complications or negative long-term effects of this vaccine. I work in an industry where I have to have access to public buildings. If I did not have access to public buildings, I would lose my job and the ability to support my family. When the City government violated my rights and "mandated" that anyone entering any public building had to have a vaccination card they engaged in an action no different than extortion. I was placed in duress by the government and threatened with losing my job and with enforcement action from a law enforcement agency. I was vaccinated because a certain part of the population feels that I should be. I was forced to submit to a violation of my person to satisfy a mayor and a segment of the population who thinks their opinion and desires are somehow more relevant than others. Even though I was violated, I would rather the experiment be on me than on my children. I went along with the agenda of others because I had to. I was vaccinated but that should be my own personal business and I shouldn't feel obligated to tell anyone my private medical information. I certainly shouldn't have to share it with everyone in a restaurant or local grocery store. I certainly shouldn't have to share my personal information with Johny the greeter at the Pancake Palace. It is also difficult for me to trust government agencies that willfully mislead the public and demand I allow them to use my children for what I clearly see as research and an experimental medical procedure.