Covid-19 The Great Leveller of Hospitality
Covid-19 The Great Leveller of Hospitality
12 months ago things got real with a virus that had been bubbling away for the past four months.
Conversations between workers, up to this point, had been wondering whether they should wear a mask on public transport but didn’t want to look weird.
And then BANG, the world ground to a halt and we were all told to stay at home.
The world of hospitality was brought to its knees and the people of those businesses have been the hardest hit of almost any industry globally.
However resilience is the single word that defines us hospitality professionals, because we have to be resilient every day of our working lives. And so we put our resilience face on and got to work doing what we do best…..looking after people.
Family and Friends were first on the list and we made sure that these people were in good form, supported and safe.
Colleagues and Strangers were next in line and we reached out via social media to offer help and support to those who needed it.
And this is where the magic happened for me. You see I motivate, engage and develop people for a living. As a Learning and Development professional it’s the most magical and rewarding profession I could ever imagine having.
Each day as I logged in to LinkedIn and various other Social Media platforms, I began to see opportunities to help and stories of those who had helped.
Good people from around the world began to pour their hearts out on these social networks in a bid to gain understanding of the situation they had been thrust into. Those calls were answered.
We saw awe inspiring stories of how people went out of their way to help each other and how small acts of kindness were mind blowing in their impact on lives.
Professionals of all levels began to work together, which in turn brought them together and showed the world why our beautiful world of Hospitality is the best place to reside.
This is why Covid-19 has been the great leveller, 2020 saw hospitality people brought together like never before and at a time when we could so easily have been pulled apart.
Those people who helped, who listened and who stepped in will never be forgotten and karma will do its thing.
As we begin to climb out of this spikey shaped hole we have fallen into, we will look back fondly on the stories of compassion, love and selflessness.
For those that I helped, I wish you every success
For those that helped me, Thank You
Hospitality we salute you.