COVID Case Counting And The Fraud That It Is


Many issues surrounding COVID have been manipulated and have been turned into “cause célèbres” fueled by a sensation grabbing media and various social agendas out there. The use of selective media coverage and fear is rife. This has turned into a fight between belief structures and science fact.We have now effectively two seasons worth of ACTUAL data. What does it show. We have had 23,960 people die in two seasons due to COVID . In the previous two flu seasons we had 15,414 people die due to flu, which is a difference of 8,546, approximately a perceived increase of 4,273 people per season over the flu rate. This is over a population of 38 Million people. We have had flu sessions in the past that have had the same degree of increase, but nothing at all was done, and with the same pressure put on ICUs but this time due to flu. Surely what should be done is boosting ICU abilities ahead of time before the season hits, not waiting till after we have a problem. The horse has already bolted. Is COVID really so much worse than a bad flu session?

There is without a doubt data entry bias going on. An 84 year old who has had serious heart problems for 10 years , is diabetic and dies of a heart attack, who had covid at the time of death is entered as a COVID death. A man who fell off a ladder who happened to have COVID at the time died and it is marked as a COVID DEATH. Why is the government pressurizing and directing medical personnel to mark these as COVID deaths. If we used the same reporting criteria for flu deaths, we would get grossly inflated numbers too. Actual figures over two sessions now show that the average age of death is 83 with 94% of deaths being with people with serious multiple co-morbidities. We have had no ZERO people below the age of 20 who have died. We had 2 who died with other problems. In fact if you are healthy with no medical issues your statistical chance of dying from COVID is about the same as dying in a car crash, at any age. So why dont we spend our money on protecting the weak and sickly. Why havent we doubled the staff at long term care locations, and done everything to boost their immune systems. We have had COVID for over a year and this has not been done. Why not let the healthy population build up good herd immunity, which actually would seriously reduce the infection rate for the infirm.

Instead of locking down everything, we could of left things open and by the fall we would of had herd immunity, but instead we struggle to build up herd immunity through vaccination and its now APRIL 2021. Most of the population should of just got on with living instead of getting more sick in many ways stuck at home. Dont talk about the financial cost.

One aspect of virus behaviour which we want to further put into the fear agenda is the whole process of mutation and new strains. In the past with flu, the world is homogeneous, the flu spreads quickly. Every year 1or 2 new strains appear. The governing bodies decide what could the most dangerous and produce a vaccine. People over many years build up immunity due to exposure and vaccination. When you lockdown the word, each country becomes it own little virus arena for new strains to develop. So with world wide lockdown measures we are actually making it worse for the future, since multiple strains can now become strong in different areas. So now we have the Indian strain, the African strain, the English strain etc. and everyone freaking out and using destructive terminology such as OMG a second wave is coming, a third wave is coming , a fourth wave is coming. Because of what we are doing, we will continue to have new strains appearing which we can never get on top of, so we will be in lockdown for ever. The sad thing is that it will be completely our own fault. When we have strains appearing quicker than we make vaccines, how effective are these vaccines against these new strains?

So when we only concentrate on case numbers and which strain it is, we are only seriously damaging everyone's future. The truth is that every year the weak and sickly are going to die, if not today, 6 months from now. So when the second wave hit and case counts went up considerably, fear is tossed around liberally by the government and by the media. We are all going to die. The second wave case counts were higher than the first wave but our DEATH RATE WAS 70% LESS. It is simple. A big chunk of the sick and weak had already died. Would it really matter if you had ten million people go down sick if nobody died.

How about investigating our overall deaths in Canada over the last couple of years. Surely deaths in 2020 should be huge say to compared to 2019. So nearly being exposed to COVID for most of 2020 ,here are some enlightening facts. Total deaths in the age band 0-60 years old there was a mere increase of just 105 deaths between 2019 and 2020. For the age band 60 and above, there was a substantial increase of 12,717 deaths. COVID is a virus that is tough on the sick weak and aged.

So who should we spend money on protecting? The sick, diseased and aged population! Right! So should we be spending vast amounts of money on a sector of the population that is immune from real consequences. NO!

Society will always have the problem as to how much money to spend on our weak and aged to keep them alive. Do you spend a million dollars to keep one 85 year alive for an extra 6 months. One supreme notion that government should never forget is that without a thriving and virile work economy for the under 60s, government will have no tax revenue for even our level of healthcare we presently have, and the weak and aged will be the first to be forgotten. Just wait two years when the burden of all the astronomic amounts of money borrowed will need repaying and the reality of paying the piper comes to roost.

David Kirby


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