COVID 19: Is Human Race Self Destructive?
Pavan Datta
Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
Currently Covid 19 Coronavirus is giving sleepless nights to the human all over the globe. Some say it was the biological weapon developed by humans to kill other humans. Some say it's the virus transferred from a wild Bat to humans. Now ultimately the humans themselves are the carrier in passing out these virus to other human race.
Like many of global fellow citizens, I am also taking precautions as suggested by experts. But if you postmortem the issue, you may conclude that ultimately it's human race, who are the self destructive species in destroying self as well as Mother Nature GOD.
Let us analyse in a natural positive feasible approach comparing recent with old times.
In recent times, Human Society is blindly following the western way of life, discarding our old Vedic life style.
Money & business have become more valuable than human lives, values & relations.
Definition of enjoyment changed from happiness to power to spend. It may be overseas holidays or expensive dining out. People started thinking that if one can afford it, he should spend it, results may be loss of health.
Bathrooms and toilets were separate and were outside our houses. Now keeping them together inside has resulted into loss of hygiene and health too.
Women within mensuration period were kept in self isolation for 4 days as precautionary measures.
Newly born children and mothers were kept in close isolation from 10 to 40 days so that they may not catch outside virus, being vulnerable.
Ganga jal ???? ?? or any holy river water was showered before entering into house after coming from funeral. Later a compulsory bath and washing of worn clothes. This was to avoid house from outside virus.
One has to wash hands, mouth and feet after coming from outside to wash out any outside virus, if any.
Keeping footwear outside the house so that outside dust/mud containing virus may not enter home.
Food to be home cooked that too after the cook had a bath. Food was served hot (which already killed all bad bacterias). Now junk food and refrigrated food is more in demand, which decreases immunity of human body & make people lethargic.
Washing of clothes were done outside house and that too it were hand washed. Which made house safe and compulsory exercise for washer.
Doing yoga and exercise at gardens after regular walk were most popular. Now people prefer Gym, a proven carrier for spreading virus.
Regular Havans poojas were done at home which killed all bad bacterias & virus available in air.
Now everyone is suggesting self isolation & Quarantine for 14 days. Let me put another fact that every year before Lord Jagannath jee Rath Yatra, Jagannath jee is put for self self isolation & Quarantine for 14 days. Due to change in the season change & it's believed that Lord has fallen sick & He (His Idol) is isolated for 14 days every year, since ages.
Maintaining physical hygiene, social distance and cleanliness are laughed at, ridiculed, insulted, systematically breaking above traditions brick by brick. This is forcing people to discard our own Vedic rituals for the fear of being isolated and being seen as low class people in so called high end society.
Further humans have divided the society in many many ways like:
Rich & Poor
Sub continent
Gendre etc. etc.
These type of divisive tools are being misused by politicians and others for their ulterior motives.
Spreading of this deadly virus never asked for any of above divisions of society before entering into human bodies.
Before coronavirus, there were riots in Delhi created again by humans only by dividing society by religion & by misusing communication medias through spreading hatred and rumours.
Like many of my fellow Indians, I am also disturbed by the violent protests going on in the name of alleged biased against minorities in the newly amended act. I saw number of videos where protester are not even able to answer the full form of CAA, NPR & NRC, for which they had taken public life and property at risk & mercy of some vested interests.
Since ages, there is lot of hue and cry over various religions claiming supremacy on others' religion. Irony is this most of people follow their religions blindly without knowing the facts & get trapped in evil tricks of fake religious heads.
Holy books of all religions contain the best of preachings and were written for the betterment of mankind. Which teach to follow principals of humanity for the overall peace and harmony of mankind and the planet. Most of people don't read any holy books but blindly follow the doctored preachings of so called religious leaders. Some of religious leaders teach the doctored versions for their ulterior motives and spreading hate about mankind.
Question is not against any particular amendment but the hatred created among masses since the concept of religion may have started. I am sure the GOD must be feeling ashamed for creating humans after creation of Nature. The very much children of GOD is destroying the other species of Nature GOD and above all destroying Nature itself along with putting shame to human race.
Let us analyse in a natural positive feasible approach.
