Covid Came for a Reason, What Was Yours?
Irene Meyer
I am A Realtor's Secret Weapon, A Homeowner's Ultimate Dream, & A Banker's Only Competition | #NoGenXLeftBehind | #10000familiesoutofdebt |#Anewbreedofbankerwillsoonriseup
I don't want to sound insensitive to what's going on, because I realize with restrictions and just the fear of this virus is causing anxiety and strain on people. I have realized what I am actually capable of achieving during a time like this.? I realize that I have a hard work ethic, in many ways, I might even appear to work too much.? But I also realized how grateful I am for my life. Again, I do not want to appear insensitive, but being grateful is an individual thing.? Not everyone will have the same things to be grateful for, but the key is that all of us have something to be grateful for.?
The question for you is, what has covid brought to you that has improved your life?? Maybe the deeper question is, how can you take the struggles in life and turn them into blessings?
Today, I am grateful that I have not lost my ability to run my business.? I can work from home, a beautiful home that I work hard to pay for. For that reason, I am grateful for my “yappy dogs” who lay by my side as I work from home, still serving clients.
I am grateful for the time that I have because I don’t drive to and from work.? I can now enjoy an extra cup of tea or take a short cat nap in between appointments.
I am grateful that I can inspire, educate, and motivate others in innovative ways. I am grateful I can bring peace to families who struggle with stress with their finances at this time in the world.
I am grateful that I could offer work opportunities to others who have recently been affected by their sudden unemployment due to this pandemic.
Instead of focusing on the changes, and even the things that have been taken away from me, I have decided to focus on the extra things I have received because of the impact of this pandemic. Sometimes the blessing won't come immediately, and you need to look for it.?
The thing is, there are others out there, who don’t appear to have much, but because they have a different outlook on life, they also see the blessings that they do have instead of focusing on the things they lost.
Wouldn’t it be a happier life, if we focused on the blessings, and not focus on the lack?