COVID-19 alias Novel Corona Virus……what does it teach us?

COVID-19 alias Novel Corona Virus……what does it teach us?

By – Ramesh Sangare, President, HRD Corporation, Nagpur, Pune, Hyderabad

 The whole Global community is in the state of panic, utter confusion and chaos, and the state of emergency. Right from the times, Human race started living together in the so called civilized society, the wars were fought for various reasons. In fact the wars never stopped. The wars were fought for lands, power, lust, greed, conceit, and sheer control over others. Covid-19 or Corona Virus also has wedged the War now not for any reasons mentioned above but probably to teach lessons to mankind so ruthlessly that the entire world population has been shaken and the war for survival is on relentlessly. This is the war not among people of different nations and faiths but the war against all of them by the most formidable, dangerous invisible enemy- Novel Corona Virus alias Covid-19. Whether it is man made biological weapon or the naturally evolved most virulent virus remains the greatest mystery of our times, which already has diluted the need for investigation with its draconian power of killing human beings regardless of man-made identities for themselves based upon their nationalities. This is not the war against nations and continents, it is the war against our very Mother Earth, one of the most lovable and livable planets know to the mankind so far! In the earlier known history, these micro-organisms, viruses, parasites invaded and attacked mankind like Influenza, Cholera, Plague, SARS, Dengue, Swine Flu, Malaria etc., yet mostly those were epidemics and endemics, but this one Covid-19 is pandemic, pervading through-out the cross-section of geography sparing no nation. This invisible enemy is the worst of the lots we have known so far. The threat is real and most horrible. It has challenged the so well developed Medical Science and the whole Medical Fraternity around the world, bringing them to the realization of limitation of human safety in the face of this invisible enemy. Medical world is caught unawares in this pandemic disease. It is short of solution and short of time.

The matter of human survival has gained Para-mount importance and for the first time almost 90% of world population has come together to fight this menace unitedly, barring few nations and societies who seem to be indulging into their political games foolishly. Globe has further shrunken. World has suddenly become small and human being smaller, as he is under attack from micro-micro size invader threatening very existence. This is different war causing the damages not only with physical and mental health of people but the causing destructive impact of social, financial, industrial and economic fibers of all the nations making them realize the limits of good and bad powers.

Why such calamities?

Time and again, man is puzzled by such horrendous episodes, trying to search the answers for the tragic havoc it unleashes on humanity. Yet he soon tends to forget as soon as the threat is diluted in its intensity or even vanishes apparently, returning back to his dangerous habits of neglecting, ignoring, and forgetting the wrath of playing dirty with nature. He totally discounts the need for unity for fundamental good things, well being of human society. He goes back to the same wanton methods of destruction of each other as the society, faith and nations. Mass memory is short, as it is said! Majority of human beings are not Nature-friendly, engulfed in self-indulgence, living in artificial and virtual realities of mad dreams of conquering the world. And out of such blind race for power and control of others comes shocking and brutal impact on the human existence. Why do we not realize the need for peaceful coexistence, as the Human race? The conspiracy of waging wars in different forms have cropped up in the recent past. There is a reason to believe that this Corona invasion could also be such trial of its origin country, China, which has caused the complete downfall of Markets of all the other countries ranging between -12% to -26% except China, which has recovered from the last week beginning at +3% with takeover Global Companies based in China, at literally without any investment by them. Is it the experiment of Biological warfare carried out by China in view of their loss of Trade War against US during the last one year? Is this the way to retaliate and avenge? It could be, “Yes or NO”! If Yes, it is the beginning of systematic annihilation of human race and God save this unique Planet, Mother Earth! If No, it is sign of vulnerability of Human race against the constantly evolved Micros with or without knowledge of mankind, who are probably failing to contain such natural or artificial scientific developments! And what costs? Future Generations will never forgive these generations for their war-mongering mass attitude and actions.


Uniqueness of India- Strengths & Weaknesses-

As per known history of the last 3000 years India had never invaded other countries, whereas it was always invaded by aggressors from Middle East Muslim countries from 7th Century BC including our neighbor Pakistan and China in the recent past. India is blessed with most fertile landmass, adequate water bodies, good number of great rivers, reasonable spread of greenery, over 5 mountainous ranges, thousands of kms of sea shore, temperature ranging from -20 to +45 degrees, with assured rainfall of gross 40” to 45” per annum, huge sunshine, snow capped mountains and sandy desert in the West, richness of domestic animal kingdom and also the extremely rich Cultural Heritage of Tolerance for all Faiths and Religions, taught and promoted by ancient treasure of Knowledge and Wisdom from Vedantic scriptures teaching “VASUDHEIVA KUTUMBAKAM”- meaning Whole World is One Great family! With all this, why are we victims of such man made and natural calamities?

