COVID, Holiday Restrictions & Humour

COVID, Holiday Restrictions & Humour

WARNING, longer post (5 minute read) that ends with a VERY bad "Dad Joke"

As we head into the season that is traditionally filled with gatherings, visits, laughs, food and celebration the 2020 version sounds like it may be quite substantially different

The Covid19 spread and the concurrent economic shlowdown/restrictions are no laughing matter and we must all take it seriously.

In fact, from my contacts at Centre of Disease Control, and through other front-line medical professionals and governmental friends, I hear that the news and restrictions are going to get worse before they begin to get better.

That means a LOT of people in our community are going to be feeling an increased amount of stress and anxiety... yours truly included. If this is not ongoingly dealt with it can build up and cause additional long-term physical and mental health issues, which is exactly what we don’t need right now.

Yes, getting out daily to exercise, with safe physical-distancing, can make a big difference but did you also know that scientific studies have show that there is another habit you can develop to help you stay healthy. And that is…


"HUMOUR? Are you kidding? What's to laugh about? That seems so trivial. These are serious times."

When the game of life gets serious, as it is right now, finding stress release through humour has historically proven to be a fantastic 'pressure release valve." In fact, there are MANY scientific studies published that detail the reasons why, AND the benefits of, humour use during high stress situations.

For instance, Mayo Clinic has a quick overview, here is an excerpt:

“Whether you're guffawing at a sitcom on TV or quietly giggling at a newspaper cartoon, laughing does you good. Laughter is a great form of stress relief, and that's no joke.”

Short-term benefits

A good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn't just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Laughter can:

Stimulate many organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.

Activate and relieve your stress response. A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response, and it can increase and then decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.

Soothe tension. Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.

Long-term effects

Laughter isn't just a quick pick-me-up, though. It's also good for you over the long term. Laughter may:

Improve your immune system. Negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions that can affect your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity. By contrast, positive thoughts can actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses.

Relieve pain. Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.

Increase personal satisfaction. Laughter can also make it easier to cope with difficult situations. It also helps you connect with other people.

Improve your mood. Many people experience depression, sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your depression and anxiety and may make you feel happier.

No Guilt Allowed

Some people feel guilty for laughing, or making others laugh during times like these. I say, if you have the ability to laugh or make others laugh (but NOT the type of humour that is at the expense of others), then it is your duty. Seriously.

For many years, I have made it a habit to start my day by reading a few comics I have come to really enjoy, thus setting a tone BEFORE jumping into the news of the day. THEN at the end of the day, my habit is to find something funny on YouTube so that I end the day with some chuckles. Watching comedians I like doing stand-up, or a great comedic interview for instance.

I have found these habits to be incredibly effective in managing stress, helping to keep the 'mental wolves' at bay. Being consistent with this approach has helped me approach life and its inevitable ups and downs with a clearer head and a more positive outlook as I am sure it will yours.

Yes, we all have different tastes in humour but If you have some recommended humour - podcasts, comics, youtubes, comedians etc that you think will help reduce the stress level of your fellow citizens, post it below so we can all look for ways we can contribute and spread some joy.

The negative news will continue to spread faster than the virus and faster than the good-news breakthrough, but together we can keep our good humour even during these darker times so our community stays healthy and thriving.

It All Starts With A Smile At Everyone You Meet, even if it is only smiling with your eyes above your mask.

Be Well, Be Smart, Be Community Oriented. Keep an eye out for your friends, colleagues, and neighbours who may be mentally struggling during these darker days of winter.

Dad Joke:

Q "What Do You Call An Old Snowman?"

A "A Puddle"



