COVID-19 Risk Assessments

COVID-19 Risk Assessments

COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Workplaces (C19 OHS) 2020:

·        16. Every employer must establish the following administrative measures:

·        16.1 It must undertake a risk assessment to give effect to the minimum measures required by this Directive taking into account the specific circumstances of the workplace.

Section 3 of the Department of Health (DOH) guideline on COVID-19 Risk Assessment by Employer or Self-Employed Person prescribe the recommended competencies for persons to conduct the Risk Assessments:

·        3. Competencies

·        3.1 Employers and self-employed persons are advised to ensure anyone engaged to undertake an HBA risk assessment is competent in risk assessment processes and is familiar with the Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents (2001). Knowledge of the HBA of concern (in this case COVID-19 virus) and HBA in general is advisable. It is recommended that the services of a registered Occupational Hygienist or certified Safety Professional is obtained to undertake the COVID-19 risk assessments.

Documents of interest for COVID-19 preparation:


·        MINUTES OF THE MEETING BETWEEN MANAGEMENT AND THE EMPLOYEES CONCERNING THE implementation of relevant health and safety measures in the workplace amidst COVID-19

 Services during lockdown:

Online virtual classroom training:

·        OHS Act & SHERQ representative legal liability

o  Dates running – 6, 15, 18 and 26 May 2020

·        The Occupational Health and Safety Act & responsibilities of management

o  Dates running – 7, 12, 20 and 25 May 2020

·        Food facility health & safety course

o  Dates running – 8, 11, 19 and 28 May 2020

·        Basic firefighting

o  Dates running – 4, 13, 21 and 29 May 2020

·        Basic firefighting with emergency action planning             

o  Dates running – 5, 14, 22 and 27 May 2020

For every four delegates attending one is FREE

COVID-19 specific

·        COVID-19 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment – Site specific

·        COVID-19 Safe working procedures – Site specific

·        COVID-19 Site specific screening registers

·        COVID-19 PPE policies and procedures – Site specific

·        COVID-19 Policies and procedures for contractors and clients

·        COVID-19 Policies and procedures for management of ill staff of client

·        COVID-19 Policies and procedures for submitting COVID-19 illness to Workman’s Compensation.

·        COVID-19 Induction training

·        COVID-19 awareness training

Personal Protective Equipment:

·        Gloves

·        Hand Sanitizers

·        Masks

·        Face shields

All first aid equipment


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