COVID-19-Cluster-Studie an einem Lehrkrankenhaus

COVID-19-Cluster-Studie an einem Lehrkrankenhaus

Autoren: Alexander von Freyburg, Hjalmar Hagedorn, Bj?rn LDM Brücher, Michael A Scherer


Anfang April 2020 wurde für ein Lehrkrankenhaus aufgrund eines COVID-19-Ausbruchs (Indexpatient und fünf infizierte Pflegekr?fte) die Betriebsunterbrechung und Quarant?ne gem?? § 6 Infektionsschutzgesetz angeordnet. Das komplette Personal (?rzte, Pflegekr?fte und nichtmedizinisches Personal [NMP]) wurde auf COVID-19 getestet. Die kumulierte Infektionsrate für NMP (1,6%), ?rzte (3,8%) und Pflegekr?fte (9,7%) stand im Zusammenhang mit Art und Umfang des COVID-19-Patientenkontaktes. Trotz COVID-19-Positivit?t von 34,8% (46 von 132 Betten) ist bei Beachtung der Hygienevorschriften und strikter Patientenselektion ein risikoarmes Management des Krankenhausbetriebs bis zu einem gewissen Grad m?glich. Allerdings ist aufgrund stiller Tr?ger (silent carrier) ein COVID-19-freies Klinikum nicht zu erwarten.

Authors: Alexander von Freyburg, Hjalmar Hagedorn, Bj?rn LDM Brücher, Michael A Scherer


On Mar 11th, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated in its Situation Report – 51 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a pandemic. In early April 2020, a teaching hospital underwent shutdown and quarantine due to an outbreak of infection in accordance with Section 6 of the Infection Protection Act (index patient and 5 infected nursing staff). The complete staff (physicians, nurses and nonmedical personnel [NMP]) underwent COVID-19 testing within two phases: (1) between Apr 3rd and 5th, 2020 [n=1170], followed by (2) between Apr 8th and 9th, 2020 [n=953] with COVID-19 silent carrier positivity rates in accordance to testing phases of (1) n=19 (1.6%) and (2) n=25 (2.6%). The cumulative infection rate for NMP (1.6%), doctors (3.8%) and nurses (9.7%) was connected to type and extent of COVID-19 patient contact. Despite COVID-19 positivity of 34.8% (46 of 132 beds), a risk-free management of hospital operation is possible to a certain extent if hygiene regulations and strict patient selection are followed. However, a COVID-19-free clinic cannot be expected due to silent carriers.


-Right now - online only (see below)

- German PDF available next week

MMW - Fortschr Med 2020, 162(9), 4 Pages

Bj?rn Brücher, MD, PhD, FACS, FRCS (Engl), FRSB

Editor-in-Chief, 4open // Member European Academy of Sciences and Arts

4 年

Thanks to Dr. Erik Heintz who finally made it happen ? -PDF available ? -open access even without registration ?

Bj?rn Brücher, MD, PhD, FACS, FRCS (Engl), FRSB

Editor-in-Chief, 4open // Member European Academy of Sciences and Arts

4 年

Just to inform We asked several times the publisher to provide the PDF online at SpringerNature Site, but they just ignore, although COVID-19 findings are of importance for the health care community. It seems, that was (again) a mistake publishing the findings at SpringerNature. I will have that in mind for the future.

Bj?rn Brücher, MD, PhD, FACS, FRCS (Engl), FRSB

Editor-in-Chief, 4open // Member European Academy of Sciences and Arts

4 年

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