Covid-19: Returning to Work
The CK Group recently carried out a survey across a range of organisations within the life sciences arena in the UK to enquiry about their plans for returning to offices when the pandemic restrictions finally allow.?This was carried out with the 21st June target in mind, however, even with the extended restrictions in place, the results have been fascinating. It was a difficult subject to fit into 9 questions as each item seemed to lead to more questions but we’ve done our best to try and capture some of the effects the pandemic has had on the ways we might work in future; at least in relation to office presence.
We had a great response from the 1000 human resources professionals and hiring managers we invited to participate so if you are one of those who took the time to provide the information, thank you!
So, now to share some of the data and insights we gained….
First of all, I’d like to set the scene. All the companies who took part were based in the UK, although with a varied geographical remit and size.?Around 47% were UK centric, 17% working across the EMEA or EU and 36% operating globally. In relation to size, 26% were small / start up (less than 50 employees); 30% small (50-300 employees); 11% medium (300-700 employees); 33% large (700+ employees). The majority were pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies (50% and 17% respectively) and the rest a mix of medical devices, CROs, service providers and healthcare organisations.
Of the companies who responded it was surprising and quite pleasing to see that 100% are planning to retain an element of home working.
What was even more surprising was the element of flexibility that appears to be on offer, with 45% of responders stating they are not implementing a minimum number of days per week or month to be on-site.??However, it’s safe to say the overall trend or expectation seems to be 2 - 3 days a week in the office or as and when required by the business, but with no minimum requirement. Interestingly 38% of responders are not planning on reopening offices at all when the restrictions allow.
The flexibility being offered appears to be available to the majority of workers, including new starters and people working at all levels, with 94% of responders stating this was the case.
?All in all, our survey offered some really interesting insight into how the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries have adapted to working in the pandemic. Certainly, from a recruitment perspective, we’ve seen many companies offering much more flexibility, with some even downsizing office space to account for the anticipated home working uptake. We’ve also seen the boost this has given to candidate and skill attraction as well as a surge in job seekers being able to consider companies previously unattainable due to location.
On the other hand, we’ve also seen and heard from people who have really struggled with home working.?Some have had to turn down roles due to living in shared houses and, for example, not being able to man a medical information enquiry line because of their home situation, which has been very disappointing for the individuals, hiring companies and for us, all for reasons completely out of anyone’s control.?It certainly seems like a situation with two sides, if not more and as the old adage goes, one size does not fit all.
The survey also raised more questions than it answered in some respects.?Could this be the start of a truly virtual world? Do people really have the space to work from home? Does it suit everyone? Virtual working and technology:?do we all know how to use it properly? Is it fit for all purposes?
I’ve recently hired someone new into my team – all done for the first time through the use of virtual technology. We finally met the other week and it made me realise how much we can miss out on with no in-person contact. Her first comment to me, much to my amusement, was, “You’re a lot taller than I thought”. I guess time will tell what long-term changes there will be to our working habits, ways and effectiveness.