COVID-19: Prevalence, Foundational Material, Key issues in Reliability of Test, Potential portals of blocking access to the Virus and its Viability.

I have been researching, archiving and utilizing data on different domains of findings that have been published about the COVID -19.I have posted these on my Personal professional Website. Psychiatric Sites: Here are the links to the six major posts.This is the link to my Website:

1) Prevalence of Corona Virus

2) Foundational Data to develop Policies

3) COVID-19 Testing, Key issues on Reliability of results for Clinical interventions and Policy development

4) Corona Virus Testing Challenges

5) COVID-19 Countermeasures

6) COVID-19 Public Education Poster and Tele-health Interventions.

We have decisions to make do we acquiesce to partially modified Surge approach to manage the initial phase of the infestation of our populace and starting reopening the Sectors in our Economy in a shorter period of time or do we go all in and support the flattening the curve approach over a indeterminate period of time while shuttering our business for an in determinate period of time. Will the total deaths in the Flattening of the Curve approach over teh 12 months or longer be substantially lower or higher or the same than allowing a lassisez faire surge management approach to the infestation? Will the economy suffer more if the surge approach is more or less adopted with a nod and wink by POTUS and allies or if a strict adherence to the flattening of the curve is adopted by the United States. We cannot answer these questions with any degree of reliability because of serious shortcomings in the basic scientific basis for the Tests and the procedures and gross incompetence in managing the resupply of HC entities of essential supplies to protect the lives of HC staff at all levels, and of the persons infected by COVID-19 virus. In meantime we must change our approach to therapeutics by utilizing the in Vitro data about the vulnerabilities of the COVID-19 Virus to block it in its tracks and significantly reduce the Viremia and Cyto-toxicity much like we did collectively globally by trying to reduce its detectablity. and toxicity. My posts have information on these domains.

I welcome your responses to my posts.

Velandy Manohar, MD

Distinguished Life Fellow, Am. Psychiatric Assoc.[APA]

Medical Director, Aware Recovery Care-CT. [ARC], President, ARC In-Home Addiction Treatment, PC

Member- CT. State Medical Society Committees – 1. Bioethics, 2. Quality of Care,3. Disaster Preparedness.

Member- Governance Committee of Consumer Advisory Council of Office of Health Strategy-CT

Founding member- Psychotherapy Caucus of APA [Past Steering Comm member]

Founding member- Community Resilience Collaborative- Mx County-CT [Effects of Childhood Trauma.]

Member- 1. Advisory and Review Board- Whiting Forensic Board- DMHAS-CT,2. Medical Advisory Board- Commissioner of Motor Vehicles- [DMV -CT] 3. Hearing Panel- CT. Medical Examining Board-[DPH]

CT. Multi-Cultural Health Partnership- Nancy Berger Member Award- 2012.

American Health Council- Best in Medicine- 2018

IHAT Addiction Institute- First Impact Award Recipient- 2019


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