COVID-19 X-ray Classification Project
Background - In late January, a Chinese team published a paper detailing the clinical and para clinical features of COVID-19. They reported that patients present abnormalities in chest CT images with most having bilateral involvement Huang 2020. Bilateral multiple globular and supplemental areas of consolidation constitute the typical findings in chest CT images of intensive care unit (ICU) patients on admission Huang 2020. In comparison, non-ICU patients show bilateral ground-glass opacity and supplemental areas of consolidation in their chest CT images Huang 2020. In these patients, later chest CT images display bilateral ground-glass opacity with resolved consolidation Huang 2020.COVID is possibly better diagnosed using radio logical imaging Fang, 2020 and Ai 2020.
Description - A convolutional neural network(CNN) is a type of Artificial Neural Network(ANN)?used in image recognition and processing which is specially designed for processing data(pixels). So, In this project, I used a convolutional neural network (CNN) model to classify X-ray images between NORMAL and PNEUMONIA persons.
Complete project you can find here.