COVID-19 Vaccine's Distribution Strategy
Journey to COVID-19 Infection FREE Society
Almost a year after the first Covid-19 diagnosis and subsequent global turmoil, we are witnessing the first sign of arrival of a #COVID19 #vaccine. As per recent reports, the vaccine may be available as early as December 2020.
Pfizer - BioNTech SE, announced on 11th Nov-2020 that their ongoing phase-3 clinical trials suggested the #COVID19 #vaccine developed is 90% effective and soon they upgraded the effectiveness to 95% this week i.e. 17th Nov-2020.
Moderna, on the other hand announced on 16th Nov-2020 that their early analysis from phase-3 trials showed its #COVID19 #vaccine is 94.5% effective. This paved the way for mass production of the vaccines and it may soon arrive in market.
AstraZeneca-oxford has said its COVID-19 vaccine is 90% effective and soon #Astrazeneca will submit the data to regulators around the world including UK, Europe and Brazil. Astrazeneca is committed to deliver hundreds of millions of vaccine to low and middle incom countries all over the world.
On 30th Nov 2020, Moderna says it's COVID-19 vaccine is 100% effective in preventing "severe" cases. And it will be submitting request for Emergency use authorization to Food and Drug Administration ( #FDA ).
Thanks to the untiring efforts of the scientist community – from USA to Russia, Europe to India, and many the world over including WHO – we have a vaccine that has been conceptualized and ready for consumption in record turnaround time. Something unseen and unheard of in recent memory, and probably unforeseen in near future.
Thankfully there are other companies like Johnson & Johnson …etc., that are competing to deliver the vaccine in quick time and we may witness that to happen sooner than later. The whole world is banking on the skills of these scientists, doctors and leaders’ commitment to deliver the vaccines at the earliest.
Distribution hurdles
Here starts the uphill journey. Once the scientists deliver the vaccine, the next big thing in the journey is, how the mass production of vaccines take place and how soon the vaccines reach the global populations is a big question mark.
Are the global leaders doing enough preparation to build the whole supply chain or are they waiting for vaccine to unfold and start the preparation? That may be too late and the good work done by scientists and drug manufacturers would be undone by then and the most needed ones may still be deprived of the vaccine and chances are that they may lose the battle just the way millions had lost globally.
Governments and public undertaking companies won't have complete control on vaccine distribution as they are largely depends on Private organizations from procuring to distribution, hence the immediate concern is, are private organizations will have the vision and will to work selflessly to reach the most vulnerable and helpless communities?
These communities in suburbs are far away from the urban areas and they don’t have the access and opportunity to raise the hand above the bar as they are buried deep in suburban areas with little or no access to basic services. In such a situation, how the private organizations can take notice of their existence to serve them with vaccine to protect them from COVID-19 infection is questionable.
In last couple of months, we have witnessed the difficulties the frontline workers and hospitals had in securing the safety and preventive healthcare kits, ventilators, masks, hand gloves, sanitizers…etc., due to limited supply and we have had enough politics around this issue. People are so frustrated with the politics that they may fear a similar situation may be repeated when it comes to distributing the vaccines.
Global Demand For Vaccine
Looking at global demand for vaccines, no matter on what volumes/scale these drug makers can produce the vaccines, it is impossible to cover millions of people in days/months due to supply chain limitations. On a rough scale, even if production units produce a million vaccines a day, it may take a whole year to distribute it to the hundreds of millions of people living in the USA. Even by doubling the production capacity, the target would still be impossible to reach within half a year. But the demand for vaccines is rising globally and we may need a few billion to cover the entire world in record time.
Unlike cinema and airlines tickets, first come first serve logic doesn’t work in this situation as it creates great frustration and resistance from frontline workers who are at great risk due constant exposure to COVID patients and people with pre-exiting health conditions as they are most vulnerable to get infection, hence they are in desperate need to get vaccines than others.