It can be easily understood when you stop comparing India with Afro-Asian countries and start comparing with the Western World in general, especially with EU, US, Canada etc. Westerners are not up to the mark when it comes to personal life and family as the institution for social wellbeing, but they are superb when it comes to their roles as the citizens in PUBLIC Life in their respective countries. It is exactly opposite in case all of we Indians, barring few who live their roles as the citizens. Our past and present are the glaring examples of our failure to live as the responsible citizens. We Indians take pride in breaking all kinds of rules and regulations passed by our Governments democratically. It is sign of social sadism aimed at weakening our country. We show utter disregard for all kinds of measures taken to ensure safety and security. We blatantly misuse all kinds of Freedom given by our Constitution for our selfish motto. We expect everything free from Governments while avoiding to pay taxes with least transparency. Dirty casteism, appeasement of minority in the most dangerous ways by some political parties for their vote-banks politics amounting to “politics without values”, the third national sin as called by our Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi is ample proof that many of our people and their leaders are devoid of Love and Respect for India in true sense, which needs no proof, as it is writing on the wall, as shown daily by our media, day in and day out! We keep our own home clean but the neighborhood dirty. We make noise in processions playing DGs while crossing the hospitals areas with crass disregards for comfort and safety of the patients admitted in hospital , some of them fighting for life probably. I don’t have to write here what happens in the traffic while crossing the squares with Red or Green-signals.

Skepticism of Well-placed Indians-

Many so called educated people, pseudo-intellectuals and many opposition political leaders laughed at Swachhata Abhiyan and building 7 crores toilets, many talked with derision on Notebandi, many ridiculed Ayushman Yojana giving solace to the downtrodden in sickness, many opposed Art.370 abolition, CAA, CRM without understanding anything about it only for their selfish political gains at the cost of Indian National security. The list of abnormal mass behavior among we Indians is long and everybody knows it about without any seriousness. Who is responsible for this situation? All of us to the great extent. But major culprits are the educated people with comfortable life of guaranteed income, who are not bothered by such dire states around us. The poor people, with less education and no resources have not done any harm to India as the intellectuals have done. The poor and uneducated look to the educated and behave accordingly thinking it RIGHT. The fault lies with educated elite, corrupt political parties, corrupt bureaucracy and the beneficiaries around them.


Optimism and Nationalism of Young India

On the other side of above mentioned scenario, there is a hope for better India, Healthy India, robust love and affection for Indianness, Global presence with our Youthful force of young-generation as the members of scientific and technological society working around the world, the young generation which exerts ruthlessly as the professionals working hard, day in day out, the agricultural society which is now better protected and supported against vagaries of nature, which has made India food-surplus nation unlike many developing countries. There is awakening and understanding and appreciation of our national security forces protecting our borders and internal security forces who are better equipped to maintain internal peace, which is often disrupted by anti-national political and religious forces. Jawan, Kisan and Police are now more respected and cared by majority of Indians, the class which was sadly neglected and ignored by earlier regimes. Young bureaucracy coming from all kinds of knowledge domains, asserting themselves against the wrong doings of political bosses.


Winning the War with Covid-19

In sojourn of life, we come across the situations, which appear formidable, dangerous and life-threatening, but those could be blessings in disguise. Covid-19 is one such episode, which all of us are experiencing and witnessing. What is changing and what is making us change? Lot many.

In fact, it is for the first time majority of Indians throughout the cross section of the society have probably understood and started practicing the personal and collective hygiene. We have started behaving with enhanced awareness and higher responsibility as the citizens in practicing cleanliness personally and in public. Our Honorable P.M’s call for Swatchh Bharat has been vindicated, better late than never! This war has brought tremendous self-discipline.

Standing in a que was the torture just 3 months back, as it was more of the power of Dadagiri who would cross over you unashamedly. Now we have to keep at least 3 to 5 feet distance between us- “Social Distancing”! Open defecation, urination, spitting anywhere had been practiced for ages, but now you don’t see that happening. Educated and uneducated, rich and poor, managers and workers, owners and employees, elders and children all of have been brought to the same level by this Covid-19 and made them practice with simple compulsory habit of washing hands either with sanitizer or at least liquid soap, which was ignored by majority of us. Namaskar and waving has replaced handshakes and hugging.

It has taught us to be ourselves temporarily isolating from madding crowd. This is giving chance to understand the importance of self-isolation, self-inspection and self-reflection with necessity of social distancing. With the need of “Work from Home” mode of jobs, the entire unit of Families have again come closer physically and emotionally, relearning to live together, constantly communicating, cooperating, coordinating and most importantly CARING, which is the most vital dimension of the institution called FAMILY. We are relearning to understand our needs, habits and ways of managing our life with whatever resources of all kinds available to us in these pressing times. Modernity of our life is logically merging with classical conservatism with greater synergy and making us understand importance of balanced life styles in this modern age. Nice blend of Self with surrounding! 

Medical fraternity, paramedics, medical research and development teams across the world, the non-technical healthcare support staff, bureaucratic machinery are relentlessly working to contain this virulence of deadly virus and win the greatest war against Covid-19. What the soldiers fighting on the borders do in case of war, all these members of medical fraternity are doing today in the hospitals, isolation camps, quarantines and living dangerously. Hats off to them for their valor in fighting this invisible enemy. We all must support all those who are engaged in fighting this calamity and winning the War against Covid-19. Together, we can win this War! Simple formula is Self-discipline, Self-awareness, constant vigil without panic, no overconfidence, no spread of rumors, and complete support to Government initiatives without political agenda by respecting and adhering to the norms advocated by experts and sharing the resources as and when needed and possible. We would son win this War most certainly, as Indians and also as the Global fraternity!

Uday Deo

APICS certified supply chain professional (CSCP). Operating now in Startup Ecosystem as Mentor Startup India ???? MAARG Mentor

4 年

Well thoughtful writing....



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