#COVID-19 Watts Up Miles Down.
Carol McAtee
CPA, Carol McAtee & Assoc. ? St. Petersburg, FL ? Tax Preparation ? Accounting ? Advanced Tax Planning and Strategies
Kids schooling at home; grownups working from home. And nowhere really to go, Watts are up and Miles are down.
Electric Bills. The big utility companies are giving a little back on May bills. No disconnecting for nonpayment. No late payment or bounced payment fees. Fees are also being waived for credit and debit card payments. If you have already gotten your bill – you may have noticed it’s a little smaller.
Duke Customers: Residential – 21% in May; Business 20-45% in May.
FPL Customers: Residential – 25% May; Business –significant one-time decrease May.
Gulf Power Customers: Residential – 40% May; Business – 40-55% May.
TECO Customers: Residential – approx. $90 through December 2020; Business – 20% monthly June through August.
Each utility also has a donation mechanism to help others in our communities.
Vehicle Insurance. $1,427 is the 2020 average annual car insurance premium. Personal auto travel has dropped more than 50% since March due to stay at home orders and the increase in remote workers. These insurers have announced COVID-19 credits and refunds:
Allstate, American Family Insurance (That’s The General!); Chubb Auto Insurance, Farmers Insurance (21st Century Insurance), Geico, Hanover Insurance Group, Liberty Mutual, Metlife, National General, Nationwide, Progressive Insurance, State Farm, The Hartford, Travelers, USAA.
Most are offering 15 or 20% on April and May premiums. If your insurer is not on this list, give them a call and demand some cash back. If you have already gotten your premium invoice – you may have noticed it’s a little smaller. If you have already paid your premium check for the credit on the next premium bill.
COVID-19 Disclaimer. Laws and regulations have quickly changed and will continue to change in order to mitigate the economic damage caused by the Coronavirus Crisis. New laws and regulations are being passed quicker than the legislative process has taken in the past. Guidance, clarifications, and interpretations are constantly evolving. Deadlines and due dates are being extended and re-extended. New relief and programs are constantly rising up. This is occurring on all levels: Federal, State, and Local. Information we publish may not be updated after initial publication/dissemination. We are committed to giving you the best answer possible based on what we know at the time your question is asked.