COVID-19 and Agile execution
Ahmed El-Morali, CM?, PMP, EMBA
Software Engineering Expert | 20+ years | Digital | Fintech | DevOps | Agile | Digital Transformation
A week ago, Harvard Business School concluded its webinars on Leadership in Africa during COVID-19, the topic was interesting since it talked about Agile Execution. Mostly the frameworks described through this webinar were adapted from how software companies modified the rigid policies and procedures in favor of an agile, adaptive iterative business model.
In brief, the following were the endpoints they listed:
● We live in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous). The pace of change is accelerating.
● The Agile Mindset is key: The ability to respond and adapt is more important than the formal plan.
● Let us move from that VUCA to VUCAgility, transforming into Visibility, Unrelenting, Concentration, and Action.
● Consider how to optimize Alignment (low to high) and Autonomy (low to high). It is hard to get both. Always focus on Purpose, Priorities, and Principles.
● Excellent execution is even more critical in crisis since results and outcomes are what count.
● Culture and resources determine the ability to be "agile."
● Traditional production companies have a harder time being agile than do "new economy" service or tech companies (fewer capital assets, a "challenger" mindset).
● In times of crisis, do not let perfection get in the way of good enough. (Here I would recall one of my favorite Shakespeare lines: Striving to better, oft we mar what's well.
● Think of your staff first, learn from neighbor companies and nations, conserve cash.
● And as usual, there are opportunities in every crisis.
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