Vaccine Development Phase
Drug manufacturers, hospitals, research centers, private and public organizations joined together in multi-billion-dollar research programs to find drugs to remediate COVID infection, manufacturing of health kits on massive scale, conducting clinical trials in various parts of the world to deliver the certified vaccines in quick turnover time which would otherwise take 2-3 years.
While the mass production for vaccines is underway, these private and government organizations working on strategy to come in agreement on distribution strategy, policy making, delivery approach with various healthcare and non-healthcare organizations like transportation, universities, research centers, information technology and manufacturing Industries in building the ecosystem.
The HHS (Department for Health and Human Services) website has a reference to a centralized distribution strategy, which will give full visibility and control to government institutions on distribution of vaccines. HHS documents also outlined on Aug-14, CDC announced executing an existing contract to McKesson which distributed H1N1 vaccine during 2009-2010.
#CDC orchestrates with private companies, drug manufacturers in distribution of vaccines. Each year CDC distributes 75 million vaccines from vaccine manufactures to health departments and private health providers. CDC maintains cold chains which are essential for effective vaccine distribution. During emergencies the proven system can scale to distribute 900 million doses of vaccine.
World Health Organization (#WHO ) in collaboration with governments, scientists, philanthropic organizations (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CEPI, FIND, Gavi, The Global Fund, Unitaid, Wellcome, the WHO, and the World Bank) has launched “Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT)" Accelerator program for COVID-19 tests, treatment and vaccines.
COVAX, a flagship (collaborative) program of ACT, is for the research of the COVID-19 vaccine. Today, #COVAX has the overwhelming support of over 2/3 of the world economies. All the participating countries will have equal share of vaccines regardless of the economies. COVAX is working with pharmaceutical partners with initial target of 2 billion doses of vaccine by 2021 and out of which 1 billion doses will go to the low income countries.
Vaccine Distribution - Strategic Goals
Here are the few Important strategic goals which the governments and global leaders should focus on in building the blue print for the successful vaccine distribution ecosystem.
- Identifying vaccine’s production facilities, and their supply capacity and delivery frequency.
- Determining the real time demand at each distribution centers connected to production facilities
- Determine real time demand at vaccine administration centers connected to distribution centers
- Identify nearest/remote distribution centers from production units and strategy to cover the distance/time taking into confidence of the transport industry
- Strategy to cover uninsured, homeless and people with pre-existing health conditions
- Determine weightage/priority-ranking at distribution centers, vaccine administration centers, customer profile.
- Allocate vaccines to distribution centers, vaccine administration centers, customer profiles based on weightage computed based on real time demand and risk factors.
- Vaccine Distribution Portal/Dashboard to track the progress of the vaccination process
- Monitor any adverse complications to any individuals and feedback the system for corrective actions.
- Coordinate with all the stakeholders on regular basis to adjust demand and supply gaps.
#CDC is working with Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (#ACIP) to provide recommendation on priority (weightages) list i.e. who need to receive the vaccines on priority and who should be followed later. As soon as the Food and Drug Administration (#FDA) authorize the vaccine, ACIP will determine on recommending the vaacine to CDC in building policy to distribute the vaccines and administer the vaccine to most vulnerable on priority basis.
Weightages at ecosystem components
Listed below few weightages in ecosystem with the naming convention for quick reference.
- Weightage @ Distribution centers, (W-DC)
- Weightage @ Vaccine administration centers (W-VC)
- Weightage @ Customer profile (W-CP)
Factors to Compute Weightages ( W-DC & W-VC )
The number of vaccines can be allocated to distribution centers and vaccine administration centers are based on weightages W-DC and W-VC respectively, which can be computed based on below factors.
- Number people residing in the community.
- Number of COVID-19 Cases reported.
- Risk factors that may have adverse effect on Individual health.
# Environmental conditions.
# Health Hazards at work.
# Vicinity of Industries/Pollution.
There may be other factors depending upon historic data available at respective centers, which can be considered while computing the weightages.
