COVID-19 update: Our on-site policy
Further to our first update on how CDEC is responding to the coronavirus crisis, we’d like to reassure customers that we continually monitor the situation closely and adhere to all government guidelines.
We’re also aware that with the UK now in lockdown for over a month, conversations are beginning to consider how we can safely make the first steps towards easing restrictions and bringing a level of normality back into our lives. With the potential of some non-essential work being allowed in the coming weeks, we have created a new onsite Policy that will be enforced through the company.
Any installation that takes place by CDEC or on behalf of CDEC will be completed under the following guidelines:
Virtual Site-surveys
Where possible we will work with you to carry site surveys without visiting your premises. We can work with whatever conferencing system you are familiar with or we can do this via images and a telephone conversation.
Deep Clean
We will implement further additional deep cleans of all our workspaces. Staff on-site will be given the appropriate cleaning materials to ensure that all work areas are disinfected as they install and a further deep clean when the install is completed and signed off by the end-user.
We will ensure all appropriate protective equipment such as gloves, masks and overall are worn, and everyone is clear on the procedures necessary to ensure this kit is as effective as possible.
Social Distancing
We will work to maintain social distancing where possible on site. We will look to minimise contact throughout the installation process.
And finally...
We take the current situation very seriously and will continue to monitor the daily updates given by the government. As a company, we will act on advice received to ensure the health and safety of all those within CDEC and those we work with, whilst minimising the business impact for our customers wherever possible.
At CDEC, we too are considering what form life after lockdown will take. As is the case throughout this whole coronavirus situation, we have been keeping abreast of government updates to ensure the safety of our staff and customers, and we will continue to do that going forward.
Currently, the CDEC team is working remotely to assist customers as needed while ensuring everyone remains safe. Looking forward this will continue to be the case until we can be confident that it is safe for our staff to return to work. Once this is deemed to be the case, we will again abide by any government advice supplied. This may include staggered days in the office for staff so that they don’t have to travel to work each day and a new office layout to ensure social distancing can be maintained.
Contact us today if you have any questions about CDEC's on-site policy.
If you have any Audio Visual needs, we currently have ample install and engineering capacity and we will be happy to talk through any new projects.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch [email protected] or call the office: 01689 885 380