The COVID-19 Pivot Dance

The COVID-19 Pivot Dance

So many funny things happen during times of pandemics.

I am working with so many women who are frankly not sure what their business will bring in the times of COVID-19 and as such they are already talking about strategies post COVID.

I am always the realist in the group and that sometimes cost me the moniker of Pessimist.

I take in a fair amount of information and from a number of sources and I try to be open minded but as I trust my gut, and synthesize information against my instinct I always come up as the Realist, and again and again and again mistaken for a pessimist.

In the spirit of listening to my clients and trying to uplift them and the situation I am hearing that people want to not think about "how they look", they want comfort. Who doesn't want that in a time of great health challenge, financial challenge and just so much unknown on many fronts. We crave comfort. BUT. I do warn them that above all as business women we still need to "show up" for ourselves, each other and our brands.

My humble opinion is if you have just spent 1-2-5 or 10 years building a brand, you do not want to flush that time, effort and financial investment away with a few bad ZOOM calls or looking "raw" in our on line presence. At the moment moving into summer I too am dealing with this as my office is in the hottest part of our home, in the attic. I find myself wearing white to keep cool and my walls are white. Man they need a fresh coat of paint. Before March 13th no one saw my office except me.

So in that spirit I am offering a new line of clothes that I think can give you that comfort, that movement, the coolness of performance fabric. Things that can go from GYM/WORK/PLAY. The realist in me feels like we may be at the COVID-19 Dance for a while longer. I think we need to be realistic about how many more months we may be doing business from home.

Join us for an opportunity to see it with up to 50% off select styles to put yourself into a new brand. Give a boost to your casual wardrobe. Join me for this fun event.

All community flash sale! 24 hours only!


