Covid-19 Some Suggestions

Hi Everyone,

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I hope you are all being careful and staying safe during this unprecedented time in our history. I’m going to try to send out posts from time to time with what I believe to be sensible suggestions for how we should all respond during this difficult time. Though everyone is struggling these days, those of us who have an anxiety disorder may struggle more than most people do. This time may be especially difficult for people who have OCD. It is my hope that I can provide some useful guidelines for those who are struggling.

What We Should All Be Doing

Here is a great link to an International Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Foundation (IOCDF) article with what I think are some appropriate suggestions for what we should all be doing. Here are some of the main suggestions from that article:

As of March 2020, the leading trusted health organizations (including the WHO and the CDC) are recommending that all people follow these guidelines in the name of public health:

1) Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being outside or in public places, before eating, and after you’ve coughed/sneezed/blown your nose. If soap and water are not available to you, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

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2) Avoid touching your face, including your eyes, nose, and mouth.

3) Cover all coughs and sneezes, either with a tissue that is immediately thrown away or by directing your cough/sneeze into your elbow.

4) Disinfect surfaces that are regularly touched by a lot of people, such as doorknobs, counters, tables, etc.

5) Practice “social distancing,” which means staying away from gatherings of large groups of people (such as large lecture classes, sporting events, concerts, etc.).

If you are feeling unwell, especially if your symptoms include fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, stay home and contact your medical provider immediately. It is strongly recommended you call ahead to your medical provider’s office before actually visiting — depending on your symptoms, they may ask you to come in for further testing, or they may advise you on how to take care of yourself at home.

What We Should Not Be Doing

As I’ve mentioned in some of my previous posts, when we have an anxiety disorder (and especially OCD) we are prone to perceiving a risk as far greater than it really is. Of course, there is currently some risk, but it’s important to keep that risk in perspective. Here is what the IOCDF recommends:

“With emerging research showing that most people are at low risk of being impacted by COVID-19, these guidelines are mainly meant to help protect communities in general and especially the vulnerable people among us (such as the elderly and/or those with pre-existing health conditions). Experts are recommending increased personal hygiene and decreased social contact not because we are all at a higher risk, but because by doing so we can help protect our communities and slow down the spread of COVID-19.” 

Once again some helpful suggestions from the IOCDF:

1) Avoid the temptation to learn “everything” about COVID-19. Do your best to stick to your time and frequency limits on news or information consumption.

2) Do not ignore the guidelines from trusted health sources, regardless of whether or not they go against what you are trying to do in treatment. Work with your treatment team to bring your goals temporarily in line with the new normal we all live in.

3) Do not excessively wash your hands, as this may lead to injuring your skin and making it less protective against infection. Keep it to 20 seconds.

4) Don’t let “social distancing” rob you of your support networks — come up with a strategy to stay connected to others even if you can’t see them in person.

  1. Call, videoconference, or text your friends and family.
  2. Get involved in online support networks (such as HealthUnlocked).
  3. Reach out on social media.

5) Don’t let OCD make travel decisions for you. Instead, listen to official regulations and/or warnings about whether or not to travel to certain destinations. The WHO has worldwide travel advice, and the US Department of State issues travel advisories for its citizens.

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I might add to not overreact in terms of buying extra supplies or food. For example, my local grocery store has been out of bread the last few days and apparently people are buying extra bread (and toilet paper) “just in case”! I don’t think panic buying (and especially not hoarding) is necessary. I know I am a glass half full type of person, but I feel quite confident that though we will struggle for a while, this will pass and that the vast majority of us are going to be just fine. In the meantime we should attend to those who are at greatest risk (the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions), wash our hands frequently, temporarily avoid social contact, don’t over react, hang in there and wait for this to pass.

Finally, I again recommend limiting how much you read about the outbreak to perhaps 15 to 20 minutes a day so as not to inundate yourself with too much information. The more you read the more likely it is that you will feel overwhelmed. And be sure to only consult reputable sites such as the Centers For Disease Control (CDC).

Let me know if I can be of any help during this challenging time.

Stay safe and be well,

Dr Bob


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