COVID-19 Roundup: April 15th-16th

COVID-19 Roundup: April 15th-16th

"Don't fight the problem. Decide it."
-General George C.Marshall

It's almost the end of the week and it's been an interesting one, as the past several have shown a tendency to be defined by. There have been moments where I, as your humble roundup writer have thought nothing but positive stuff. Conversely the stress, the strain, the "suck" of all this stuff takes its toll as well. It's then I call to mind two very important points or dots to connect if you will:

  1. I'm doing the best I can (this applies to you as well reader) and it's perfectly natural and acceptable for me to feel less than at times. Less than cheerful, less than capable, less than up to task and fit for duty.
  2. The world is hurting, on the micro and macro level. Countries are being rocked heavily, communities compromised, families separated by sickness - feeling pressure bearing down from strong forces from several separate directions.

So. What's to be done? Sylvia Plath reminds us: "Hour by hour, day by day, life becomes possible.". Is it possible to take that realized life and reframe things, even for a fleeting moment or two, to not appear so bleak and bothersome? Perhaps.

Perhaps all we can promise to ourselves as well as others right now is that we'll batten down the hatches, secure the breach, and do our best to weather the tempest no matter how furious or ferocious it gets.

Perhaps we can gather by the imaginary campfire, or take a rest somewhere within our headspace that's best for us. In this happy place built within our minds, there are no masks - all that's lean, mean and morbid has quit the field. All that's left in that tranquil locale is the storyteller - bearing tales of bravery, intelligence, resourcefulness and optimism all the same.

Israeli Acceleration In Testing Capabilities, NoCamels Observes

In an article which hit the presses just yesterday, the Israeli Innovation News Publication NoCamels reported a testing method announced Sunday from a consortium of Israeli scientists reportedly ten times faster in comparison to current iterations:

Scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) said the test relies on an existing, well-known process to extract genetic material (RNA and DNA) using magnetic beads, common in genomic labs, but uses a special buffer solution to accelerate and ameliorate binding. The method was developed by Professor Nir Friedman at Hebrew University’s Institute of Life Sciences and School of Engineering and Computer Science and Professor Naomi Habib at HU’s Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Science.

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Professor Naomi Habib (pictured here, photo credit to Moshe Wolcowitz )outlining process details, stated that results are yielded in approximately 20-30 minutes in comparison to the standard 2-3 hour timeframe. Joined by Professor Nir Friedman and a team of 15 Researchers, the protocol has been made available online for "anyone to use" and has been validated by Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem.

This announcement comes as Israel intensifies its efforts full-spectrum, with universities mobilizing to analyze thousands of COVID-19 tests according to Simona Shemer.

BloomingHealth Launches SMS-Based Chatbot For Seniors and Their Families To Be TogetherApart

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One of the most vulnerable groups affected by COVID-19, senior citizens are not only at an increased risk of infection but those living apart from their loved ones face additional difficulties on top.

BloomingHealth, comprised of engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs, seek a solution to social isolation as it exists among the elderly in general. Pivoting to solve the specific problem of social isolation now faced by seniors who are also dealing with COVID-19's many dangers, an SMS-based chatbot has been developed to help users check in with and maintain their mental and emotional wellbeing through interfacing with friends and family.

This pivot has helped the BloomingHealth team realize at least two of their four foundational goals: stronger care management/relationship reinforcement, and the company is offering the chatbot free through June 2020.

Taiwanese Initiative HealthForAll Declares: "Not All Heroes Wear Capes, But They All Need Masks"

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Stated simply yet boldly upon its landing page, the Taiwanese HealthForAll Initiative follows up its call to action which formed the second part of the above headline thusly:

The coronavirus has come into our lives like an unwanted guest, and with no foreseeable end in sight, it has brought a whole new meaning to overstaying one’s welcome. Initially seen as an Asia problem, COVID-19 has quickly escalated to become a global issue, resulting in unprecedented health, economic and societal challenges.   
 This initiative is meant to be a catalyst to drive innovation and collaboration between various stakeholders. We hope to leverage the unique resources and expertise in Taiwan to help those communities who are currently most vulnerable.
If you are in a position to provide medical resources or supplies please let us know how you are able to contribute. Or if you are a medical facility in desperate need of limited resources let us know what you need.
Taiwan is here to help.

With Kyodo News reporting a 2 million face mask donation by Taiwan to Japan as reported eight hours ago, and with 10 million masks finding themselves in the hands of Healthcare Heroes around the globe, the nation often examined closely for its unique containment and responsiveness procedures is once again demonstrating a willingness to lean into not only authentic innovation but authentic and frankly admirable cooperative efforts internationally.

DNI (Defense Innovation Network) to Feature Two Interesting Interactive Experiences for Friday

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As part of the Defense Innovation Network Summit which has been going on its current stage since March, Prescott Paulin and the DIN team promise informative and insightful sessions tomorrow on the subjects of Data Connectivity and Leadership Mastery in the midst of COVID-19.

Join me.

Liberty Mutual Provides Customers A Rest Stop

In an open letter to its customers, Liberty Mutual announced the establishment of an Auto Relief Fund as well as several additional initiatives and safety measures designed to ease minds and alleviate burdens.

This ranks right up there with LiMu Emu and Doug.

The Heartfelt & The Homespun:

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See you at the next Roundup!


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