Covid-19 and what's its purpose.
Ελενη Μαλεβιτη
Unemployed mother and wife. at home; my headquarters. I wantto be a writer, when I buy an Olivetti.
Why Covid-19 came to us? And what's it's purpose? What do we have to learn from him if it was a guy? What would he tell to us if he met us? Or what would we tell to him if we happen to pass by him from a two meters distance?
First things first. Why did he came? He came to teach us to keep our distances, to wash our hands, and to wear masks, and to air our houses and to wash our clothes and to keep our houses clean. Is that too bad? I don't think so.
He taught us to keep our mouth shut, not to talk when we are less than two meters from another person. What else? He taught us that our house is our best chance if we stay there to avoid him. What else? He told us not to make unecessary walks or visits or gossips? The last word is a key word to understand this guy Covid-19. He doesn't like small talk, waste talk or silly talk; cause he is very serious and strict and doesn't make fun with anyone who comes near him, cause he is simply deadly. Like a script for ''Mission Impossible'' I sound. Sorry, won't happen again.
What else he doesn't like? To be close enought so as to take pictures of ourselves and others; like friends, boy or girl friends, relatives, associates, students etc. So he wants from us to keep our distances from all those people; even our own mother or father or grandpa or grandma. Yes, those, too. In case we forget to keep our distance or do it anyway, cause we don't believe in Covid-19's existance and come together with friends for a drink or to hang out in the streets for a drink from take away caf'e-bars, there's a chance to hang out with a covid-19 asyptomatic friend, who spreads the virus every time he speaks to you with a loud voice from a close distance spraying you directly into your mouth or nose!
This last thing doesn't sound very hygenic, does it? That's why whoever wants to talk a lot, in a loud voice like me and likes laughing like my cousin does, should always wear a mask and there are three thousand masks with a square transparent nylon for all to see through the mouth when they talk for the deaf; but they pointed out that they would like all people to wear such a mask, so that they could read the other person's lips when they move. So I am reffering to the girls, here is a slight opening for you to wear your lipstick and be seen by guys. But only to be seen. Cause I don't know if kisses are aloud. Saint Vassilios the Great, who died when he was in his 50s, and he was from KESSARIA, IN KAPPADODIA, AND he was a priest and a monk, he used to kiss in his Vassili'ada, his masterpiece, the first hospital for sick people ever made by another person before, I repeat he used to say Christos An'esti and kiss on their mouth all his patients without fear of being contaminated by any illnesses they have. But he was often very sick and stayed in his cell most of the time, writing, with no complain and praying not stop.
So I guess kissing is off the limit for some people. It's 9.03 p.m. and our church's bell is ringing, calling to the last Easter mass of this year. Next year in 2021, and 200 years after our Greek Revolution, again we are going to say Christos An'esti to each other. But Saint Serafeim of Sr'off, used to greet everyone in his cell with this happy message: Christ has risen, my joy! Isn't it wonderful to be greeted by a holly man, a monk, like that having a bright smile on his face!? I believe it is.
Russia is proud to have such a saint. And we have the unmelted body of another Russian, the Saint John the Russian, who was a soldier and become a slave to a Turk and his body was thrown to fire to be burned but faithful Christians secretly collected him and put him inside a folded carpet and bring it to Evoia island which now has a lovely church in his name there. In Greek we call him ''I GI'ANNIS O R'OSSOS''.
To be continued.