COVID 19 - lets not get complacent!
Dr. Simon Brayshaw
Dexterity Partners Limited- Providing a unique start to finish solution for Owner Managers to sell their company and maximise value.
I try to avoid discussing controversial subjects on Linkedin. However today's BBC figures show that we must all still keep taking COVID 19 seriously and not let our guard down. Nearly 1 in 6 people ( 15%) who get infected DIE ( see above). It is more than 1 in 5 people ( 22%) who have DIED compared with the normal death rate. The attitude of it will not happen to me is naive and selfish. It affects older people your parents, grandparents people with underlying health issues and disabilities. It is using valuable NHS beds that are needed for other everyday health issues such as cancer treatments. We need to do what we can to keep these people safe.
I can maintain my distance and wear a mask and this will reduce the likelihood of me infecting others, if i was unfortunate enough to have COVID 19 ( or be asymptomatic) . However, the greater risk of infection to me ( AND YOU ) is from those not wearing a mask. When you see individuals not following safety guidelines they are not risking themselves so much as they are putting at risk us. This is selfish and dangerous. We all need to work together to overcome this dreadful event. Science and scientists are working 24-7 to help us help ourselves. Scientists are not politicians! They have spent years learning their trade and build up FACTS NOT OPINIONS , they are the experts, so let's listen to them instead of the "guy down the pub" who always wants to give his / her opinion. Is it really that hard to take simple safety precautions? This cartoon sums up the risk