Covid-19 and Recruitment Challenges for 2020
Despite the fear and uncertainty surrounding humanity’s latest global challenge, economies around the world are still holding, our societies are functioning -almost- normally, and for your typical ‘nine-to-five’ employee, daily life at the office is more or less the same.
However, The Covid-19 virus went from an outbreak to a full-on global pandemic. The general public is slowly edging towards confining themselves to their homes and this spells trouble for businesses and institutions across all sectors.
Employment rates are expected to dip in the coming months. Some companies are considering halting their hiring process until the situation improves.
Rather than panic or chalk recruitment and employment up as failed ventures, employers should be considering ways to ensure that their offices and prospective employees are safe from the Covid-19 threat.
There are 3 points that employers and candidates should consider:
1- The threat of virus does not mean no one is hiring or that candidates aren’t actively looking for placements.
2- We should have the means to prepare and protect people in the workplace.
3- You can easily digitize your work and recruitment flow.
E - Recruitment
Yes, a worldwide outbreak is a good enough reason to hesitate. But understanding how the threat spreads and how people contract the virus can help you better prepare your recruitment process.
Chances are that you’re sourcing candidates online. Whether you’re using social media, online job portals, advanced ATS or recruitment software, this phase of the process does not need to change. There’s very little contact with the candidate beyond phone calls and emails.
The Interview
Digital interviews are an absolute win in this situation. Not only do you protect yourself, your employees, and the applicant, but you also provide your prospects with a measure of flexibility.
Asking candidates to interview remotely, from a personal or familiar setting is a commonly well-received concept. In fact, with the Covid-19 situation, the gesture alone will most likely make them want to work for you even more.
The Candidate
At this point, employers would be worrying over whether the disease would hitchhike its way in on the candidate’s first day on the job.But interview questions could be the solution here. Make sure to ask your candidate if they’ve traveled to affected areas in the past few weeks, whether they exhibited symptoms and so on. Though unconventional, these questions are a necessity given the worldwide exposure to this corona virus.
It’s important to note that the above is valid so long as it does not breach or conflict with your local laws and regulations. If a candidate is suspected of being exposed to COVID-19, a self-imposed quarantine is highly recommended.
The situation is different for recruitment agencies. As they typically manage large candidate databases, it might become a touch too difficult to keep track of which candidate has been traveling lately, which have or have not quarantined themselves, and so on.
Such agencies should consider utilizing an applicant tracking system. Though there is no definitive way to track symptoms in potential candidates, Manual's ATS allows users to add customization fields and tags to their candidate profiles. This can be leveraged during the interview, as soon as the questions we mentioned earlier are answered.
The Talent Gap
The talent gap has been a recurring global challenge for years now. Employers have been dealing with this issue the best way they can, by hiring and training candidates who do not yet have the knowledge or skill for the position.
When computers were first developed and the internet reared its head, everyone foresaw working from home as the end result. Now we’re at a point where we might actually have to. We have an entirely digital world at our disposal. Depending on the role, you might not have to be in the office to do your job.
Preparation is Key
Whether employers decide to go for remote work or keep to the office model, it’s important to remember that the global outbreak isn’t as worrisome for some people as it is for others. Create a culture of hygienic practices in the workplace in which your employees maintain their welfare.
Cheers !