Factors to Compute Weightage (W-CP)
The risk associated with Healthcare workers are high as they are exposed to COVID patients on day to day basis than people who are less exposed to COVID patients. There are few people with pre-existing health conditions and they are at greater risk. Aged and Children are at different risk level with former category has higher risk compared to later category. People wearing masks, exercising social distancing and have an opportunity to work from home are at lower risk. Hence we need expert’s suggestions in determining the weightage for each customer profiles.
Listed below the sample customer profiles at vaccine administration centers, we can add more based on requirements to group certain category of people with corresponding weighted average computed by experts
- Healthcare workers (HW)
- Pre-existing (PE)
- Elderly People (EP)
- Children (C)
- Recovered (R)
- All others (AO)
Enablers to Achieve the Distribution Goals
For a successful journey to attain COVID infection free society, truly technology is the enabler to build the whole supply chain eco system and to fill the gaps by bringing together all the organizations which otherwise are unconnected and silo organizations working independently.
For these organizations to be successful in distribution of the vaccines, there is a need for unprecedented coordination between these institutions in building the eco system to connect all the dots in the supply chain right from mass production locations, distribution centers to the vaccine administration centers, which are at the bottom of the pyramid where people get the vaccination from nurses/doctors.
For common reference, listed below entities henceforth can be classified as vaccine administration centers i.e. provider networks like hospitals, primary care providers, tribal healthcare departments, emergency care providers, emergency and trauma centers, community hospitals, doctors network, over the counter medicine and service providers like CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Target…etc. who can administer the vaccine on behalf of doctors and PCP providers.
Vaccine's distribution strategic goals, described in earlier section is the key to success, that requires processing of the enormous data to determine the real-time demand at multiple stages in supply chain. Current technological advances on processing of the large volumes of data with cloud computing and bigdata technologies, data analytics software’s, would helpful in building real time demand computation techniques with artificial intelligence technologies.
Governments need to involve various Healthcare, Non-Healthcare organizations to build the supply chain pipeline which can take inputs from real time demand at every stage of the eco system. Downstream system like vaccine administration centers push the real time demand indicators to the upstream systems like production and distribution facilities.
Therefore, it is very important to determine weightage ranking based on census data, historic data, risk factors and expert suggestions which can help in feeding the system by itself to build Artificial Intelligence based real time demand computing system, this will help in arriving at number of vaccines needed at stages like production centers, distribution centers, vaccine administration centers.
Once the number of vaccines available at vaccine administration centers are identified, the next step is to determine the split of vaccines between the various customer profiles which can be based on weightages computed for each customer profile based on risk factor associated with each customer profile. This is the most important and challenging step and need careful analysis on arriving at weightage ranking at customer profile level.
Production - Distribution System (Reference) Model
Listed below the high-level model diagram, which describes the production, distribution components of the eco-system.
Sample data that is shown in the above diagram describes, how the production centers receives the real time demand from distribution centers based on the computed weightages (W-DC) and ship the vaccine shipments to distribution centers to fulfill the demand.
Sample weightage are given in the diagram i.e. W-DC=4 receives 40,000 out of 100,000 vaccines produced, similarly other distribution centers receives 30,000 each as they have same weightage (W-DC = 3)
Distribution - Vaccine Administration Center Distribution Model
Listed below the high-level model diagram, which describes the distribution and vaccine administration components of the eco-system.
Vaccine administration centers make the request to distribution centers with real-time demand request for vaccines based on the computed weightages (W-VC) and distribution centers process the request and deliver the vaccine shipments in regular intervals, until the demand is completely fulfilled.
For simplicity all the vaccine administration centers are given weightages as W-VC=1. Hence the diagram shows each vaccine administration center receiving 10,000 vaccine of 30,000 vaccines received at distribution center. However the vaccine administration centers may have different weightages based on the factors given earlier to compute weightages (W-VC) at respective centers.
Vaccine Distributions at Vaccine Administration Center
For common understanding listed below a scenario with sample population of 10,000 in a vaccine administration center. Also listed few customer profiles with approximate percentage of population i.e. consider 1% of the population are healthcare workers (100 of 10,000) with the highest weightage W-CP=6, similarly for other customer profiles sample data is shown in below diagram. This is just reference data to explain how the vaccines can be distributed between various customer profiles. Actual percentage is arrived based on census data and data available at healthcare centers.
