??Dr Kevin Maloney MD??Urgent Care walk in 6 days Founder CEO Free Medical Clinic TOYS 4 KIDS
First doctor to publish Covid's pathphysiology & a Treatment protocol. Implemented the Covid Drive thru test sites in NY 1st to combine Urgent Care & Gen Med Police Surgeon Founder Free Med Clinic TOYS for KIDS MD CEO
With the the amount of Breakthrough Cases we are witnessing presently it's perhaps time the CDC, Dr. Anthony Fauci, The United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, Surgeon General?of the?United States?Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA, along with Mary T. Bassett Commissioner of Health New York State and all Health Commissioners throughout all U.S,States consider talking about treatments that are presently available to treat Covid 19 in addition to preventive measures alone, such as vaccines and monoclonal antibodies which have worked in preventing illness and death, without doubt in so many. BUT WE NEED TO ADRESS WAYS OF TREATING THIS VIRUS NOW DUE TO THE AMOUNT OF BREAKTHROUGH CASES WE'RE SEEING ESPECIALLY IF WE CONTINUE TO OBSERVE A RISE IN BREAKTHROUGH CASES AS IMMUNITY FROM VACCINES WEAKEN OR VARIANTS CONTINUE TO EMERGE, MUTATIONS THAT HAVE LEARNED TO AVOID PROTECTION GIVEN TO US BY VACCINES. But hopefully we are approaching a state of Herd Immunity and this Pandemic will soon be behind us. DRAFT ARTICLE IN PROGRESS The intentions of all of our Public Health Authorities are sincere in time spent on implementing methods our top Scientists have developed to protect us, using data painstakingly collected by our top researchers such as those at the Wadsworth Lab in New York State, all State labs and our Federal Laboratories ( Common sense rules, however. that we must now concentrate on making the public aware of treatments that are and have been available to treat Covid 19 Respiratory illnesses that have proved to work in a great majority of cases, preventing thousands of hospitalizations and deaths. The CDC and Dr. Fauci in March of 2020 as this virus first hit the U.S. settling and first propagating in the area where my practice is located, using the empiric knowledge I gained in treating this virus, I learned that Steroids and Bronchodilator inhalers were successful in treating Covid 19 and prevented hundreds of my patients from developing Covid Pneumonias which were developing in so many, causing thousands of deaths. I spent months writing to our Health Officials both at the State and Federal Level with detailed pathologic explanations of how this virus attacks by destructive inflammation, targeting lung tissue and explaining why steroids if used properly did not weaken our immune systems as the CDC believed, if used short term. I persisted until they realized I was right but the CDC and Dr. Fauci only approved the treatment regimen I advised for hospitalized patients with severe advanced Covid Pneumonias. But eventually steroids came to be used to treat practically anyone admitted to hospitals with any respiratory compromise from Covid 19, making steroids, previously contraindicated, the first drug proved to successfully treat and prevent progression of Covid 19 Respiratory illness.
I employ the CDC to now speak out about the benefit of treating Covid 19 Respiratory Illness' prior to hospitalization, outpatient, using lower doses and short courses of weaker steroids (prednisone) along with, if needed a prophylactic antibiotic or bronchodilator. I employ the CDC to approve the treatment, I have recommended for patients testing positive for Covid 19 with signs of shortness of breath, prior to hospitlization. I ask that Dr Fauci, The Corona virus Task Force Team members and the CDC look back and review my numerous communications regarding my recommendations, with medical detailed explanation as to the pathology of Covid 19 etc., that you eventually accepted, changing your minds about using steroids to treat Covid 19, and to now listen to my suggestions to approve my same recommendations for use in outpatients as well. Informing my patients of treatments available to them has not created Vaccine Hesitancy in any of my patients, just as the availability of and use of monoclonal antibody treatment has not contributed to vaccine hesitancy. Accepting and approving the use of steroids etc.. as I've stated all along will prevent hospitalizations and deaths as this regimen has proved to do in thousands of patients I have treated, without creating distrust and vaccine hesitancy. It will do just the opposite and decrease vaccine hesitancy as it has done with my patients who trust me as I don't hold back at all in being truthful by still emphasizing that we're still dealing with many unknowns still yet to be seen regarding this virus and any possible future adverse side effects from, these vaccines while stressing the fact that the benefits of these vaccines are, at present, far outweighing the risks. Due to the tens of thousands who've followed me on Social media and word of mouth sharing, many doctors have adopted using the outpatient treatment protocol that I have recommended all along as I've reached out to many doctors as well, many of whom were previously prescribing nothing at all or even just a cough suppressant to patients infected with and whose respiratory systems were compromised by this Covid 19 Novel Corona Virus.
Many of my followers who have communicated with me on Social Media hold positions of influence and I thank those of you who have passed on and supported my recommendations. Iask that you continue to do so and to encourage the CDC, Dr Fauci etc. to believe that informing the public and speaking more about methods we presently have to treat Covid 19 illness will not increase vaccine hesitancy. People are not stupid and are starting o wonder why so little if any information and recommendations are being given to the Public about TREATING COVID 19, ALL AND ONLY THING BEING STRESSED IS ABOUT VACCINES.
THE CDC SHOULD THREATEN NEWSCASTERS AND POLITICIANS & LAY OFF DOCTORS for spreading “misinformation†& disinformation†on Vaccines Dr. Kevin Maloney Mamaroneck New York