COVID Meditations: Tagore Grief Poem
Rabindranath Tagore Poem Grief Reflection Meditation
Namaste and welcome to Rabindranath Tagore Poem Grief Reflection Meditation. Because of the current Pandemic and other global and local tragedies, almost all of us have lost at least one person we love deeply. There is a good chance that life has swept you in its strong current and you have not been able to step outside this turbulent river, sit down on the shore and cry. This meditation will help you do just that. Tears are expression of love. Let them flow.
In this meditation, you will be mindfully (with your heart) reading a beautiful poem by Rabindranath Tagore. Then you will be reading my reflections about how this poem. Then, please sit in silence for two minutes to allow the words and sentiments to settle into your body, your cells and your spiritual DNA.
Get into a comfortable position. Wiggle your body to shake lose any tight muscle group. Gently close your eyes. Keeping eyes open and focused on something is also fine.
Begin the meditation.
Let me not pray to be sheltered from fears
But to be fearless in facing them
Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain
But for the heart to conquer it
Let me not look for allies in life’s battlefield
But to my own strengths
Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved
but hope for the patience to win my freedom
Grant me that I not be a coward
Feeling your mercy in my success alone
But let me find the grasp of your hand
In my failures.
Let us pray to be fearless in facing our grief.
Let us pray for a strong heart so that we can experience the pain of grief in all its intensity and fury.
Let us have faith in our own strengths
Let us pray for patience as the journey through the land of grief is going to be a long one.
Let us find the grasp of God’s hand even when we are failing in our efforts to be fearless, strong and patient.
Now, engage in two minutes of slow breathing as you silently reflect on these words and sentiments and allow them to settle in your body. You can also silently read and re-read the poem and or the reflection during this time in place of silent reflection for 2 minutes with slow breathing.
Now, when you are ready, gently bring your awareness to your surroundings and smile. Sad smile is okay.
It is time to embrace our grief, allow it to go through you and allow yourself to be transformed by it. Grief unexperienced is love unexpressed.