COVID Containment: Rules to live by!
Anthony J Dublino
NE Regional Account/ Project Manager, NY & NJ | Safer Structures and Industrial Processes
As we continue to adjust and adapt to COVID and the craziness that surrounds it, we should keep in mind that opportunities can be created because of the virus. Certainly the makers of face masks very quickly realized this and, judging from the lack of home hair cutting supplies on the shelves this weekend, so have the makers of electric clippers.
Hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol and other sanitation/sterilization type chemicals are in high demand and short supply. But as companies begin to build supply, it is up to us as suppliers of the world's finest spill containment products to make sure they are doing it in a way that is safe and environmentally sound.
Whether it's containment for IBCs, something smaller like a spill pallet for drums, or even something for smaller containers like a duck pond, we've got it all. Visit our website to find out more.
Call if you need a quote anytime at 843-359-6989, and Caelin will be happy to help!
Tony Dublino, RAM- SafeRack [email protected]