Is COVID-19 messaging really that confusing?
Liz Pommer
CEO Kintsugi Group: Big Idea Ventures (Aust) | OX Design | My Swim Cream | Jazz Cowboy Productions | Fintech startup | Kintsugi Advisory | Toy shop owner ??
Yesterday I saw many posts and comments about how COVID-19 communications and messages are confusing. They are. However, regardless of the situation, we always interpret information in a way that makes most sense to us as individuals. And there's nothing about any of this that makes sense. That feels confusing and a little scary.
So, maybe this will help (it's long but hopefully logical):
- ONLY READ INFORMATION FROM OFFICIAL SOURCES - and DO AS THEY SAY (whether you like it or not, right now, that's the government - PM, Premier, Chief and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Chief Health Officers).
- These leaders and their teams are working 24/7 to analyse the data and make the best decisions they can - for the preservation of life. We need to follow the instructions they give - ALL of them, not just the ones that are convenient.
- Here's a link to the Victorian health info on how to reduce transmission - it is very detailed but it's important to read ALL of it (and DO it!!!).
- ADVICE WILL CHANGE - possibly daily. What government leaders tell us today may be completely different tomorrow. This will be the case for at least the next few weeks. They are releasing the info we need to know today for our action today. When that needs to change, and when they've got the next round of whatever ready, they'll tell us.
- MAKE NO MISTAKE - ANYONE CAN GET THIS VIRUS 'young' people are not somehow immune. The messages focusing on the elderly are intended to get our attention and compel us to feel responsible (a common marketing theory, not working in this case). People from teen years to the elderly have all caught the virus in Australia in recent days.
- Whether we're in 'lockdown' or not, FRONTLINE WORKERS CONTINUE TO GO TO WORK. People such as doctors, nurses, supermarket staff, delivery drivers, pharmacists and staff, train and tram drivers, cleaners and a range of other people will still need to turn up. Thank you. (Lockdown doesn't mean literally...)
- For everyone else, if you can stay home - stay home! If not, follow the rules in the link above - ALL of them. You can't look at the horrific situation in Italy and then go sit in a busy cafe.
- TRUST that 'government' will not let Australians go hungry or be kicked out of their home. Already, thousands of care packages are delivered daily to those who don't have food. If you're in need, ring your local council - but only if in genuine, desperate need.
- Don't try to compare information 'oh, but they said to do this yet they're doing that'. As in my opening line above, not everything will make sense to us. We just have to trust that the National Cabinet has thought about all of this and has come up with the best strategy to bring us through it.
- Don't politicise this, just join the team. If we create such a fuss that our government leaders have to respond, they're going to be distracted from looking at the right data and making the best decisions. Let them get on with it.
- DON'T PANIC. Just think clearly and act sensibly to keep yourself, your family and friends and the community safe. Follow the rules in the link above - ALL of them. It's damn inconvenient and sometimes very hard to do. Bad luck. This is not a drill.
It feels like we are on the fast-track to the situation they have in Italy. We ALL need to follow the rules in the link above - ALL of them.
#myreflections #covid19 #homosapiens #payattention #thinkitthrough #coronavirus #actnow #followalltherules