‘Life is very crucial don`t ruin it by taking wrong Decisions..’
We all know that what`s happening across the world. The humanity is getting affected due to this pandemic. This is not the time to feel free. This is the time to fight , fight against this disease that has power to finish the entire world.
“A single branch can break very easily but when it comes to breaking a bunch of branches it become next to impossible”
We all have to be like those bunch of branches that can never been broken easily. This is the Battle, Battle against COVID-19. If we come together there is no power in this universe that can stop us from fighting against this disease.
Guys again saying this disease has potential to kill the entire human life in one go. So please stay at your home take precautions as said by the Doctors and obey what they say.
Please it is a humble request to stay at your homes . Spend sometime with your family. We are moving with jet speed and may be this is the time when the nature wants us to slow down our self and just wants us to think that how much pain we are giving to our nature just to fulfill those needs that we don`t know we require them or not. Don`t think that this disease is a curse , take it as a blessing that may be occurred so that we can just relax ourself and think , realize that what we are doing to our mother earth.
Also In order to prove our self in the society , we have stared neglecting the ones who play an important role in our lives. It is the time to take care of our elders , spend sometime them, understand them. Let us keep aside our jobs, business etc and just enjoy at our homes.
Each and every person in this world is important to someone and for God sake think of them and be safe wherever u are, don`t come out.
Someone is right saying ‘GOD will help those who help themselves first’. Therefore help yourself, your family , people around you who need help during this time. Also take care of the animals in your locality try to feed them because we are there to help us but no one is there to help them, try to feed them on regular basis and remember one thing these animals are loyal than humans. So try to protect them as well. Try to avoid the humors . Understand the difference between the real and fake. Don`t listen to the people listen to the one`s who are expert in this and stop spreading humors and if someone is into it try to stop him /her and explain them what is right or wrong. Listen and have faith in your doctors and please them . They are our life savers , pray for them that they remain safe and can cure everyone. They need us and we should support them.
At last ,I would say be good to yourself and to others and follow all the instructions provide by the doctors and the government. Don`t step out of your house if not required, Eat healthy food as much as you can , try to avoid cold food and try to give extra care to senior citizens.
Again It`s my request that all of you just remember one think in mind
“We will fight & We will win”
Stay Healthy and Stay Safe.