COVID Protests in Australia
Governments are setting themselves for more protests caused by their incompetancy for allowing the Deltra and other dangerous strains to enter Australia. How stupid do you need to be that the only way to protect Australia from any world wide pandemic is to ban humans traveling to and fro into Australia till it is under control. it is quite simple - Shut our borders 100%...and that goes for politicians, actors and who cares what their status types are..State governments are teething themselves to punish people lives with protesters whom had enough. Perhaps governments should be reminded to what happens to them at the voting booths when they are reminded to the deaths and sufferings they have caused from their incompetence.
We have many modes of communications with any one overseas so we can abolish overseas travel till it becomes safe. We can help the world if we are stronger and remain isolated and we all need to be vacinated from each and every deadly strain before the borders can be safely opened
I am not a medical practioner or claiming to be an expert on this or any pandemic but surely common sense must prevail