COVID-19:- What are the most common objects we can get corona virus from?
Siham S. Ali, MD, MPH, FISQua, CPHQ
Healthcare Quality Professional | Project Manager | Mandela Washington Fellow 2022
As multiple researches are being done to determine the exact duration the corona virus can survive on the surface of objects, it is very important to understands which objects can serve as a reservoir for corona virus and how we can protect ourselves. Objects and surfaces that are more likely to be touched by multiple people are the major risks for transmission and they are:-
- Doorknob
- ATM machines
- Staircase Hand railings
- Bus handles
- Elevator buttons
- Money
- Phone
So, what do we do?
- Press elevator buttons with using your knuckle as you're much less likely to touch your face with your knuckles.
- Using a tissue to open a door will reduce your physical contact with surfaces
- Wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds using soap and water or use alcohol-based hand rub after handling money
- There's no way not to touch the handrails on public transport so make sure you disinfect your hands as soon as you get off.
- Wipe down your smart phone at least twice a day with an alcohol wipe as these contain active ingredients that kill more than 99 per cent of bacteria.
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