Covid Bat Out Of Hell
Going back may be tougher then leaving.?That’s one way to consider the current pandemic precipice - where many say we’re on the verge of a new normal.?Health officials seem cautiously optimistic. People are fed up with restrictions.??So, what does that mean for the average Jane in the medium term??It may mean a return to some form of normalcy.?A return??Normalcy??
For those who have maintained their grind over the past two years this may be just a moment in time.?For those who went long on soft pants and take-out food, the looming transition may be a challenge.?While many experienced the pandemic by stepping out and mitigating risks, others managed by staying home.?It was a sensible and encouraged choice. “Stay the frig home.” ?That’s now changing.?Even those most able to isolate and work remotely over last two years will soon be seeing their situation differently.
It’s a form of coming out that we may all soon be experiencing.?The film Poseidon Adventure (circa 1970) told the story of a capsized cruise ship and how some passengers survived the crisis.?“There’s got to be a morning after.?It’ll soon be right outside the door.” This post doesn’t advocate for an early or late coming out, rather, that a coming out is embraced.?Period.?And soon…
Part of me believes there will be a post-Covid global celebration - despite the sad and senseless loss of life.?Like ’Victory Day’ after a world war, people will dance in the streets post-Covid.?There will be much revelry (in 2022 please).?Until then it seems we will disagree as to when the transition back will begin and when it will end.?Party or not, if we’re approaching the last dance at the Covid Ball its not clear who’s asking who to dance. ?Some seem to be saying lets party now.?But are they premature and did they forget the protection??Others are saying wait, the party can’t restart now, not yet.?But are they just, well, weak?
Freedom is the ability to act speak or think the way you want without fear of reprisal.?Freedom is no different post-pandemic than it was pre-pandemic (or in-pandemic). Freedom became better understood because of the pandemic.?It could be said that we either enjoy freedom or we earn it. ?In many ways its more difficult to be enjoying full freedom than it is to be limited by the lack of it.? It’s often harder to see the less visible big things than the obvious little things.??Soon most public health restrictions will decline more fully. Soon we will declare victory over Covid. ?Hopefully we can handle the transition.?We left our ‘normal’ suddenly.?There was no choice, and we were scared.?Let’s go back to our ‘new normal’ with hope, optimism, and community spirit.? Let’s (safely) get the frig out there! ??