Salam Kabbani, PharmD
Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Specialist | Author | Long-COVID Patient Advocate
Well folks, it's been a minute since I've shared anything but here we are. I tested positive for COVID today.
What's crazy is I took a PCR 2 days ago ~4 days post-exposure and it was negative, but the antigen test was positive today.
It's been less than a few hours, but so far round 3 (which I'm guessing is BA.4 or BA.5?) is hitting so much lighter and milder so that's definitely good news.
While I know exactly who I got it from this time, I will say I've almost completely stopped masking despite believing 100% in the efficacy. After months of long-COVID my lungs get triggered anytime I put a mask on (especially an N-95) to the point of needing an inhaler some times. So as paradoxical as it seems for someone who's still got some pleuritis to not mask, this is where my health is at.
I'm also a little relieved because I'll be going back to work VERY soon (yay!), so getting this new variant out of the way now means I won't have to miss work days..silver linings right?
Thank you all for following me on my journey, and if you didn't see my post Monday about my long-COVID memoir being released in November, now you know :).
Be safe and happy Wednesday folks!