COVID-19? Time to step the "f" up
Allan Isfan
Technology Exec, OTT & Media, Advertising & Revenue - Warner Bros. Discovery
I felt pretty selfish, but as always, my wife set me straight.
"You really need to put some content out there to help people".
In the last several years I have completely transformed my life and have learned a ton about critical aspects of life that I think can help people in several key areas:
- Mental health, anxiety, breathing & meditation: I believe in the power of breath work and meditation to deal with anxiety and stress, I launched a corporate meditation company with my wife.
- Physical health: lost over 30 pounds and stronger and healthier than ever despite being in my early 50s. I've also reversed a shellfish allergy and fully recovered from Myasthenia Gravis many years ago.
- Social Health: I've dramatically expanded my personal network through my podcast and created deeper relationships by being vulnerable and bringing value to others.
- Financial health, business and entrepreneurship (especially during hard times): every startup I've founded or been part of launched in a recession. When everyone is hiding is exactly when you need to step up.
With this COVID situation, I'm stepping WAY up on all fronts and part of that is sharing what I've learned and offering to help. Keep reading for some super tactical advice and resources. If you're a business owner, I have some special thoughts to share with you at the end so please read to the end.
I plan on doing some deeper dives next week to help people in a difficult time get stronger and come out of this crazy situation with a ton of momentum on all fronts. Give me a follow to get updates.
1. Mental health, anxiety and meditation
I'm going to skip the sales pitch here and give you a very quick breathing exercise. I guarantee you'll feel better.
4-7-8: when you feel stressed or anxious for whatever reason, just stop and do this breathing exercise a few times:
- Close your eyes
- Inhale to a count of 4 (be sure to use your belly first then your chest)
- Hold to a count of 7 (it will get easier)
- Exhale to a count of 8 (hold the tongue on the roof of your mouth and purse your lips for extra points)
- repeat a couple of times
I didn't invent 4-7-8 but have incorporated it in my own meditations because it is so powerful. I have taken down the paywall on Zen&Now in this moment of need so here is a link to a page with a few great meditations I created, including 4-7-8. Also try out The River - a fan fave.
Need help? Just message me here - no catch, no charge.
After all this blows over, if you want to chat about our corporate meditation program that features a custom meditation space at your office and our Alexa app, please email me at [email protected]
Other great meditation apps (hopefully they lift part of they paywall as well):
- Calm:
- Headspace:
- Insight Timer:
2. Physical Health
The only real way to deal with COVID-19 other than washing your hands is to build up your immune system and strengthening your lungs. I can't possibly cover it adequately in a summary post (longer post next week) so for now, here are a few quick tips and resources:
- Exercise: Focus on short bursts of high intensity exercises: short sprints, stairs, pull ups - it strengthens your lungs and stimulates the creation of stem cells. I've started doing a 7 Minute workout on most days and love it as a way to complement stair climbs (love Baldwin and Santa Monica Stairs), biking, running, swimming and hiking, which I do several times a week.
- Breathing and Cold Exposure: Wim Hof Method and his app, especially for his intense guided breathing exercises. I can now hold my breath for over 2 minutes after full exhalation and I only just started. Next is more cold exposure (I f'ing hate cold water but forcing myself) to stimulate stem cells and the immune system.
- Food as Medicine: I've been a biohacker for a while but have been going all researching and implementing various longevity protocols. The benefit is that these protocols help you feel better now ... more energy, less pain and dramatically stronger immune system (nudge nudge wink wink) in addition to extending your health span. More on this next week but for now, check out Superhuman by Dave Asprey, The Longevity Paradox by @Dr. Gundry's book or Keto for Life by Mark Sisson as a start.
- Fasting: Research Intermittent Fasting and multi-day fasts. Not only does this burn fat but the longer fasts lead to autophagy (kill off bad cells) and stem cell production, including immune cells! I do IF daily and 48 hour fasts once a month. It is getting easier and easier as my body adapts to converting fat to ketones as a fuel.
- Supplements: Absolutely critical for immunity - Vitamin B6, C & D3. The list is actually much longer. Don't go shopping just yet. There are specific combinations that seem to work best and when possible, get it from food or the sun (in case of D3). More on this next week.
My wife often has to kick me out of the house so I can burn off energy biking, hiking or surfing (mostly falling) because I have too much energy. Fortunately, she is increasingly joining me! If you're in LA - reach out.
3. Social Health
One of the top five regrets of the dying is: "I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends."
We are social beings. Being with others actually helps our health. Analysis of centenarians living in blue zones highlights two interesting aspects:
- Loved ones first: centenarians spend a lot of time with close family and put extra effort into those relationships. The Work From Home (WFH) push currently dictated by COVID-19 driven policies is a gift yet most see it as a curse. Structure some time to get closer. It is a golden opportunity.
- Belonging: feeling of belonging is crucial and community events, church and other "coming together" opportunities help make that happen. Tough to do now. Avoiding such events and not being in the office will lead to loneliness and loss for a lot of people. It will have a negative impact that is bad for your health. Organize video calls more than you normally would and reach out to friends and family you rarely chat with. Once again, it is a gift - don't waste it.
4. Financial health, business and entrepreneurship
There will be serious financial challenges during the outbreak - it is inevitable. That is when growth oriented people step up rather than hide.
During difficult times:
- Your employer is going to need you to step up: how can you do your job better? what skills can you learn? How can you support others?
- You have extra time in the day since you don't have a commute: use that time to start a side job. Drive for Uber/Lyft/Grubhub or deliver for Amazon, start a side business (teach music, dog walking/grooming, teach english remotely) or create a product.
- There will be new business opportunities: the world will emerge different and that creates opportunities. Millionaires and Billionaires will be created over the next few months ... and I don't mean the people that sell toilet paper at a crazy premium. I mean people who create real value. I'm personally stepping up on Zen&Now, my corporate meditation company and my Maximum Impact podcast, both of which I had slowed down on.
A final note.
Leaders - Step the "f" Up
In trying times, you must master the art of showing up. It will define you. - Allan Isfan
Pay attention
People who are in your care are watching and they need you. They need to know you'll keep them safe and help them prosper.
Customers are watching and they need you. They need to know you're there for them and humanity. Bring value to them.
Your job as a leader is to SERVE. Your job has ALWAYS been to serve and how you SERVE over the next coming weeks and months will define you in their eyes and the story you tell yourself for the rest of your life. You've been given a gift. Put your cape on.
But first, put your oxygen mask on. Self care is #1. Meditate, exercise, eat right, stay social and be a guiding light for others.
If you do, you'll turn tragedy and scarcity into positive influence, maximum impact and even profit.
Great post and we thank Yvonne Craig for help with this :)