When a shipment of 1000 vaccines are arrived at the vaccine administration center, based on higher weightage health workers get required 100 vaccines followed by other customer profile categories with next higher weightage i.e. pre-existing, elderly …etc. When all the shipments are delivered on regular intervals, the vaccines are distributed to the entire population of 10,000 at the vaccine administration center and the demand is set to zero, therefore no further shipments would be reaching the vaccine administration center from distribution center.
Vaccine Distribution Portal ( Dashboard )
A Dashboard level of granularity at every point in eco system/sub system is required to depict the real time demand and supply at these points and a consolidated view at city, state and country level would help the world in bringing in fairness and transparency to millions of observers who are keenly watching today to witness how the vaccines reach them.
There is a need to build a common Vaccine Distribution portal by government agencies, where people can register for a state/federal funded vaccination and use the reference number to get appointment at local Vaccine administration centers and get vaccinated.
This will help in building better tracking systems to understand real time demands at various phases of the eco system i.e. distribution centers, Vaccine administration centers and to track the progress at multiple level to check the success of the vaccination process. This will help also in projecting the right demand to production systems so the production systems can plan for shipments working with transportation companies.
Overwhelming to see our scientists, drug manufacturers, global leaders working in cohesion for a breakthrough in #COVID19 #vaccine for a pandemic that has shaken the world from the core, with multiple businesses near collapse or already closed, resulting in layoffs and economic breakdown globally.
With recent reports of #COVID19 vaccine's clinical trials showing positive results with over 90-95% effectiveness and vaccines on the verge of roll-out, it’s imperative to start looking at strategies for global distribution of vaccines. This calls for multiple organizations to coordinate with each other unlike before.
The effectiveness of vaccine distribution largely depends on how quickly the demands are met at various distribution centers by nearest production centers. Hence there is a need for vaccine distribution portal for tracking the demand and supply at various distribution points and to coordinate with healthcare and non-healthcare organizations to address the supply chain gaps.
To enable this transition, we need technology enablers like a real-time demand compute engine based on artificial intelligence and bigdata technologies to process large volumes of data to determine the weightages and demand at multiple stages in distribution ecosystem and feed the data to the sourcing systems like production centers to get the required vaccines shipped on regular intervals until the demand is met completely.
#vaccine #COVID19 #COVIDSafe #ClinicalTrial #Research #Science Moderna Pfizer BioNTech SE #CDC #ACIP #medicine #pharmaceuticals #pharma #biotechnology #healthcare #FDA #COVAX
Solution Architect | Lead Architect | Modernization Azure, AWS Specialist | Java and DevOps Specialist | Delivery Management
3 年
Solution Architect | Lead Architect | Modernization Azure, AWS Specialist | Java and DevOps Specialist | Delivery Management
3 年
Solution Architect | Lead Architect | Modernization Azure, AWS Specialist | Java and DevOps Specialist | Delivery Management
3 年Microsoft is working with private and public sectors to deploy vaccine management solution, here is excerpt from Satya Nadella (#Satyanadella) and David Rhew from #Microsoft
Solution Architect | Lead Architect | Modernization Azure, AWS Specialist | Java and DevOps Specialist | Delivery Management
3 年Pfizer?-?BioNTech SE,?announced? today (12/12/2020) that it has received first FDA authorization for emergency use of its vaccine for individuals 16 years and above.
Solution Architect | Lead Architect | Modernization Azure, AWS Specialist | Java and DevOps Specialist | Delivery Management
3 年A major breakthrough in #medicalsciences and #covidー19 vaccine development process is kicked off today (i.e. 12022020) with the approval of #pfizer - #biontech vaccine by #unitedkingdom. This would help in administration of vaccine in large scale, and building the needed confidence to the entire world. The first set of shipment of vaccines (approx. 800 thousand of 40 million) to cover healthcare workers, followed by aged.