Covid Distraction
While everyone has been focusing on the COVID chaos, criminals march on in their pursuits. Namely Sir David Morgan. Over the last few months, Sir David has been putting the word out that he wants to be the Mayor of Pensacola. I know how absurd it sounds to the lay person. I, for one, chuckled until I verified that it was true.
And as a lame duck sheriff, Morgan has donated to his pet LET organizations in a huge way.
And he even flaunts his refusal to follow statute. He requests for the BOCC to REIMBURSE him for funds he spent before he got approval. And since none of these organizations are being forced to show they spent the money properly, like every other state and federal agency requires, they may as well all be payment for support of Morgan’s mayoral run.
It’s funny because UWF was whining about being asked to repay money after the Auditor General found they didn’t spend the money correctly. In another article, from the PNJ, it is reported:
“The Florida Auditor General’s office conducted its own review of the program’s finances and ultimately found the university had “no apparent legal authority” to withdraw the extra funds and recommended the university be required to return $2.4 million to the Complete Florida Plus Program. “
That is what is supposed to happen. Pam Childers as the Comptroller of the County is supposed to make sure all monies are spent appropriately, but as we’ve seen, Ms. Childers either doesn’t take her job seriously or she doesn’t care about the law. She’s become the unwitting or maybe willing co-conspirator in Morgan’s financial misappropriation. Who’s to enforce that law? Certainly not Eddins.
Now here’s the millionaire’s financial disclosure for 2019.
And don’t forget his city subsidies for his section 8 tenants in his 6 condos in Cordova Square.