COVID Oximetry @home Model
Barrie Holding
Head of Client Engagement @ NeuroVirt | Stroke and Upper-Limb Rehabilitation and Healthcare Solutions
In November 2020 it was recommended that all CCGs in England should put in place a COVID Oximetry @home model, with the aim of reducing admissions and improving discharges in Hospitals.
This pathway should be available to the following: -
- Those diagnosed with COVID-19, and
- Symptomatic, and either
- Aged 65 years or older, or
- Under 65, and classed as clinically vulnerable
Eligible Patients would be provided with a Pulse Oximeter device, as well as a paper diary, and would be promoted to take readings via email, text message or a non-clinical led telephone call. Patients are instructed to call 999 (or visit their emergency department) within an hour following readings of 92% and below, and given guidance to call 111 or their GP with readings of 93% or 94%.
Patients who show no sign of deterioration within 14 days of commencing the monitoring should be discharged, however those still showing symptoms after 14 days should receive a clinical assessment and action taken accordingly.
How Microtech Health can assist…
Microtech Health’s HomePod solution provides organisations with the ability to remotely monitor Patients from the comfort of their own homes, without the need to take up valuable clinical time in General Practices. Originally designed to assist with the monitoring of COPD, Diabetes and Heart related diseases, HomePod is now available to compliment the COVID Oximetry @home initiative. On top of the Oxygen Saturation readings, organisations can also benefit from the following Protocols: -
- Blood Pressure
- Physical Health Review
- Mental Health Questionnaires, including PHQ-9, GAD-7 and HADS
How HomePod works…
HomePod is deployed to Patients via an app, with peripherals also available (based on requirements) to accompany the system, such as a Blood Pressure cuff, Scales, Thermometer. The readings are then entered into the app, and once submitted are sent securely to the organisation.
These readings are then monitored via a Central Dashboard, with email alerts also being produced should the thresholds be exceeded. E.g. – Patient A submits a reading of 92% oxygen saturation, which then prompts an email to those with access across the organisation, whilst also appearing on the Central Dashboard, where historic data can also be viewed. Patient A has previously been instructed to visit their emergency department or call 999, however intervention can be made to ensure this is carried out.
These readings can also be made available to the Patient’s GP Practice, with entry directly into the clinical system, and fully SNOMED compliant.
The benefits of using HomePod to assist with the COVID Oximetry @home Model…
- Cost-effective monitoring
- Optimised use of clinical time, and non-clinical resources
- Enables early intervention
- Ability to monitor not only oxygen saturation, but also other vital signs
- An “out-the-box”, intuitive solution
- Available in a variety of languages
For more information, please feel free to contact me directly – [email protected]
Integrated Care Technology
4 年Intuitive and well researched article by Barrie Holding, well worth the read.