Mostly believe that all this various species, animals, vegetation & humans are created by the creator referred as GOD. So all creatures including animals, tress, birds, humans are like siblings, being the creature of parent GOD.
All creatures have a different role to play in this cycle of Nature. Plants, animals, birds and all species work in sync for the upkeep of Mother Nature. Human may be only species, who works against the nature laws for its destruction just for personal ill motives. To explain this let us compare plants vs humans below.
Every plant has a seed for reproduction cycle. Every plant needs a seed for its birth but every seed does not become a plant. It's one seed out of millions which get a chance to become plant. One may experience it from one's own daily routine. All use lemons & various fruits at home daily which contains dozens of its seeds but all those seeds go to trash resulting into untimely death. We may call it foeticide. Luckily one of seed gets chance to go into soil and for reproduction in Mother Earth's womb.
Same way out of millions of sperms only one sperm gets lucky to mate with an egg that too after a number of acts, to become eligible for going into mother's womb.
So before birth itself the plant and human baby had competed against millions of their counterparts to be in mothers' womb. Then again have to go through a hell of time cycle to come in mothers' lap.
Then starts growing cycle of plants and human baby. Here comes the catch because GOD has given the extra power of thinking through brain to humans, which is not gifted to other species.
Plant as other species start fulfilling designated duties for the upkeep and welfare of Mother Nature. Like plant becomes tree starts giving fruits for the living of others & starts giving shelter & homes to animals & birds. Tree starts enjoying its duties by seeing all others growing in its branches and lap. After fulfilling designated life period even after death its wood becomes useful for furniture and cremation of human bodies.
Now come on human side, when baby grows. The designated duties of grown babies are to be useful for other fellow species and doing good for upkeep of Nature but here comes the role of devil brain in most of them. They start living for themselves and start misusing all assets of nature for personal comfort. In ages the humans have become so selfish that they have even started misusing their own mankind. They are becoming so selfish that for their temporary comfort and greed they have started even selling their Mother Earth and destroying human kind in the name of religions etc. etc.
Let us remotely assume that caste & religions do exist among creatures too. Like we name that as Asiatic Lions, African Tigers, White Tigers etc. etc. But have you ever come across any species in the globe differentiating any of their acts based on their caste and religions. It would be big NO.
We find from even small ants to Lions, king of Jungles, following same rules of life style. Suppose ants are carrying a dead cockroach for their food, have they ever refused any cockroach as food because it belongs to a certain caste. Same way have we ever noticed Lions leaving any of animals for hunting because it belongs to a particular caste & religion.
This all differentiation started by human race only, may be for certain benefits of society But now it's all being used for personal ill motives and destruction of society.
Taking on a ugly example in society to prove human mentality. All such so called contractors of caste & religion never differentiate while using/raping women for their lust. For that sin act they are ready to sleep with women of any breed or caste.
On other side best example is, have anyone seen any tree refusing not to use its shelter or its fruits to certain set of caste of species.
My humble request is that this is high time for society to stop destruction of humans & Mother Earth. Let us carry on our individual faiths and customs to be followed at our homes with family but when it comes for nation/globe/Mother Earth we all should follow only one principal i.e. of humanity. Let us learn from trees for living for others without caring for self interest or at least not hurt others just for personal comfort/greed.
Coming back to recent epidemic of Coronavirus, have any one noticed that this virus of Covid 19 is killing one or sparing depending upon the human caste & breed? Answer proves the ignorance among human for creating hatred for self destruction of society.
System fails when people with Ability don't wish to Change the System and people with Authority don't have ability to run the System.
It is easier to make system and more easy to break/tilt the system But Most difficult to change the system.
Human beings create the System with a motive for the welfare of ALL. But later for individual benefits and ill motives some Powerful Persons mould and tilt the System, which in turn becomes liability on the society in large.
I as an individual have patience and self confidence that one day, my writing will bring at least one little change for the betterment of society or my writing would bring positive thoughts in human mind to change the rotten system.
This may happen even after when my body would not exist in this universe but my thoughts will exist. Then again I would be grateful to GOD as always I am, from wherever my Soul would exist (in this body or new designated body by GOD).
? Pavan Datta
Disclaimer: These are my personal opinions.
Always Indebted & Grateful to my Parents (GOD)
Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
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