Covid Undercover Coverage

Covid Undercover Coverage

I am really getting tired of people with continuing streams of income and secure employment telling everyone to stay at home and "stay safe".

Buy marijuana and alcohol, but don't buy seeds. Open party stores, but prevent trained medical care providers from conducting medical procedures. "Science and data"; is that what is driving these decisions in Michigan by Governor Gretchen Whitmer and others?

Standing at the podium sanctifying her control before the press, this Governor does not give me confidence that we will be free of this arbitrary imprisonment anytime soon. As long as she is given the publicity that she seeks, we will continue to be held hostage to her control. The courts are likely going to give her a long leash to operate under because lives may be at risk. I get that. I am as concerned about saving lives as much as anyone else. But more concerning to me is the slippery slope of constitutional freedoms that are being eviscerated with each order. The grave danger that we are losing the freedoms that the greatest generation fought and lost their lives to protect are slowing going down the drain. We are standing by watching it happen. It is like we are on the stove in a pot of water and the heat being applied very slowly until it reaches the boiling point and we are cooked without realizing it. This pandemic is the first salvo of EO's for future "pandemics" as defined by current or subsequent elected officials. All they need to exert excesses in the future is to cite the support the courts gave them under the current situation. To me, the pandemic is not the danger, it is the loss of our constitutional freedoms now and in the future.

I am a resident in a county in northern Michigan who has been sequestered by Governor Gretchen Whitmer since March and under order not to go out until the end of May. Why? "Science and data", according to the Governor drives the decisions being made yet the basis for decisions to allow non-motorized watercraft vs deny motorized watercraft early in her Executive Orders (EO's), or deny the purchase of seeds in big box stores and at the same time to allow marijuana dispensaries, alcohol and lottery ticket purchases but not allow medical care providers to open up puzzles me?

The State of Michigan is going to feel the undercurrents of business closure long after the "Pandemic" has passed as are other states confining its citizens without due process protections. Few of us have been sensitized to the dictatorial powers being exercised over us before these events have unfolded. If you want to know what it is like to live in a police state, look about you. "Science and data," right! This is politics manipulating and playing to its base to the max. How do you get press coverage without considering the welfare of all the citizens of your state?

I am tired of a mother hen telling me and others who is safe and who is not. I am as concerned as anyone else about the loss of lives, but the truth is that this virus is everywhere and it is only a matter of time before you are exposed and manifest symptoms or not. Most of the deaths that are occuring are among others advanced in years and suffering from other conditions that make them more susceptible. Many individuals who have succumbed to this disease were already on the path to their early demise in nursing homes and critical care facilities in any event. Those lives and each day of live is a gift and we do not want to see anyone die from this disease - but it is inevitable, until a cure is found, that infections and death will continue to occur and no one can stop it. At best, we can delay its occurrence.

At the same time, we must balance the losses experienced and possible permanent closure of businesses due to unnecessary restrictions on people's lives without a sound basis. Our Governor rules without allowing citizens of this State to explore safe practices to prevent the spread or death from this disease. With her, the government is the answer. The longer we experience restrictions, the greater the likelihood of dependence on the State and Federal Government for support and dependency. Is that the real driver here? I wonder?

The truth is that our health care facilities are dying, particularly in rural areas. At a time when we should be shoring up the healthcare industry and providers, instead employees are being furloughed and those systems are being undercut by arbitrary orders from our Governor. From the start, we were told that the hospitals and healthcare providers should not engage in elective procedures. Only recently, and reluctantly, has the EO allowed limited scope activities by trained healthcare providers. Yet, it was OK for MJ dispensaries and party stores to operate unimpeded. How about using the bully pulpit to give some credit to healthcare providers to understand what was safe and what was not? Give guidance, not order subservience to those trained medical care providers. But to do that, would actually require giving up control and that is not what this is about. The citizens of the State of Michigan get it. Politics before policy.

The same kind of thinking has kept businesses from opening which could conduct business successfully with information driven by science and data. But that is not what we are getting. It is a closely held secret concerning what is driving the governor to issue edits has as its basis for those decisions. The governor has issued a 6 phase reopening of the state filled with undefined terms and vague terms which allow the EO's to continue indefinitely without any oversight or control by the duly elected legislative body of this state.

Political support for her agenda will continue with employees of the state of Michigan, individuals in hard-hit areas of SE Michigan, the population who are getting subsidies and ENHANCED unemployment benefits and others who have the means to continue work and jobs waiting for them after all of this has past. Unfortunately, that is a large segment of the population and the Governor knows this so she can operate with impunity.

However, there are those who have worked and scraped to start and maintain businesses, employees of those businesses, people who have fallen through the cracks who face the loss of their homes, autos, unsustainable debt and financial ruin. I am tired of those speaking from the podium concerning what we have to do to "flatten the curve" and dictate what is right and what is wrong. When are we going to hear from one of those people about to lose their business or those employees who do not have jobs to return to to weigh in? They will not get the podium without risking arrest and incarceration. When you see 6 or more Michigan State Police enter a facility to arrest the owner, you can't help but feel that it is overkill and done for the purpose of sending a political message. We don't see the same degree of press coverage for that business owner who has finally found it necessary to close a business after 30 years of operation leaving 6-8 employees without a job. That doesn't get the press coverage that the Governor can elicit under a press controlled by her minions.

Who are those on the Governor's advisors? Where did they come from and why aren't advisors the members of the legislature who are equally represented by party affiliation? Why wouldn't she meet to work together with the duly elected representatives from the outstate membership of the legislature when they attempted to do so? Why aren't the small business owners of outstate Michigan having a robust membership in those councils? In normal times, due process requires compensation for a taking by the government. Now, you can have a business shut down with the loss of revenue and potential destruction of that business without compensation or due process of law. That is what a police state is all about. Ask anyone from Poland who lived under communist rule how that felt. Ask them if they feel similar frustrations with our current EO's?

Angel C Rodriguez Esq

Estate Plans, Estate Administration, Probate, Veterans' Benefit Planning, Medicaid Planning

4 年

Thank you for presenting this side so well. Although I could have done without this portion: “Most of the deaths that are occuring are among others advanced in years and suffering from other conditions that make them more susceptible. Many individuals who have succumbed to this disease were already on the path to their early demise in nursing homes and critical care facilities in any event.” I couldn’t help but interpret that as “well, they’re dying anyway so let them go faster” which seems a touch cold-hearted to the value of those lives. However, I agree with every other point in your piece. Additionally, I think the more susceptible could be protected just as well, as you point out, by their appropriately trained medical professionals without any government involvement. I volunteer in nursing homes regularly and many are locked down during flu seasons anyway yet the government never has responded this way. Thank you for sharing!

Gordon Russell

Independent Photographer (Self-employed)

4 年

Very well said.



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